
  1. 1972年的迈阿密海豚队是唯一一支赢得超级碗完美收官的队伍。

    The 1972 Miami Dolphins were the only team to finish the perfect season with a Super Bowl win .

  2. 这位来自布里斯托尔的柔道明星在比赛中完美收官——赢得了铜牌。

    The Bristolian judo star completed an outstanding day of judo with a final victory - earning her a well-deserved bronze medal .

  3. 湖南卫视上周日晚完美收官的武侠剧《新白发魔女传》便是一例。

    The most recent example is the Chinese wuxia drama series The Bride with White Hair , which finished last Sunday night on Hunan Satellite TV .

  4. 重400克的“康伯兔”的亮点在于39岁的大明星神夏的英俊的脸庞往兔子身上一安,配上一双大大的兔耳,完美收官。

    The 400g ' Cumberbunny ' features the 39-year-old Sherlock star 's handsome face , complete with two huge bunny ears , placed on a rabbit torso .