
  1. 在NS的仿真环境下,根据提出的拓扑结构图,进行了仿真试验证明其性能确实有一定提升。

    In the simulation environment ( NS-2 ), according to the topology map , doing simulation tests proves that there is a big upgrade of it ′ s performance .

  2. 我们在技术架构中讨论了会计内控管理系统的软硬件环境和系统的拓朴结构,并给出了系统的拓扑结构图,简单介绍了B/S体系结构MVC的处理流程。

    In the part of technology architecture , we discuss the software and hardware environments and the topography structure of the system , and topography charts are exposed . In this part , also introduce the process of MVC , which is a B / S architecture .

  3. 本文对LIN总线进行了介绍,设计了CAN-LIN总线网络拓扑结构图,并对CAN-LIN节点的软硬件进行了设计调试,最后连接车身电器试验台进行了测试。

    After this we can treat with the coating and make it into HA coating . In the paper , the LIN bus is described and the CAN-LIN bus topology diagram is designed . Both the software and hardware are tested on a body test-bed at last .

  4. 基于超拓扑结构图的一体化推理与搜索技术

    Unified Reasoning and Searching Technologies Based on Hyper Topology Structure Graphs

  5. 服务拓扑结构图向我们展示了调用者图表

    The service topology view shows us a graph of callers

  6. 在总体结构中主要设计了系统总体规划图和网络拓扑结构图。

    Designs a planning chart of the system and the network topology .

  7. 构造整个网络的拓扑结构图;

    Find the topological structure of the whole network ;

  8. 在设计阶段,得到了数据仓库系统的结构体系图、网络拓扑结构图和功能结构图。

    At the design stage , by the data warehouse system architecture diagram , network topology maps and functional structure diagram .

  9. 本文根据故障诊断学原理、网络理论、矩阵理论及计算机算法,使用接地网拓扑结构图及接地网引下线间的电阻测量值,建立接地网腐蚀诊断方程。

    According to fault diagnosis theory circuit principle and matrix theory , This paper introduces the math model and equation of fault diagnosis method .

  10. 针对直放站功率放大器的设计指标要求,确定了功率放大器的射频链路设计方案和功率放大器的整体网络拓扑结构图。

    According to the specification of GSM repeater power amplifier , radio frequency link design and network topology map of power amplifier are confirmed .

  11. 在组网方案部分,本文重点讨论了室内、室外及远距离无线网络的实现方案。描绘了无线局域网的室内、室外及远距离网络的拓扑结构图。

    In the section of network creating , the author addresses himself to the scheme of network creation indoor , outdoor and distant range .

  12. 论文中提出了四种典型汽车车体控制网络的设计方案,给出相应的拓扑结构图。

    The subject is aimed at profoundly discussing the design scheme of four different classical automobile bodywork control network and providing corresponding topological structure chart .

  13. 根据园区网络拓扑结构图提出不同层次的安全解决方案及网络安全认证措施。

    The resolve project of computer region-network security and network security certificates on different levels , which based on the networks topology of computer region-network .

  14. 网络监管和维护人员根据网络拓扑结构图对整个网络进行优化,对出现的故障节点快速定位并及时修复。

    Internet supervision and maintenance personnel can optimize the whole network system , quickly locate and repair the breakdown node if appeared according to the network topology structure .

  15. 在有向拓扑结构图的建立过程中,把节点和支路制成图形控件,采用热点自动连接和稀疏向量技术建立节点和支路的邻接表,使有向拓扑结构搜索方便而快捷。

    In the process of building directed topology graphics , the nodes and branches are made into graphics controls , Sparse network vectors and hotspot automation connection technology are employed to construct adjacency list .

  16. 完整、清晰的网络拓扑结构图可以让网络管理者准确把握网络的整体状态,并为网管系统的其它模块提供有效的数据。

    A full-scale and clear visual network topology map can be used to grasp the whole network by the manager of network . It also provides much valid data to other modules in the network management system .

  17. 利用接地网拓扑结构图及接地网引下线间的电阻测量值,建立腐蚀诊断方程,通过求解诊断方程,计算出接地网支路电阻值变化量,采用模糊诊断方法判断出接地网导体腐蚀的情况。

    According to the topology of the substation and resistance measurements of down-leaders , the erosion diagnosis equation is built and the resistance variations of grounding grid branches are solved , and the erosion of grounding grid could be found through the fuzzy diagnosis regulation .

