
  1. 罢工迫使50个机场关闭,但大部分国际航班并未受到影响。

    The strike shut down 50 airports , but most international flights were unaffected .

  2. 长春龙嘉国际机场关闭,截至11月19日下午3点,126个航班取消,17个航班延误。

    The Changchun Longjia International Airport has been closed , with a total of 126 flights canceled and 17 flights delayed as of 3 pm .

  3. 同时,机场关闭这件事在人们脑中挥之不去,还要加上金融危机和H1N1流感。

    And the thing that stuck in people 's mind about the closing of the airport , and also the financial crisis and H1N1 , too .

  4. 你的备降机场关闭了,你的意图究竟是什么?

    Your alternate field is closed , what 's your intention ?

  5. 因天气不好,北京首都国际机场关闭了。

    Beijing Capital International Airport has been closed due to bad weather .

  6. 由于天候恶劣,当地的机场关闭。

    All local airports are closed due to the storm .

  7. 波士顿机场关闭两天了。

    Boston has been socked in for two days .

  8. 机场关闭,利比亚与阿尔及利亚和埃及的边界也受到影响。

    Airports are closed , as are Libya 's borders with Algeria and Egypt .

  9. 枪击案发生后,机场关闭了数个小时,造成数百架航班受影响。

    The shooting shut down the airport for hours and disrupted hundreds of flights .

  10. 单词解释1:进入入境机场关闭了入境航班。

    eg.The airport was closed for incoming flights .

  11. 由于低能见度,机场关闭,我们不能起飞。

    We can 't take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility .

  12. 周四,机场关闭了好几个小时,工作人员一直在清扫飞机跑道。

    Airports were shut down for hours while crew s worked to clear runways Thursday .

  13. 当第一场雪降临时,火车停驶,机场关闭,企业艰难挣扎,学校也关上了门。

    Trains stopped , airports closed , businesses struggled and schools shut with the first snowflake .

  14. 支持人民民主联盟的示威者已经迫使几个地区机场关闭,并扰乱了全国铁路服务。

    PAD protesters have forced the closure of several regional airports and disrupted national train service .

  15. 情人节这天的大风雪导致学校停课,机场关闭,并把公路变成了溜冰场。

    The Valentine 's Day blizzard shut down schools and air travel and turned highways into skating rinks .

  16. 是嘛!爱情的力量让机场关闭了,还让数千名乘客航班延误了。失败者!

    Oh , right ! Power of love shut down the airport and delayed thousands of passengers . Looser !

  17. 烟雾有可能如此之浓,以致机场关闭,公路上连续发生撞车事故。

    The smog may be so thick that airports are closed and chains of collisions occur on the highways .

  18. 一架飞机在跑道面拿大顶,机场关闭,请改航到你的备降机场。

    An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway , airport closed . Please divert to your alternate .

  19. 如果有机场关闭或气候延迟信息,捷蓝航空首先会在公司博客上发布。

    The first place the airline turns when it has news of airport closures and weather delays is its blog .

  20. 本周末,又有几百个航班被取消,意大利,西班牙和苏格兰的一些官员还将机场关闭。

    This weekend , several hundred more flights were canceled , and some officials closed airports in Italy , Spain and Scotland .

  21. 去年年底,抗议者将曼谷机场关闭一周并在4月强行取消了地区领导人会面。

    Protesters closed Bangkok 's airports for a week late last year , and in April forced the cancellation of a regional leaders meeting .

  22. 作为一名业务连续性资深专家,通过对机场关闭事件的分析和理解总结出一些经验和教训。

    As a BC professional , understanding how the events fold and analysis of the events , certain lessons were learnt from the shutdown .

  23. 冰岛的一次火山喷发迫使航班取消和整个国家的四个国际机场关闭,一位官员周日说到。

    A volcanic eruption in Iceland forced flight cancellations and the closure of airspace over the country 's four international airports , an official said Sunday .

  24. 这场灾难已迫使数个大型机场关闭,多个人口稠密地区的铁路服务瘫痪。约7700万人受到雪灾影响。

    About 77m people have been affected by the disaster , which has shut large airports and paralysed train services in many of the most populous parts .

  25. 一场暴风雪当天袭击了韩国,造成全国约三分之一的机场关闭,许多航班被迫取消。

    Snow storms on16 January paralyzed a third of South Korea 's local airports with dozens of domestic flights called off , officials at the Korea Airport Corp said .

  26. 我刚接到电报通知,从纽约来的代表无法按时到达日本出席会议,因为下大雪机场关闭了。

    I 've just received a telex informing me that the delegation from New York can 't come to Japan in time for the confer-ence becaurse the airport is closed due to heavy snow .

  27. 当然,某种程度上的确是。幸运或者是(取决于你的信仰)偶然也许可以解释你为什么差一点就碰上机场关闭或者在暴雨中打到了最后一辆出租车。

    Certainly that is sometimes true : Serendipity or ( depending on your belief system ) random chance can be the reason you narrowly miss an airport closure or get the last cab in a rainstorm .

  28. 他下令机场关闭降落灯号,并把消防车停在跑道上,完全无视飞机上其他两百名乘客的生命安全,而飞机的燃油根本不足以飞到另一个国家去。

    He ordered Karachi airport to switch off its landing lights and to park fire engines on the runway to block the plane even though it had 200 other passengers on board and not enough fuel to get to another country .

  29. 机场被迫关闭,造成游客滞留。

    The airport had to be closed , stranding tourists .

  30. 阿富汗当局称,该机场已经关闭一年多了。

    The Afghan authorities say the airport had been closed for more than a year .