
  • 网络Rare blood type;RHD
  1. 结论摸清了潍坊地区RhD阴性献血者红细胞血型分布特点,建立了稀有血型管理档案,为Rh阴性患者储备了宝贵的血液。

    Conclusions Found out the Red blood distribution character of RhD negative donors in Weifang district , set up the administrative records of rare blood group , and stored the valuable blood to RhD negative patients .

  2. 方法:用3种具有不同端基的mPEG修饰红细胞,观察其对红细胞表面4种稀有血型抗原的修饰效果及对红细胞结构、功能和存活期的影响。

    Methods : Three kinds of mPEG derivatives were used to modify human RBCs . The camouflage effects of mPEG on four kinds of rare blood group antigen located on RBC surface and the influence of mPEG modification on cell structure and function were observed .

  3. 不包括在ABO血型系统的血型被认为是稀有血型,稀有血型的人会发现当他们需要输血的时候,要找到一个适配的血型非常困难。在稀有血型之中,还有极其稀有的血型。比如说,Rhnull血型。

    Blood that doesn 't fall into the ABO system is considered rare , and those who have such blood may find it challenging to locate a compatible donor when in need of a transfusion.Still , there 's rare blood , and then there 's really rare blood .

  4. 综上所述,本研究说明,mPEG-BTC修饰红细胞,能有效遮蔽红细胞的稀有血型抗原,不影响红细胞的结构功能,是制备通用型血的一条有效途径。

    The mPEG-BTC could camouflage the rare blood group antigens on RBC surface efficiently and had no influence on structure and function of modified RBCs . It will provide a useful strategy for preparation of universal donor blood .

  5. 上海地区汉族人群红细胞稀有血型系统抗原基因的多态性研究

    Research of Genetic Polymorphism of Rare Blood Group System in Shanghai Han Population

  6. 这类红细胞便会呈现出稀有血型。

    These RBC will show a rare blood group .

  7. 血型和血源问题是临床输血中经常会遇到两大问题。血型问题包括:稀有血型、多次输血引起的配型困难等;

    Problems of blood supply and rare blood group matching have puzzled clinical transfusion and blood service .

  8. 食品和药物管理局的六周规则可以使血液中心解决血源不足的问题并可以保证稀有血型的供应。

    The Food and Drug Administration 's six-week rule allows blood centers to endure shortages in donations and to maintain supplies of rare blood types .

  9. 使用常规的血清学检测很难发现稀有血型的存在,在临床上有可能会导致输血反应的发生。

    It is difficult to detect the presence of rare blood group by the conventional serological , clinical transfusion reactions may lead to the occurrence .

  10. 库克发现自己和乔布斯的稀有血型一致,提出为病痛的好友捐出部分肝脏。

    When Mr. Cook discovered that he and Mr. Jobs shared the same rare blood type , Mr. Cook offered a part of his liver to his ailing friend .

  11. 通过系统功能需求分析,力争做好防止冒名献血、防止频繁献血、稀有血型管理等八个方面的工作以保障血液安全。

    By the analysis of functional requirements , the system will complete preventing blood donation with false name and frequent collecting blood , rare blood manage and so on , which can safeguard the blood security .