
  • 网络robot scientist
  1. 每个孩子都在软件中选择了一个自己的虚拟化身,可供选择的化身一共有六个,包括一只粉红色小猫、一个机器人科学家和一名星际警察。

    Each child chose one of the app 's six avatars , which include a pink kitty , a robot scientist and an intergalactic policeman .

  2. 我们正在寻找各种方法推后我们知道的各种限制,一些最近的发现,有一个阿根廷的蚁群现在传播到了每一个大陆,除了南极洲有一个自我导向的机器人科学家搞出了一个发明。

    We 're finding all kinds of ways to push back the limits of what we know . Some recent discoveries : There 's an ant colony from Argentina that has now spread to every continent but Antarctica . There 's a self-directed robot scientist that 's made a discovery .

  3. 这是探测火星表面的“自动机器人科学家”计划的一部分,是欧洲太空局2011年的ExoMars“漫游者”任务的关键。

    It 's part of project to build an'autonomous robotic scientist'to explore the Martian surface and is key to the European Space Agency's2011 ExoMars mission .

  4. 如果机器人科学家把它们的事业拓展到其他领域的试验室,那么人类科学家在任何时候都不会在某项工作上中途而废。

    If robotic scientists made their way into other labs , their human counterparts would not be out of a job anytime soon .

  5. 制造出具有人工智能的机器人一直是科学家们的梦想。

    The manufacture of artificial intelligence robots has been a dream of scientists for a long time .

  6. 肉食机器人诞生美国科学家周三宣布,他们设计出一种吃肉的机器人,在这项新科技诞生后,人类真的有被吞噬的可能。

    Meat-eating robot is born man really is in danger of being swallowed up by technology after US scientists announced on Wednesday they had designed a robot that runs on meat .

  7. 随着机器人变得日益精致,机器人科学家们正在处理更复杂的问题。

    Robot scientists are tackling more complicated problems as robots become more sophisticated .