
  • 网络donation reaction
  1. 献血反应的研究与处理

    Study and Treatment of Blood Donation Reaction

  2. 心理干预降低在校大学生献血反应的应用研究

    Study of mental intervention on the decrease of blood donation reactions in college students

  3. 运用语言艺术做好心理护理减少献血反应的体会

    Experience in Using Language Skill as Mental Treatment to Release React of Blood Devoted

  4. 单采血小板无偿捐献者献血反应的调查

    Investigation on Volunteer Platelet Donors ' Reactions

  5. 目的探讨献血反应预防和护理的有效措施。

    Objective To explore the side effects of blood donation and its corresponding preventive and nursing measures .

  6. 结论有针对性的护理和对症处理,可减少献血反应或有效处置献血反应,保护献血者,使他们树立信心,完成献血或再次参加无偿献血。

    Conclusion Careful nursing and expectant treatment can reduce side effects and protect the donors to promote their confidence in donation .

  7. 方法对536例献血反应者,查明原因后实施有效的护理。

    [ Methods ] Investigation was carried out on the causes of the side effects among 536 blood donators , effective nursing was taken .

  8. 机采血小板献血不良反应原因分析及防治

    Analysis and prevention of blood donation reaction with apheresis platelet

  9. 为了探讨献血晕厥反应的原因及影响因素,1994~1997年对1430例献血者中65例晕厥反应进行了调查和分析。

    Syncopic reaction in 65 blood donors was studied from 1994 to 1997 in order to explore the causes and affective factors of the problem .

  10. 流动采血车献血者献血反应发生率较高。

    The rate of donation adverse reactions on mobile blood collecting vehicles was relatively high .

  11. 献血者晕厥反应分析

    Analysis of SYNCOPIC reaction in blood donors

  12. 2003~2005年日照市流动采血车献血者献血反应分析

    Analysis on Blood Donation Adverse Reaction of Blood Donors on Mobile Blood Collecting Vehicles in Rizhao from 2003 to 2005

  13. 目的探讨一次或多次无偿献血者高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)的变化情况,保留高质量的献血者,确保血液质量。

    Objective To compare the high sensitivity C-creative protein level alteration among voluntary blood donor with once and multiple times donation , in an attempt to protect high qualified blood donors , and insure the quality of blood used for transfusion .

  14. 方法对无偿献血时发生献血反应的原因、预防和护理措施进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Retrospective analyses of the causes , preventive and nursing measures were made in this literature .

  15. 在献血过程中,献血反应偶有发生,而引起献血反应的主要诱因是献血者存在精神紧张、恐惧等心理障碍。

    In devoting blood , react of blood devoted may appear occasionally , and the main reason lies that the devoting person exist many mental barriers as moral tense , fear .

  16. 结论将服务营销的基本原理和方法运用于无偿献血护理工作中,可减少献血反应的发生率和降低献血反应的严重程度,并提高一次性献血400ml的人数,稳定和扩大固定无偿献血者队伍。

    Conclusion Application of service 's marketing concept in volunteer blood donation can reduce the rate of adverse reaction and the degree of adverse reaction , increase the numbers of volunteer donators donating more than 400 ml and stabilize the number of fixed volunteer donators .

  17. 结果在无偿献血护理中引入服务营销理念后献血反应发生率由开展前的1.798%下降至0.499%;一次性献血400ml人数占献血者比例由14.878%增加至57.055%;

    Results After applying service 's marketing in volunteer blood donation , the rate of adverse reaction decreased form 1.798 % in 2005 to 0.499 % in 2006.Numbers of volunteer donators donating more than 400 ml increased from 14.878 % to 57.055 % .