  18. 而一个完整、准确的网络拓扑结构图是网络管理、网络优化和故障定位的基础。

    Further , a complete and accurate network topology map is the basis of network management , network optimization and network fault location . First , this paper makes a research and analysis on several topology discovery algorithms both in the Internet field and the IOT field .

  19. 论文利用接地网拓扑结构图及接地网引下线间的电阻测量值,建立了基于接地网支路电阻相对变化量的腐蚀诊断方程,并通过添加正则化因子的改进拟牛顿迭代法求解诊断方程。

    Basing on the structure chart and the measured value of the resistance between the down lead conductor ports , the thesis constructs the relative variation of branch resistance dependant erosion diagnosis equation and solves this equation through the improved Newton iteration method by the introduction of the regularization factor .

  20. 将以太网技术应用于开放式数控系统的网络远程监控系统中,完成了基于服务器/客户机的网络监控平台的整体结构设计,构建了星型网络连接的拓扑结构图,采用TCP/IP协议作为通讯协议。

    Ethernet technology was applied in network remote monitoring system of open NC system . The overall structural design of network monitoring platform was completed based on client / server , and a star topology network connectivity graph was build , using TCP / IP protocol as a communications protocol .

  21. 系统包括从产品的CAD信息提取,与软件程序的集成,到建立产品零部件拓扑结构模型图,并对拆卸路径方案进行决策和评估。

    The system involves setting up CAD model , integrated with program system , build a topologic diagram of parts and then discuss and assess the planning .

  22. 在文[1]中,作者讨论了非线性Mathieu方程的亚谐共振分叉理论,得到的主要结果是,在参数α-β平面上,具有六种不同拓扑结构的分叉图。

    The authors of [ 1 ] discussed the subharmonic resonance bifurcation theory of nonlinear Mathieu equation and obtained six bifurcation diagrams in ( a , β) - plane .

  23. 这些是很有用的聚焦拓扑结构的透视图,但是仅有这些还不够。

    These are useful technology-focused perspectives , but , by themselves , they are not enough .

  24. 通过将复制节点之间的拓扑结构抽象为图,提出了使用最小代价树的方式对节点进行组织。

    This paper describes the organization of the nodes as the minimum spanning tree since the topology of the system can be treated as a graph .

  25. 本文研究了网络安全中重要的两类认证系统:动态会议认证系统,以及网络拓扑结构不是完全图的认证系统&通信图认证系统。

    In the paper , we discuss two important authentication schemes used in network security : authentication schemes for dynamic conferences and authentication schemes for computer networks with topology which is not the complete graph .

  26. 我们用图G来作为互连网络拓扑结构的模型。图G的直径是网络延迟和通信有效性的重要度量。

    The underlying topology of an interconnection network of a system is modelled by a graph G , the diameter of G is an important measure for communication efficiency and delay of the system .

  27. 文中讨论了生成具有网络拓扑结构的主接线图设计思想,介绍了该绘图系统的设计的原理和实现方法。

    This paper introduces a design thought to build primary connection chart taking on topological structure , and lays emphasis on design principles and implement method .

  28. 论文中首先详细的分析了站场图的功能组成、有向图的拓扑结构、数据流图、站场图的显示流程、列车运行的遍历。

    However , the paper first describes the detailed analysis of function compose of track layout displaying , the topological structure with directed graph , the data chart and the traversal process of trains .

  29. 代谢网络的拓扑结构可以用酶图来表示,本文提出一种新的酶图间距离的计算方法,用图的顶点间相似度和图的结构关系来定义图的距离。

    The topological structure of metabolic networks can be represented as enzyme-enzyme relational graphs . It was presented a new technique to obtain the distance of different graphs . A distance measure between graphs is defined using the similarity between nodes of graphs and the structural relationship between them .

  30. 网络拓扑发现是通过采集和维护网络节点的存在和连接信息,进而生成拓扑结构图。

    It is through gathering and maintenance of the exist and the connection of information of network nodes that the network topology discovery eventually produces topological structure .