
  • 网络Virtual classroom;Virtual Class
  1. 利用虚拟教室推广英语个性化学习

    Virtual Class and English Individual Learning

  2. 应用浏览器/服务器模式建立电子学虚拟教室

    The Construction of Electronics Virtual Class Using Model of Netscape / Server

  3. 基于IP的虚拟教室交互模式剖析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Virtual Classroom Interaction Mode Based on Internet

  4. 基于SOA的网络视频虚拟教室架构的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Network Video Virtual-classroom Based on SOA

  5. 基于Petri网技术的虚拟教室协同机制的研究

    Research of Virtual Classroom 's Cooperative Mechanism Based on Petri Net Technology

  6. 虚拟教室采用JAVA语言实现,应用了JAVA的APPLET技术;

    We adopt JAVA language to realize virtual classroom , and apply Java applet technique .

  7. 虚拟教室中基于CORBA通告服务的发言权控制

    CORBA Notification Based Floor Control in Virtual Classroom

  8. 基于VRML的网上虚拟教室漫游研究

    Research on Virtual Classroom Roaming on Internet Based on VRML

  9. 利用Web技术,可以构建一个网上虚拟教室,实现互动性、智能化、内容丰富的网络远程教育。本系统旨在以英语听力教育为例,设计并制作一个基于Internet的远程教育系统。

    With the Web and other Internet technologies , we can create a Web-based virtual classroom , to bring together a community of learners for interactive English listening education .

  10. 基于VRML的交互式虚拟教室建模

    Modeling of the Interactive Virtual Classroom Based on VRML

  11. 并研究了实现虚拟教室系统的相关技术理论,像Web开发技术,计算机支持协同工作理论,.NET框架技术,数据库技术等。

    And also studies the technology theory about online virtual classroom , such as Web development technology , computer support cooperative work , Microsoft . NET framework , database technology .

  12. 该系统为异地师生提供了一个基于Web的虚拟教室&Web教室用来进行远程教学活动。

    The system provides a mimic Web classroom for students and teachers who separate from each other - " Web classroom " is used to carry out distant teaching activities .

  13. 在该模型中,包含有WEB服务器、应用服务器和目录服务器,系统提供了一个虚拟教室的功能,客户能够自建虚拟教室。

    This system model include the WEB server , application server and directory server . System provide virtual classroom , and permit client to set up the virtual classroom by himself .

  14. 基于CSCW网络的虚拟教室的整体实现技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Implementation for CSCW-based Virtual Classroom

  15. 而对于一个完善的、基于WWW的虚拟教室系统,共享电子白板工具成为一个不可或缺的重要工具模块。

    The shared electric whiteboard is the important part of a complete virtual classroom based on WWW.

  16. 此外,本文实例实现了一个基于混合P2P计算模式的协同教学系统&虚拟教室系统原型。

    Moreover , it implements a prototype of a collaborative teaching and learning system , which named " Virtual Classroom ", based on mixed P2P computing pattern .

  17. 首先,本文研究了构建虚拟教室所涉及的相关技术支持,包括WWW技术、计算机协同工作(CSCW)以及Java技术体系;

    Firstly , this thesis describes some technologies and support involved in Virtual Classroom System , such as WWW , Computer Supported Collaborative Work ( CSCW ), theory and method of Java based on Web .

  18. 介绍了利用TCP/IP协议实现虚拟教室(iClass)的一种方法。

    The article introduces one method of design and realization of the iClass by TCP / IP protocol .

  19. 以一个虚拟教室场景中的协同工作为例,分析比较了在DVE下的协同应用开发中为使系统更具适应性和扩展性,AO方法比OO方法的优越性。

    First , by giving an example of collaborative work in a virtual classroom , it can analyze and compare the advantage using AO and the disadvantage using OO in the collaborative application development , which can make the system more adaptable and extensible .

  20. 两类虚拟教室整合技术与应用的研究

    Research on Two Types of Virtual Classroom Integration Technology and Application

  21. 关于虚拟教室在人体解剖学教学中应用的探讨

    Discussion about virtual classroom in the teaching of human anatomy

  22. 在虚拟教室中电子白板系统的实现

    The Realization of Whiteboard System in a Virtual Classroom

  23. 虚拟教室中的共享电子白板的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Share Whiteboard in Virtual Classroom

  24. 协同工作/学习环境下虚拟教室的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Virtual Classroom System Based on the CSCW / CSCL

  25. 基于校园网的虚拟教室设计的研究

    Study on the Design of Virtual ( Streaming ) Classroom Based On Campus LAN

  26. 最后,本文着重讨论了多用户虚拟教室的实现过程。

    Finally , this paper focuses on the implementing process of multi-user virtual classroom .

  27. 分析了其过程模式和虚拟教室模型;

    User model , Synchronous and Asynchronous course management model are described with Petrinet .

  28. 在虚拟教室里学英语!

    Learn English in a virtual classroom !

  29. 虚拟教室的支持平台实现了课堂教学和课堂管理。

    Through virtual classroom a successful implementation of electronic teaching and class management is achieved .

  30. 他们新近的在线研究是以对虚拟教室需求介绍开始的。

    Their recent online studies began with an introduction to the demands of the virtual classroom .