
  • 网络computer science and technology
  1. 服装款式CAD技术是计算机科学技术在服装款式设计领域的重要应用。

    Fashion Style CAD technology is an important application of computer science and technology in fashion style design realm .

  2. CAD技术是计算机科学技术的重要分支,对诸多技术领域产生了极其深远的影响。

    The CAD technology is an importance embranchment of the computer science and technology and exerts very profound influence on many technological fields .

  3. NP难度问题的求解一直是计算机科学技术的一个瓶颈任务。

    Solving NP hard problems is always the bottleneck task for computer science and techniques .

  4. Agent和多Agent系统的理论和技术已成为分布式人工智能和计算机科学技术的核心研究内容之一,其中通信和学习是Agent应具备的两个重要技术。

    Research on the agent and multi-agent system is an important branch in the artificial intelligence and computer science , where communication and learning are two important technologies that Agent should possess .

  5. 地理信息系统(GIS)是以地图为基础的计算机科学技术系统名GIS的发展拓宽了地理学的概念,并革新了传统的地理教学方法。

    Geographic information System is a computer science technology system . In fact GIS has developed the basic idea of geography and provided a revolutionary tool to geographic instruction .

  6. 当前,对Agent和多Agent系统的研究正在掀起热潮,是当今计算机科学技术领域、信息工程领域和网络与通信领域十分活跃的前沿研究方向之一。

    In current , the study of agent and multi-agent system have appealed the attention of scientists and engineers . It is one of the updating area of computer technology , information engineering , network and communication .

  7. 上世纪60年代至今,随着计算机科学技术的发展,计算流体动力学(CFD)取得了重大的进展。

    Since 1960 's , with the development of computer science and technology , many breakthroughs have been obtained on the Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) .

  8. 所以,许多研究者采用生物信息学的研究手段,利用计算机科学技术存储分析RNA数据以预测RNA二级结构,并取得了很好的成绩,多款RNA二级结构的预测软件也应运而生。

    Therefore , many researchers employ bioinformatics method , and make use of computer science and technology to store and analyze RNA data to predict RNA secondary structures , and achieved good results .

  9. 将计算机科学技术应用于教育测量和评价的全过程当中,即计算机辅助测试(ComputerAssistedTest,CAT),它已成为国内外计算机教育和教育技术领域内的一个研究热点。

    Computer science and technology have been used in course of educational measurement and assessment & that is Computer Assisted Test ( CAT ), which has been become an investigative hotspot of the domain and foreign of computer education and educational technology .

  10. 随着计算机科学技术和远程教育技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,传统的考试方式已经不能满足教学和管理的需要,需要一种基于Web技术的考试系统来弥补传统考试中的一些不足。

    Along with the rapid development and application of computer science and remote education technology , the traditional ways of examination can not satisfy the need of teaching and management , so we just need a test system based on Web technology to compensate the shortage for the test .

  11. 随着生物医学工程和计算机科学技术的快速发展,医学成像技术已经普遍应用于临床诊断和治疗,并且各种不同的成像设备也应运而生,如CT、PET、MRI、US等。

    With the rapid development of biomedical engineering and computer technology , medical imaging technology applies more and more extensively in clinical diagnosis and treatment , and many sorts of imaging equipment have been emerged , such as CT , PET , MRI , and US .

  12. 缺少能够将先进的计算机科学技术与现代远程教育理论充分相结合,实现良好教学效果的CSCL支持环境的技术方案;

    Thirdly , the implementation solution of CSCL application that can combine advanced computer science technology and modern tele-education theory tightly are still lack of want .

  13. 近年来,伴随计算机科学技术的迅猛发展,CFD数值方法已逐渐成为结构风工程界研究下击暴流近地风场及风剖面特征的主要方法。

    In recent years , accompanied with rapid development of the computer science and technology , CFD numerical method has gradually become the main method of researching downburst wind field and wind profiles in structural wind engineering field .

  14. 近十余年来,医学三维影像技术与计算机科学技术迅猛发展并相互交叉渗透,产生了计算机辅助立体定向导航系统、计算机辅助手术设计模拟系统(CADS)。

    Form recently ten years , Computer Assisted Stereotactic System ( CASS ) and Computer Assisted Design & Simulation System ( CADS ) has come into being , with the developing and interactive infiltration of medical three dimension image and computer technique .

  15. 蛋白质相互作用网络是计算机科学技术的一个新研究领域。

    Protein-protein interaction network refers a new research area of computer science .

  16. 计算学科界定与计算机科学技术学科建设的探索

    Definition of Computing Science and Construction of Computer Science Specialty

  17. 浅论计算机科学技术应用中的辩证思维

    Dialectical Thinking in the Apply of Computer Science and Technology

  18. 一般本科院校计算机科学技术学科与专业建设探析

    Research on the computer science & technology specialty setting up in ordinary university

  19. 计算机科学技术类文献的分类标引

    Classification and Indexing of the Computer Science Documents

  20. 现在它已成为计算机科学技术的重要分支。

    Now multiple-valued logic has been an important branch of the computer science and technology .

  21. 这是最新的计算机科学技术。

    This is the latest computer technology !

  22. 计算机科学技术的进步,促进了嵌入式技术的成熟和完善。

    With the advancement of the computer science and technology , embedded technology become more maturity and perfect .

  23. 计算机科学技术的快速发展使得计算机应用渗透到生活工作的各个方面。

    Computer science and technology develop so rapidly that it affects all aspects of our life and work .

  24. 计算机科学技术正以惊人的速度向前发展,并且渗透到社会的各个领域。

    Computer Science has been developing in a surprising speed and applied in every area in our life .

  25. 随着当今计算机科学技术的飞速发展,游戏产业也展现出一片欣欣向荣的景色。

    With the rapid development of computer science and technology , the computer game industry also grows fast .

  26. 伴随着计算机科学技术的发展,企业信息系统的开发技术在不断发展。

    Along with the development of computer science and technology , enterprise information systems development technology continues to develop .

  27. 现代计算机科学技术快速发展,已经研发出了新一代的可视化的仿真软件。

    The rapid development of computer science causes the successful research and development of new generation visual simulation software .

  28. 以数据分析、处理为基础的计算机科学技术已日益应用并渗透到各个领域。

    In data analysis and processing of the computer based science technology has increasingly applied and penetration into various areas .

  29. 本文针对具有民族特色的新疆维吾尔族图案,开发面向维吾尔族图案重组设计系统,以计算机科学技术和传统维吾尔族艺术特色结合,加速维吾尔族图案的开发,使其能更好的适应生产发展需要。

    Based on the ethnic characteristics of Xinjiang Uygur images , this paper developed a Uygur design restructuring design system .

  30. 中间件是现阶段实现软件复用的主流技术,已成为当前计算机科学技术领域引人注目的重大研究课题。

    At present , middleware has been a mainstream technology implementing software reusing and a crucial issue in Computer Science .