
  • 网络Intelligent laboratory;Smart Labs;Smart Laboratories
  1. 据麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室的一位博士研究生CarrieCai调查发现,人们每天等待短信息回复的平均时间为10到15分钟。

    The average person spends 10 to 15 minutes a day waiting for texts and instant-message ( IM ) replies , according to an analysis by Carrie Cai , a PhD student at MIT 's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab ( CSAIL ) .

  2. Lab为开发环境建立。虚拟智能实验室建设研究初探

    Primary Study of the Building of the Virtual Intelligent Lab

  3. 在纳斯达克上市的中国搜索引擎公司百度(Baidu)已在美国成立了一个人工智能实验室。

    Baidu , the Chinese search engine , has set up an artificial intelligence lab in the US .

  4. 该技术是在硅谷研发机构SRIInternational的帮助下开发出来的,其中包括一种生成摘要的算法。该研发机构有人工智能实验室,并持有这个初创企业的股权。

    The technology , which included an algorithm for deriving the summaries , was created with help from SRI International , a Silicon Valley research-and development firm that has an artificial-intelligence lab and has an ownership stake in the startup .

  5. 谷歌AI中国中心将由李飞飞和李佳领导。李飞飞是斯坦福大学人工智能实验室的负责人,领导着谷歌云业务的人工智能部门;李佳是谷歌云业务的人工智能部门研发主管。

    The center will be led by Fei-Fei Li , who runs Stanford University 's Artificial Intelligence Lab and leads the artificial intelligence arm of Google 's Cloud business , and Jia Li , the head of research and development for the A.I. division of Google Cloud .

  6. 本文首先介绍了分布式GIS的相关概念、发展现状和目前面临挑战,然后讨论了对于浙江大学人工智能实验室的地理对象服务器GOS在分布式方面的扩展,由此提出了地理对象服务器集群GSC的架构。

    This dissertation introduced the background , evolution and challenges to current GIS applications . Then , it discussed the extension to Geographical Object Server ( GOS ) in distributed aspect , Based on which , the dissertation proposed a cluster of GOSs-GSC .

  7. 从智能实验室管理的系统角度分析了系统的硬件组成,各模块在系统中的作用;

    This paper introduced the hardware construction of the Administration in laboratory system and the function of each module ;

  8. 具有进入专门保护空间(例如,人工智能实验室)授权的用户可以进入该空间。

    Users with authorization to enter specialized secure spaces ( for example , artificial life labs ), may enter the spaces .

  9. 该公司是从麻省理工学院人工智能实验室分拆出来的,也是首家制造工作站计算机的公司。

    Symbolics Inc. grew out of MIT 's Artificial Intelligence lab , and was the first company to make workstation computers .

  10. 硅谷的企业清楚地意识到了这一点,包括刚刚在北京宣布成立人工智能实验室的谷歌。

    Silicon Valley companies , including Google , which just announced an AI lab in Beijing , are well aware of this .

  11. 麻省理工学院的计算机科学和人工智能实验室发布了一个正在进行的项目的视频,利用肌肉信号输入控制设备。

    MIT 's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab ( CSAIL ) has released a video of their ongoing work using input from muscle signals to control devices .

  12. 论文最后给出了在本物联网应用平台上实现的智能实验室应用范例,并就本平台还可以适应的其他应用场景做了一个简要概括。

    This paper provides an application example named " Smart Lab " based on the application platform for the Internet Of Things which is implemented by work stated as above , and then makes a brief summary for the platform adapting to other scenarios .

  13. 智能家居实验室控制系统设计

    The control system design for the laboratory of smart home

  14. 电力经济智能模拟实验室研究

    Study on electronic laboratory of power economy by intelligent engineering

  15. 最后成功应用于智能工厂实验室的多变量液位控制实验装置。

    The compensator is succeeded in the multivariable level control experimental apparatus .

  16. 我在一个研究人工智能的实验室工作。

    And I work at an artificial intelligence research lab.

  17. 建筑智能化实验室建设及在实践教学中的应用

    The construction and the application in practice teaching of the intelligent building laboratory

  18. 智能化实验室综合信息系统的自主研发

    Development of the Intelligent Laboratory Integrated Information System

  19. 智能建筑实验室建设的几点建议

    Advices about building of Intelligent Architecture Lab

  20. 我们的网络及智能架构实验室正在研究一些非常新颖的模式,用以为企业提供基于云的未来网络架构。

    Our networking and intelligent infrastructure labs are working on some very novel ways of building out future networks for enterprises that will be for a cloud setting .

  21. 上个月,腾讯宣布计划在在西雅图建立人工智能的实验室,我们希望该公司不要因为全球扩张而重蹈中国移动的覆辙。

    Tencent is hoping to avoid that same fate by expanding globally . It announced plans last month to set up an artificial intelligence research lab in Seattle .

  22. 在算法实验研究中,基于智能工厂实验室的半实物仿真平台,构建不同的过程对象,并针对一类非线性过程对象,提出了基于最小二乘支持向量机的非线性预测控制策略。

    On the simulation platform in the virtual plant lab , different processes are constructed and nonlinear predictive control strategies by minimizing the least square support vector machine are presented for a kind of nonlinear process objects .

  23. 提出了一种基于支持向量机的非线性预测控制算法,并基于智能工厂实验室的半实物仿真平台,设计非线性过程控制对象,实验验证了该非线性预测控制算法的有效性。

    Nonlinear model predictive control algorithm based on support vector machine is presented , and nonlinear process control plant is designed on simulation platform of the virtual lab. Experiment shows the effectiveness of the presented nonlinear predictive control algorithm .

  24. 采用物理模拟和数字仿真相结合的形式,在以石化行业为背景的智能工厂实验室,构建各类过程对象并进行相应的预测控制算法研究。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . Several process objects and related model predictive control algorithms are constructed in the form of physical and digital simulation , in the virtual factory lab based on process industries .

  25. 智能楼宇综合实验室规划设计与应用的研究

    Research on planning and design of intellectual building comprehensive laboratory

  26. 智能建筑通信实验室设计方案探讨

    Discussion on the design of communication laboratory of intellectual architecture

  27. 楼宇智能化技术实验室建设的探讨

    Discussion on the Establishment of Intelligent Building Technology Laboratory

  28. 论思维及模拟智能智能小区实验室设计

    Discussion of the design plan of Laboratory of intelligence community of the University

  29. 楼宇智能工程实习实验室的方案设置与探索

    Exploring and devising on the schemes of the practice laboratory in Intelligent Building Engineering

  30. 文章结合自动化学院楼宇智能化技术实验室的建设,对该类实验室建设的相关问题进行探讨。

    Combined with the establishment of intelligent building technology laboratory at Faculty of Automation , this paper discusses the related problems of similar laboratories ' establishment .