
  • 网络CWDM;CWDM-Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing;CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing;CWDM CWDM;coarse wavelength division multiplexer
  1. 其中,城域稀疏波分复用技术(MetroCWDM)以其可以提供高带宽、支持各种协议及动态提供带宽,而且具有廉价、结构简单、灵活多样的特点,成为最具有竞争力的城域网解决方案之一。

    Among them , Metro CWDM technique becomes one of the most competitive solutions due to its character of low cost , high bandwidth , service transparent , simple and flexibility .

  2. 针对城域传输网的特点,提出了稀疏波分复用方案。

    Aiming at the character of optical transport network of MAN , a solution of CWDM is put forward .

  3. 城域稀疏波分复用技术CWDM及其实用相关问题探讨波分复用器件现状

    Situation of WDM Devices

  4. 这种情况下,无论是设备硬件还是网络配置都具有巨大成本优势的稀疏波分复用(CWDM)技术是非常适用的。

    So CWDM is quite suitable for MAN with its advantages in cost of hardware and network configuration .

  5. 稀疏波分复用系统CWDM用很低的成本提供了很高的接入带宽,适用于点对点、以太网、SONET环等各种流行的网络结构。

    CWDM provides wide bandwidths at low cost , which can be applied to point - to-point , Ethernet , SONET rings etc.

  6. 针对城域光纤传输网的特点,首先提出了稀疏波分复用的解决方案,并在此基础上介绍了点对点城域网CWDM光纤传输系统设备的基本结构。

    Aiming at the character of optical transport network of MAN , a solution of CWDM is put forward at first . Basing on that , the basic structure of the device for point-to-point CWDM optical transport system of MAN is introduced .

  7. 稀疏波分复用技术的开发和应用研究

    The Development and Application of Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing Technology