
  • 网络ipm;intelligent power module;Intelligent Power Module IPM;IPM Intelligent Power Module;spm
  1. 用智能功率模块(IPM)改造传统变频调速器

    Reforming the Traditional Inverter by Using IPM

  2. 一种采用智能功率模块(IPM)的变频调速系统

    A VVVF System Using IPM

  3. 智能功率模块和DSP在变频调速系统中的应用

    Application of intelligent power modules and DSP to frequency-variable speed-adjustable system

  4. 新一代智能功率模块(IPM)基本原理及其控制IC原理分析

    Analysis of Function and Controlled IC for New Intelligent Power Module

  5. 基于智能功率模块的SPWM信号发生器

    Research on SPWM Signal Generator Based on Intelligent Power Modules

  6. 给出由智能功率模块IPM构成的印制绕组电动机(简称印制电机)双极N倍频PWM可逆调速系统,它采用智能PID进行闭环控制。

    The printed motor driver , which uses technology of intelligent PID is given , Ntimes PWMand intelligent power module_IPM .

  7. 该文结合矢量控制算法、PWM控制技术、智能功率模块和数字信号处理器件,实现一个基于DSP和IPM的矢量控制变频调速系统。

    The paper realized a variable frequency and adjusting speed system controled by vector based DSP and IPM .

  8. 变频产品中普遍使用的智能功率模块IPM(intelligentpowermodulation)是电力集成电路的一种。

    IPM ( Intelligent Power Modulation ) that has been widely used in the field of frequency conversion is one of the power integrate circuit .

  9. 逆变器功率电路包括IPM智能功率模块构成的H逆变桥及驱动、滤波、保护、检测电路等。

    The main circuit of the inverter contains an H bridge , drive circuit , protection and detection circuit , etc.

  10. 智能功率模块IPM故障信号的处理方法

    Processing of Fault Signals for Intelligent Power Modules

  11. 对智能功率模块(IPM)自举电路的自举过程进行了分析。

    The bootstrap process of intelligent power module ( IPM ) bootstrap circuit was analyzed .

  12. 主开关元件采用智能功率模块IPM。

    The intelligent power modules IPM are selected to use as its main switch components .

  13. 文中对变频部分的主电路、智能功率模块IPM和DSP芯片及其周围接口电路都作了详细地介绍。

    This paper detailedly introduces the master circuit of the frequency transformation speed regulation , IPM , and interface circuit with DSP .

  14. 逆变器的主开关器件,选用智能功率模块(IPM)。

    Intelligent power module ( IPM ) was used as main on / off device of transducer .

  15. 在智能功率模块IPM和高速核心控制器DSP的硬件支持下,结合相应的软件程序便可实现异步电动机的直接转矩控制。

    The hardware based on Intelligent Power Modules and DSP and the software program can realize the direct torque control of asynchronous AC drive .

  16. -采用一个两单元的智能功率模块IPM作主回路开关器件,实现新型Buck&Boost拓扑,完成向蓄电池充电和蓄电池去极化放电功能。

    A new-type Buck-Boost topology that uses a two-unit IPM as main switching devices to perform charger and depolarizer ;

  17. 该系统以工控PC作为控制电路的核心部件,以智能功率模块(IPM)组成主电路。

    The industrial PC is chosen as the core of the control circuit , and Intelligent Power Module is served as executive component of the power circuit .

  18. 采用智能功率模块IPM作为主开关元件,整个系统具有完善的保护功能和故障自诊断功能。

    Its main switching element is the IPM ( intellige nt power model ) . Perfect protection and fault self-diagnosis are provided .

  19. 智能功率模块IPM的使用,提高了可靠性,改善了系统性能。

    Using the intelligent power module ( IPM ) has improved the performance of the system , especially for the reliability characteristics .

  20. 对功率开关管器件进行了介绍,但是由于成本及条件的限制,分立元件将替代智能功率模块IPM。

    The power switch tube device is introduced , but division components will replace intelligent power module IPM because of costs and limitations .

  21. 介绍了智能功率模块(TPM)的基本结构及保护功能,同时还介绍了IPM在开关磁阻电机调速系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces the basic structure and protection function of IPM and the application of IPM in switched reluctance drive system . 〔

  22. 在硬件方面,以TMS320LF2401A型DSP为核心控制器,以智能功率模块(IPM)为主功率开关器件,对主电路、控制电路、驱动电路和辅助电路进行了优化设计;

    In terms of hardware , we do optimization design on control circuit , driving circuits and auxiliary circuits with the central controller of TMS320LF2401A DSP and main power switching devices of IPM .

  23. 它采用集成化的智能功率模块IPM,正弦形脉冲宽度调制控制信号由专用芯片产生,在逆变器内同时完成变频变压。

    The transducer adopts integrated intelligence power module IPM . SPWM control signal is produced by special chip , in inverter VVVF at one time is completed .

  24. 系统采用上、下位机结构,上位机提供人机交互界面,负责加载参数的设定和实验数据的处理,下位机利用DSP和智能功率模块等构成了智能控制系统。

    The structure of main computer and DSP is applied in system . Main computer provides man-machine interface and manages initialization of load parameter and processing of test data . An intelligent control system is formed by DSP and IPM .

  25. 系统采用DSPTMS320LF2812作为控制器的核心,给出了其他硬件与DSP的接口电路,主电路部分采用了智能功率模块IPM;

    The system used DSP TMS320LF2812 as the core of the controller , given the interface circuit between DSP and other hardware and adopted IPM in main circuit part .

  26. 在系统的硬件设计中,处理器采用TMS320LF2407数字信号处理器(DSP);逆变器采用智能功率模块(IPM),并采用高速光耦对其驱动。

    In the area of hardware design , the system uses TMS320LF2407 DSP as microprocessor , and uses intelligent power module ( IPM ) as inverter , which is drived by high-speed optocouplers .

  27. 本文提出了一种基于DSP的直流无刷电机控制器的硬件电路,包括电流环、速度位置环和IPM(智能功率模块)驱动的硬件电路设计。

    In the paper , the hardware circuit design of a DSP-based Brushless DC Motor Controller is given , which includes a current loop , a speed position loop , and IPM ( Intelligent Power model ) driver .

  28. 磁悬浮轴承PWM功率放大器中采用能简化驱动的新型半桥电路,电机调速主电路中采用智能功率模块(IPM)。

    To decrease cost of the control system , a new half bridge circuit is used in the AMB PWM power amplifier and an intelligent power module ( IPM ) is used in motor speed adjusting circuits .

  29. 智能功率模块IGBT-IPM及其应用

    Intelligent power module IGBT-IPM and its application

  30. 智能功率模块IGBT-IPM在逆变器中的应用

    The Application of IGBT-IPM in the Inverters