
  • 网络Computer Aided Technology;CAD;Cax;CAT
  1. 计算机辅助技术综合运用对工业设计流程的影响

    Research to the effect of application of integrating CAX to industrial design

  2. 因此,利用计算机辅助技术改进船舶产品设计体系,提高管理水平和工作效率是提高我国船舶行业竞争能力的有效手段。

    Thus , using CAX to improve the ship design system and management level and efficiency is the effective measurement to improve the competitiveness of the domestic ship industry .

  3. 新型计算机辅助技术的发展使得CAD/CAM无缝制造技术得以实现。

    The development of advanced computer aided technologies make it possible to realize the CAD / CAM integrated manufacturing .

  4. 对公路设计流程进行了概括性描述,论述了基于计算机辅助技术的公路设计方法和基于GIS的公路辅助设计技术。

    The course of road design being reviewed , the road CAD method and the GIS-based road design system are discussed .

  5. 计算机辅助技术与MRPⅡ集成技术的研究

    Study on Integration Technology Between CAx and MRP ⅱ

  6. CASE是计算机辅助技术应用于软件工程的结果,是目前信息系统设计开发集成环境与工具研究的热点和发展方向。

    CASE which emerges from an application of computer aided technology to software engineering is a research and application hot field and development direction for the integrated design and development environment and tools of software .

  7. 当前建筑业已步入计算机辅助技术的引入和普及,例如CAD的引入,解决了计算机辅助绘图的问题。

    The current construction industry has entered the introduction and popularity of computer-aided technology , such as the introduction of CAD to solve the problem of computer-aided drawing .

  8. 计算机辅助技术能有效提高企业的技术能力,CAPP(计算机辅助设计)是提高工艺设计效率的有效手段。

    Computer technology can effectively enhance their technical capacity , CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning ) technology designed to improve the efficient and effective means .

  9. 借助CT技术和计算机辅助技术,在电子政务框架下,基于IVR系统对税务电话报税系统进行了初步探讨。

    By dint of the CT and computer assistant technology , based on IVR system , this paper discusses telephone tax declaration system in the frame of E-government .

  10. 纺织品CAD及其他计算机辅助技术的开发和应用是实现面料QR的技术关键,也是我们的薄弱环节。

    The exploitation and application of the textile CAD and other computer aid technology are the key point of the fabric QR , and they are our weak point too .

  11. CASE是将计算机辅助技术应用于软件工程而产生的一种高科技领域,是当前软件设计开发集成环境与工具的重要研究方向,对于提高软件产品的生产率和质量具有重要的现实意义。

    CASE which is a hi-tech area emerged from an application of computer aided technology to software engineering is an important research direction for the integrated design and development environment and tools of software . It is significant and realistic for productivity and quality of software .

  12. 目前,计算机辅助技术已渗透到汽车生存周期的各个阶段,尤其是CAD技术已成为汽车造型设计的常规手段。

    At present , the computer assistant design technical has come into all phase of bus 's life circle . Especially , CAD technical has been adopted by the auto manufacturer all of the world as the regular method .

  13. GO-FLOW原理及其计算机辅助技术

    Research on the Principles and the Computer Aided Technology of the GO-FLOW

  14. 随着计算机辅助技术的广泛应用,计算机辅助装配工艺设计(ComputerAidedAssemblyProcessPlanning&CAAPP)有着许多优点,因此对其进行深入研究是十分必要的。

    With the development of computer aided technology , the computer aided assembly process planning ( CAAPP ) technology has been in used widely . Compared with traditional method , it has a lot of merits . So it 's necessary to study on it deeply .

  15. 大量企业已经普遍应用CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP等计算机辅助技术,部分企业已经实施了ERP系统,越来越多的企业准备采用ERP/SCM/CRM等管理信息系统。

    A lot of enterprises adopted CAD / CAE / CAM / CAPP and other computer aided technologies in their production . Some of them have implemented ERP systems , more and more plants intend to use ERP / SCM / CRM and other management information systems .

  16. 方法:在卵白蛋白(OA)致敏的大鼠,用1%OA气雾攻击后,以计算机辅助技术测定气道管壁面积、支气管周围嗜酸粒细胞数量以及对乙酰甲胆碱(MCh)的反应性。

    METHODS : In ovalbumin ( OA ) - sensitized rats , bronchiole wall area , eosinophils around bronchi , and the responses to methacholine ( MCh ) aerosol were measured after 1 % OA aerosol challenge with computer-assisted techniques .

  17. 计算机辅助技术结合生物学、工程学和信息科学在组织工程中应用已发展成一个崭新领域&计算机辅助组织工程(CATE)。

    Advances in computer-aided technology and its integration with biology , engineering , and information technology to tissue engineering application have developed a new field of computer-aided tissue engineering ( CATE ) .

  18. 如今大多数企业都已把CAD/CAM/CAPP等计算机辅助技术CAX运用到生产设计中,这些技术的运用大大提高了产品开发的效率,但也产生了很多问题。

    Today , most enterprises have taken the application to production design just as CAD / CAM / CAPP and other computer-aided technologies CAX . The using of these technologies has greatly enhanced the efficiency of production development , but also taken many problems .

  19. 从实用的角度讨论了计算机辅助技术(CAX)深化应用中的诸如企业规划、软件选型、人员培训、应用推广等问题,对CAD/CAM软件选型的方法和步骤做了重点介绍。件;

    Starting from the angle of the actual application , this paper discusses on the problems existing in the deepening application of computer-aided techniques ( CAX ) such as enterprise planning , software selecting , personnel training , and CAX applying and popularizing , etc.

  20. 计算机辅助技术在脊柱手术中的应用让我们拥有了实现梦想的可能。

    The technique of computer-assisted surgery may fulfill our dreams .

  21. 计算机辅助技术在岩土工程中的应用及展望

    The application and prospect of computer-aided technique in geotechnical engineering

  22. 包覆管道射线检测的计算机辅助技术

    Computer-aided Techniques in the Radiographic Testing of Insulated Pipes

  23. 计算机辅助技术在交叉韧带重建中的应用

    Application of computer assisted technology in cruciate ligament reconstruction

  24. 计算机辅助技术在辊道窑设计中的应用

    Application of computer aided technology in roller kiln design

  25. 计算机辅助技术深化应用的一些问题

    Some Problems in the Deepening Application of Computer-aided Techniques

  26. 电焊条计算机辅助技术质量管理系统开发

    Computer aided technology quality control system of covered electrodes

  27. 计算机辅助技术在捷克锻造业的应用

    Application of computer Aiden technology in Czech forging industry

  28. 浅析了这4个阶段计算机辅助技术的应用状况,重点对三维计算机辅助概念设计、数控加工及快速成型技术辅助模型制作等技术进行了探讨。

    It analyzes the application of computer-aided technology used in these 4 phases .

  29. GB/T16722.4-1996技术产品文件计算机辅助技术信息处理文件管理与检索系统

    Technical product documentation Handling of computer Based technical information Document management and retrieval systems

  30. 本文还对尚处于研究阶段、但确有临床应用前途的几种计算机辅助技术进行了评述。

    An overview is given about several computer-aided technologies still in research as well .