
  • 网络smarter planet;SMART PLANET;Smart Earth
  1. 目前在IT行业比较热门有物联网和智慧地球两个概念,其核心的底层技术之一就是无线传感器网络。

    In the IT industry , there are two popular concepts which is the internet of things and smart planet , one of core technology is wireless sensor networks .

  2. 于是出现了智能楼宇、智慧地球、物联网等概念,这些系统借助科技的力量大大地改善了人类的生活环境,其中尤为值得探讨的要属智能楼宇。

    Thus , lots of concepts emerge , such as Intelligent Building , Smart Planet , Internet of Things . During all these systems which help to improve our living condition greatly , Intelligent Building deserves more discussions .

  3. IBM和其他公司都在大笔投资于“优秀技术是建立智慧地球的关键因素”这一思想。

    IBM and other corporations are investing heavily in the idea that better technology is key to building a smarter planet .

  4. 云计算开辟了Internet发展的新时代,将带动软件、硬件、通信和物联网等产业的繁荣,是人类社会实现智慧地球的一个里程碑。

    Opening up a new era of Internet , Cloud computing will drive software , hardware , communication and networking industry prosperity , which is a milepost that the human society realizes the " Intelligent Earth " .

  5. 本文作为本系列的总结篇,着重介绍了其中的一些产品并解释了在智慧地球解决方案中如何结合使用这些产品与WebSphereSensorEvents。

    This article , the conclusion to this series , highlights some of these products and explains how they can be used in combination with WebSphere Sensor Events in smarter planet solutions .

  6. Pachube和MQTT是物联网的支持技术,预计会成为IBM智慧地球计划设想的互联化、仪器化世界中的重要角色。

    Pachube and MQTT are enabling technologies for the Internet of Things , and are expected to be serious players in the interconnected , instrumented world envisioned by the IBM Smarter Planet initiative .

  7. 物联网也可以称为传感网、M2M和智慧地球等,它引起了继计算机、互联网和移动通信网络之后世界信息产业的第三波浪潮。

    " The Internet of Things " is also known as " Sensor network "," M2M "," Smarter Planet " and so on , it has become the third wave of the information industry in the world following computer , Internet and mobile communication network .

  8. 公司提出的“智慧地球”战略令世人关注。

    Our Smarter Planet strategy makes a very interesting statement .

  9. 智慧地球与感知中国&物联网的发展分析

    Smart Earth and Reading China & Analysis on Development of Internet of Things

  10. 随着我们逐渐成为智慧地球,组织正在实现无纸化办公,依赖计算机存储其客户数据。

    As we become a smarter planet , organizations are going paperless and relying heavily on computers to store their client data .

  11. 云计算技术可以从两个方面促进移动物联网和智慧地球的实现:首先,云计算技术是实现移动物联网的核心。

    The cloud computing technology can be two ways to promote mobile Internet of Things and wisdom of the earth : First , cloud computing technology is the core of the mobile Internet of Things .

  12. 2009年2月,IBM率先提出智慧的地球概念。

    In February , 2009 , IBM proposed the " Smarter Planet " concept firstly .

  13. 请关注未来几个月这个方面的动态信息,了解IBM是如何创建一个智慧的地球,以及您可以如何参与这个过程!

    Look for more in this space in the coming months , showing how IBM is creating a Smarter Planet and how you can get involved !

  14. 智慧的地球将利用移动计算来增强信息共享和效率。

    A smarter planet will leverage mobile computing for greater information sharing and efficiencies .

  15. 人类纪的挑战在于运用人类智慧让地球能够完成21世纪的任务。

    The challenge of the Anthropocene is to use human ingenuity to set things up so that the planet can accomplish its 21st-century task .

  16. 智能电网和其他“智慧的地球”解决方案这样的东西被称为“计算机空间中的物理系统”,我们在其中连接计算机世界(IT世界)与现实世界。

    Things like smart grids and other Smarter Planet solutions are referred to as " cyber physical systems ," where we link the cyber world the IT world with the physical world .

  17. 一旦这位搜寻者准备好迎接这些启示,并带着开放的心态,智慧可以在地球的任何一个角落生根。

    Enlightenment can take root anywhere on earth , as long as the seeker is an open and ready vessel for higher consciousness .

  18. 在我们这个时代,人类借由自身的精明与智慧早已解开了地球的奥秘,早期人类的能力水平自然远不及我们。

    In our times , human shrewdness has mastered the deep mysteries of the earth at a level far beyond the capacities of earlier peoples .