
  • 网络complete solution;exact solution;the full solution
  1. 为此,本文从Biot双相介质的波动方程组出发,严格推导了双相介质层中地震波场的完全解,得到了双相介质层的传递矩阵。

    Full solution of seismic wave field in two-phase medium is then de - rived from Biot 's wave equation system in two-phase medium , thus obtaining trans - mission matrix in the two-phase medium .

  2. 利用数值方法得到了频散方程的完全解,对弹性介质中充液钢质管道和PVC塑料管道波传播衰减特性进行了研究。

    A complete solution of dispersion equation was gained with numerical method , and the attenuation characteristics of wave propagation in fluid filled metal pipes and PVC plastic pipes surrounded by elastic media were studied .

  3. 该方法能够充分利用MIMO雷达大的空域孔径自由度,实现完全解相干,同时还适用于空间色噪声环境。

    This method can realize completely decorrelation , fully utilize the large spatial DOF of MIMO radar and can also be used to colored spatial noise circumstance . 5 .

  4. 对受冲击载荷作用,在不同正交异性材料结合面上扩展的裂纹动力学问题,利用结合面的条件及本文给出的完全解,可以化为解析函数论中的Keldysh-Sedov混合问题。

    Using conditions of interface and the complete solution , the shock problem of propagating crack in interface between different orthotropic media can be changed into the Keldysh-Sedov mixed problem of theory of analytic functions .

  5. 应用算子分解定理引入耗散势函数,再依据广义Onsager互易原理,我们将广义熵不等式化为某一泛函的可积微分不等式,从而得到它的完全解。

    The dissipative potential function is introduced by the use of operator theorem of decomposition , and with the condition of generalized Onsager reciprocal principle , the generalized entropy inequality is transformed into an integrable differential inequality of a certain functional so as to obtain its complete solution .

  6. 牛顿n-体问题是一个古老而复杂的问题,即便是平面三体问题至今也没有得到完全解。

    Newtonian n-body problem is an old , complicated problem .

  7. 分布式并行宽度优先搜索与15-迷问题的完全解

    Distributed Parallel Breadth - First Search and Complete Solution of Fifteen Puzzle

  8. 带边环贮液锥壳的完全解

    A Complete Solution of Ringed Conical Shell Filled with Liquid

  9. 含缺陷的固支梁在阶跃载荷作用下塑性动力响应的完全解

    Complete solutions for dynamic plastic response of clamped imperfect beams subjected to step loading

  10. 机械工程中两类非线性方程组的完全解

    Global set of solutions for two types of systems of nonlinear equations in mechanical engineering

  11. 二元可压无粘等熵定常流偏微分方程的完全解

    Complete Solution of Partial Differential Equation for Isentropic , Compressible and Inviscid Dual Steady Flow

  12. 阶梯形悬臂梁在脉冲载荷作用下塑性动力响应的完全解

    Complete solutions for dynamic response of rigid plastic stepped cantilever beams subjected to rectangular pulse-loading

  13. 本文分析了含裂纹的悬臂梁在冲击载荷作用下的刚塑性动力响应,给出了整个响应过程封闭形式的完全解。

    The paper analyses the dynamic response of a rigid-plastic cracked cantilever subjected to impact .

  14. 自由梁两端受阶跃载荷时的塑性动力响应完全解

    Dynamic Behavior of a Rigid and Perfectly Plastic Free-free Beam Subjected to Step-loading at Both Free Ends

  15. 煤层瓦斯一维流场流动规律的完全解

    Complete Solutions of the Law of Gas Flow in Coal Seams with One Dimensional Gas Flow Fields

  16. 机器人机构运动学方程的完全解及其运动设计方案的优选

    Finding All Solutions to Kinematic Equations of Robot Mechanism and the Optimum Solution to Its Kinematic Design

  17. 基于数据矩阵的非圆相干信号完全解相关算法长短大圆路径信号干扰

    DOA estimation of coherent signals based on data matrix interference between longer and shorter great circle path signals

  18. 采用播放列表和频道列表的方式使得嵌入式广告机终端和中心控制服务器之间完全解耦合。

    Playlists and Channel list are used to make the embedded advertising terminal and the central control server completely decoupled .

  19. 这是关于这一问题的重要结果.含缺陷的固支梁在阶跃载荷作用下塑性动力响应的完全解

    , the exact solutions become analytic . Complete solutions for dynamic plastic response of clamped imperfect beams subjected to step loading

  20. 对于所有给定壳长、壳厚、半径及封头厚的组合结构,均找到了完全解。

    The exact solutions have been found for all configurations with different parameters of shell length , shell thickness , radius and plate thickness .

  21. 随机动态系统状态的条件概率密度函数可以说是滤波问题的完全解[3]。

    The conditional probability density function of the state of a stochastic dynamic system seems to be the complete solution to the filtering problem .

  22. 简支梁中部受撞击的完全解与模态解比较研究

    A study on the comparision between the complete solution and the modal solution of a simple supported beam sujected to impact at the mid-span

  23. 简述了一种能求得非线性方程组完全解的数值方法&连续法的基本原理及其发展状况。

    This paper discusses the theory and the development of the continuation method , a numberical method for finding all solutions to nonlinear equations .

  24. 本文根据两矩弱作用的屈服条件以及相关联的流动法则,找到了上述问题的完全解。

    By using the two-moment limited-interaction yield condition and the associated flow law the complete solution of the above - mentioned problem has been achieved .

  25. 本文研究了非连续流动场中,刚塑性介质极限分析完全解的界限问题。

    This paper studies the bounding problems of the complete solution of limit analysis for a rigid-perfectly plastic medium , allowing for discontinuity of plastic flow .

  26. 根据这个解,对正交异性体具有任意自相似指数的反平面弹性动力学问题给出了完全解。

    On the basic of this solution , a complete solution for anti-plane elasticity dynamic problems with an arbitrary index of self-similarity in the orthotropic body is given .

  27. 着重讨论了刚架极限荷载计算中的超静定问题的处理方法,给出了既能验算屈服条件,又能求出完全解的真实内力的求解方法及算例。

    In this paper a method is proposed which can not only give the true internal forces corresponding to the complete solution but also can check the yield condition .

  28. 根据单矩弱作用的屈服条件以相关联的流动法则,找到了上述问题在所有参数范围内的完全解。

    By using the one-moment limit-interaction yield condition and the associated law of flow , the complete solution of the problem mentioned above was obtained in all parameter range .

  29. 通过简支梁受均布矩形冲击载荷作用来作为实例应用,说明本法与已有的刚塑性动力学的上限~[4]与下限~[5]定理相比,更接近于完全解的结果。

    We have applied our variational principle to the simply supported beam loaded by rectangular pulse and found that the results are much closer to the exact solution than those from the upper bound theorem [ 4 ] and lower bound theorem [ 5 ] in the rigid-plastic dynamics .

  30. 在第3节,我们列举了三个简单的完全可解的模型:粒子之间无相互作用模型,共振能级模型和Einstein模型。

    The third subsection introduces three exactly solvable models : free-particle model , resonant-level model and Einstein model .