
  • 网络Virtual action;dummy action
  1. 射鸟图像中射鸟只是个虚拟动作,主要表现的就是两个世界的沟通。

    The bird-shooting picture is a fictitious action , mainly to reveal the communication between the two worlds .

  2. 基于动作对象的虚拟维修动作仿真方法研究

    Research on the Method of Virtual Maintenance Action Simulation Based on Action Object

  3. 虚拟角色动作编辑及运动控制

    Virtual actor action editing and movement control

  4. 一种虚拟维修动作生成的两阶段方法

    Two-Stage Method for Virtual Maintenance Motion Generation

  5. 它是一种能正确模拟虚拟驾驶动作,获得真实驾驶感觉的仿真设备,是以虚拟现实为特点的驾驶模拟操作软硬件技术的系统化封装。

    It is a simulation equipment which can simulate driving behaviors and help the user to get real driving feeling .

  6. 该文提出了一种基于过程分段和分层设计思想的虚拟人动作库,该动作库主要由动作层和动素层组成;

    This paper presents a Virtual Human 's Action Database which mainly consists of action unit level and motion element level , and is designed to control and simulate virtual human 's behavior .

  7. 为此,该文提出了一种基于位置/变迁Petri网的虚拟人手抓握动作模型。

    This paper presents a Petri-Net based virtual hand 's grasp model .

  8. 简述了面向编钟乐舞的虚拟角色的动作库制作过程。

    It is simply introduced the course of the motion database on a virtual model for the Bianzhong choreography .

  9. 在一个应用程序中,虚拟对象和动作被当作现实世界中的对象和动作。用户快速领悟怎么样使用程序。

    When virtual objects and actions in an application are metaphors for objects and actions in the real world , users quickly grasp how to use the app .

  10. 其次,通过对人体走路和跑步时的运动模型的分析,对虚拟人的动作生成技术的研究,在关键帧的方法基础上提出了基于坐标值的关键帧方法。

    Secondly , from the analysis of motion model when people running and walking , and from the study of action generation system of virtual human , we propose key method based on coordinate value .

  11. 虚拟足球机器人的动作决策与仿真

    Decision - making and simulation of virtual football robot

  12. 基于虚拟手工装配的动作生成机制研究

    Research and application of the movement building mechanism based on virtual handicraft assembly

  13. 其中主要对虚拟人的建模、虚拟人的动作生产技术、人机交互进行了深入的研究和探讨,并对虚拟人在虚拟环境中的碰撞检测技术和路径规划算法进行了研究。

    It mainly discusses modeling of virtual human , the technology of action control of virtual human as well as man - machine interaction , and it also researches systematically simulation training system for virtual human and path planning algorithm for virtual human in a virtual atmosphere .

  14. 实际应用结果表明,能很好地满足虚拟环境真实感沉浸感的要求,虚拟人动作比较灵活、自然,大大增强了人机的交互性,基本可以满足单兵作战训练模拟系统的需要。

    The application of the method shows that it has good visual effect and can meet the requirement . The action of virtual human is flexible and natural . The interface between human and machine is strengthened . It can basically meet the needs of single soldier operational training .

  15. 其次,在研究了人手的结构和运动特性的基础上,构建了虚拟的手模型,建立从人手到虚拟手的动作映射,实现了用户对虚拟手运动的控制。

    Secondly , the virtual hand model is created based on the research of the structure and movement characteristics of human hand , and the action mapping from human hand to virtual hand is established which implement the control of virtual hand .

  16. 其次,构建了一个简单的三维虚拟环境及虚拟人模型,并采用基于运动捕获数据的方法,从动作库选取了适当的动画为虚拟角色导入动作。

    Secondly , we builded a simple 3D virtual environment and a virtual human model , and we selected the appropriate action animation for the virtual character based on the motion capture data .

  17. 在分析虚拟企业中的信息需求、相关实现方法的基础上,给出了一个基于CORBA的虚拟企业组建与动作原型系统实例。

    Lastly , on the basis of analyzing information requirement and interrelated achievement method of virtual enterprise , this paper gives an example of information system of virtual enterprise creation based on CORBA .