
  • 网络Virtual University
  1. 本文旨在研究构建基于P2P网络的虚拟大学城所面临的基础性问题。

    This paper investigates the fundamental issues to deploy a P2P-based virtual university town .

  2. 基于P2P网络的虚拟大学城的构建

    The Deployment of P2P-based Virtual University Town

  3. 基于交互式Flash技术的网络虚拟大学物理实验的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice in Web Virtual Experiments of College Physics Based on Flash Technology

  4. 从1999年开始,ESRI开始管理该数据库,并且将它并入自己的虚拟大学图书馆工程项目。

    In1999 , ESRI became curator of the bibliography and incorporated it into the Virtual Campus Library .

  5. 本文以设立在肯尼亚肯雅塔大学(KenyattaUniversity)中的非洲虚拟大学项目为研究对象,对其发展模式进行了较为系统的研究。

    This study take the AVU programme located in Kenyatta University in Kenya [ AVU ( KU ) ] as an object , and is to explore its development model systemically .

  6. 美国国家技术大学(NTU)是世界著名的虚拟大学,与美国著名工科院校合作开展远程工程硕士教育已有20多年历史。

    National Technological University ( NTU ) in USA is a well-known virtual university in the world . It has been over 20 years for NTU to collaborate with some famous universities of Engineering in USA and offer programmes on Master of Engineering through distance mode .

  7. 关于虚拟大学科技园建设的若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Key Problems of Virtual Science & Technology Park of University

  8. 在虚拟大学里没有座位数的限制。

    There are no limits of seats in virtual university .

  9. 建立虚拟大学园区促进柳州经济发展

    Founding a virtual university park to promote the development of economy in Liuzhou

  10. 学生能从虚拟大学得到学位。

    Students would get their degrees from virtual universities .

  11. 论一般工科院校如何应对网络虚拟大学的挑战

    The Challenge of the Virtual University of the Network

  12. 非洲虚拟大学(肯雅塔)的发展模式研究

    A Study on the Development Model of African Virtual University in Kenyatta University

  13. 数字图书馆和虚拟大学&一种系统管理思想的思考

    The Digital Library and the Virtual University & An Administrative Thought of System Engineering

  14. 虚拟大学的构建与教育改革

    Construction of Virtual University and Reformation of Education

  15. 大学有很多的开销是虚拟大学所没有的。

    Universities have expenses that virtual universities don 't.

  16. 虚拟大学科技园的组织模式及其实现机制探析

    Analysis on the Organization Mode and Implement Mechanism of Virtual University Science & Technology Zone

  17. 目前的封闭孤立式大学组织不能适应新时代人类对于教育科研多样化需求,必将被体现合作竞争的虚拟大学所取代。

    Current isolated universities can not meet the need for variety of education in the new age .

  18. 远程网络虚拟大学

    Remote Network Virtual University

  19. 今天我很荣幸站在这里,和大家分享我对“虚拟大学”的看法。

    Today I am highly privileged to be here and have some sharing with you on the topic of my virtual university .

  20. 数字校园不仅包括现实校园及数字化空间,也包含当前流行的虚拟大学。

    The digital campus contains not only the digital space of the real campus , but also the virtual university in fashion .

  21. 另一方面由于教育国际化的影响,许多海外大学纷纷在中国设立虚拟大学,高校远程教育学院同时面临来自国内外严峻的挑战。

    Meanwhile many overseas universities have also been setting up their own virtual colleges in China one after another as the result of education internationalization .

  22. 数字化校园在学院本科教学过程发挥着不可或缺的重要作用,构建网络虚拟大学已成学院数字化校园建设的必然趋势。

    Digital campus system is playing a very important role in teaching and building up a network fictitious university is the inevitable tendency of digital campus construction .

  23. 文章分析了组织软化的动因,探讨了虚拟大学的内涵、优势以及它对中国教育改革的现实意义。

    The paper analyzes the cause of organizational softness and studies the nature and advantages of virtual university and its importance for reformation of education in China .

  24. 从虚拟大学的形成过程、发展模式和特点等方面,分析了虚拟大学在我国的发展及其现状。

    This paper analyzes the development and present situation of Chinese virtual university from aspects of the becoming process , developing mode and features of virtual university .

  25. 西部州长大学作为美国远程教育领域具有特色的虚拟大学,因其办学的灵活性和创新性,创办以来一直受到美国远程教育领域的关注。

    Western Government University is a distinctive virtual university in American distance education . It has been paying attention to when it was found , because of it 's flexibility and innovation .

  26. 要保证虚拟大学的教学质量,就必须对虚拟大学的教学理论基础、教学模式和教学环境(尤其是教学支撑平台)进行深入的研究。

    To maintain the quality of the virtual university education , an in-depth research has to be made concerning the basic education theory , teaching mode and teaching environment , especially the teaching supporting system .

  27. 随着远程教育的蓬勃发展和虚拟大学的出现,考试已经成为衡量人的能力的重要手段。随着现代教育技术应用的普及,考试在现代生活中的地位进一步提高,深入到社会生活的各个方面。

    With the vigorous development of distance education and the emergence of virtual universities , the examination as a measure of an important means for human capabilities , with the popularization of modern educational technology in modern life , the further advancement of in-depth into all aspects of social life .

  28. 作者认为,我国企业完全可以通过建造虚拟企业大学或教育培训业务外包的方式实现员工的eTraining。

    From the author 's point of view , E training can be put in practice through the establishment of virtual enterprise universities or outsourcing of training programs .

  29. 本文以虚拟华中师范大学校园系统为实例,开发了基于VEGA平台的部分可交互虚拟三维浏览环境,在虚拟校园的漫游过程中对碰撞检测进行了研究和探讨。

    Based on the campus of HuaZhong Normal University as a virtual space , develop virtual three-dimensional browse environment based on VEGA platform . The collision detection during virtual walkthrough process is discussed in this paper .

  30. 虚拟华东师范大学系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Virtual Campus of the East China Normal University