
  • 网络Virtual Learning
  1. 基于SecondLife的虚拟学习环境设计研究

    Research of Virtual Learning Environment Design Based on Second Life

  2. 基于语义P2P虚拟学习社区的构建方法

    Building Peer to Peer virtual learning community based on semantic

  3. 基于SOA的虚拟学习社区协同系统

    Virtual Learning Community Collaborative Systems Based on SOA

  4. 结合首师大虚拟学习社区网络教学支撑平台,提出了一个基于联机分析技术(OLAP)的教学诊断与评价模型。

    This paper presents a suggestion of the diagnosis and evaluation model that is based on on-line analytical processing ( OLAP ) .

  5. Moodle虚拟学习环境评述

    Commentary on virtual learing environments system : Moodle

  6. 结合基于SOA的结构模型和业务数据模型,对虚拟学习社区协同系统中的关键业务进行了分析和设计,并给出相应的逻辑模型。

    Based on the combination of SOA structural model and business data model , the key business collaborative system of virtual learning community is analyzed , and corresponding design and logical model .

  7. 本文主要参照现代远程教育标准规范并结合WEBService技术,给出了一个远程教育的虚拟学习社区模型。该社区采用了基于WEBService的三层架构模式,有利于系统的模块化设计和开发。

    This paper gives a new model about virtual learning community of distance ed after reference to CELTS specification and web service technology , This community uses a three-tier frame based on web service in order to implement modular design in the system .

  8. Moodle是一个基于建构主义理论、功能丰富的开源教学平台,可用于低成本、高效率地为师生搭建一个虚拟学习环境。

    Many usefull functions of Moodle can be used to build a low-cost , high-efficiency virtual learning environment .

  9. 社会性软件的流行及在非正式学习、实践社群等理念的催化下,学习环境的研究重心开始由虚拟学习环境(VLE)向个人学习环境(PLE)转移。

    With the popularity of social software , informal learning , communities of practice , the focus of the learning environment transfer from VLE to PLE .

  10. 研究结果发现,新浪UC虚拟学习社区中学习情境的设计、学习领袖的引导、社区归属感的形成和完善的管理制度为虚拟学习社区的建设和发展提供了很好的参考价值。

    The results showed that design of learning environment , guide of study leaders , formation of a sense of community and improvement of management system are valuable for virtual learning communities , that provides a good reference .

  11. 本次实践中,选择使用基于建构主义教学理论的开源的Moodle平台,搭建了混合式学习中的虚拟学习环境。

    In this practice , the author choose to use the open source Moodle platform that based on the constructivism teaching theory to build a blended-learning platform in a virtual learning environment .

  12. 通过对英国Moodle虚拟学习环境的个案分析研究,介绍了虚拟学习环境系统的功能,对当前虚拟学习方式进行分析评价,总结其优缺点。

    Through analyzing the virtual learning environment & Moodle as case research , this article introduces the function of virtual learning environments system , comments on virtual learning , and summarizes its good and bad points .

  13. 这最终也就是评估开源软件与商业软件,不仅仅要考虑虚拟学习环境,而且要考虑UDOM总体的IT蓝图。

    This quickly became an evaluation of open source versus commercial software , not just for the virtual learning environment , but for the IT landscape at UDOM in general .

  14. 人文教育中的虚拟学习环境设计及其应用

    Design and Application of Virtual Learning Environment in the Humanities Education

  15. 协同学对虚拟学习社区建设的启迪

    The Enlightenments of Synergetics on the Development of Virtual Learning Community

  16. 虚拟学习社区多重内涵之解析与研究

    Analysis and Study on the Multiple Implications of Virtual Learning Community

  17. 商务英语的虚拟学习环境:学生的看法

    Virtue learning environment for Business English teaching : students ' perspective

  18. 半衰期:虚拟学习社区研究的新方法

    Half-life : A New Way of Research into Virtual Learning Community

  19. 构建网络环境下虚拟学习社区探索

    On the construction of the virtual learning community under the network environment

  20. 投入学习理论对建构虚拟学习社区的启示

    On the Enlightenment of Engaged Learning Theory to Construct Virtual Learning Community

  21. 虚拟学习社区中的知识建构和集体智慧研究

    Research on Knowledge-building & Collective Intelligence in Virtual Learning Community

  22. 论高校图书馆在知识管理和虚拟学习组织中的作用

    The Role of College Library in Knowledge Management and Virtual Learning Organization

  23. 本文全面探讨了虚拟学习社区的内涵。

    The article probes the implications of virtual learning community .

  24. 虚拟学习社区中学习者交互因素研究

    Research on Learners ' Interaction Factors in Virtual Learning Community

  25. 基于个人知识管理的虚拟学习社区构建个案研究

    A Case Study on the Construction of a Personal-Knowledge-Management-Based Virtual Learning Community

  26. 网络学习环境&虚拟学习社区的研究与应用

    A Study and Application of Virtual Community , a Network Studying Environment

  27. 因此,虚拟学习环境是其必不可少的支撑。

    Therefore , virtual learning environment is a key factor to it .

  28. 基于网络的协作式虚拟学习环境设计

    A design of virtual learning environment for web-based collaborative learning

  29. 提出了虚拟学习社区应用于语文教学的几个基本模式;

    Put forward some basic models utilized in Chinese teaching ;

  30. 一个协作式虚拟学习环境的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Virtual Learning System