
  • 网络the perfect storm
  1. 按照他们的说法,这是一场完美风暴。

    It was , as they say , the perfect storm .

  2. 疯狂F1:刮起经济完美风暴

    Crazy F1 : Blow out the Perfect Storm of Economy

  3. 基于ATM网络路由选择对多国协作解决完美风暴问题的研究

    Study on Multi-country Collaboration Solving " Perfect Storm " Based on ATM Network Routing Selection

  4. SamZell将一切归咎于他所说的经济形势的“完美风暴”和信贷危机。

    Sam Zell blamed what he called a " perfect storm " of economic conditions including a credit crisis .

  5. 美国长期资本管理公司(LTCM)也是一场完美风暴的受害者。

    Long Term Capital Management was also the victim of a perfect storm .

  6. 后台交易服务提供商美国存托和清算公司(DepositoryTrust&ClearingCorporation)董事总经理彼得阿克西罗德(PeterAxilrod)警告称:有可能会爆发一场完美风暴。

    There is a potential for a perfect storm , warns Peter Axilrod , managing director of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation , a US provider of back-office trading services .

  7. 马丁得布,股票经纪公司InvestecSecurities(投资证券公司)的分析员,用“完美风暴”这种老套的但是容易的类比来描述食品产业的困境。

    Martin Deboo , an analyst at Investec Securities , a stockbroker , uses the well-worn but apt analogy of the " perfect storm " to describe the industry 's predicament .

  8. 我不是要讨论渔民们出海捕捞海产品(脑中立马浮现DeadliestCatch和电影《完美风暴》)。

    And I 'm not talking about a bunch of fishermen out at sea hauling in more loads of produce ( images of the show " Deadliest Catch " and the movie A Perfect Storm are coming to mind ) .

  9. 经济放缓正在酝酿一场不利经济数据的“完美风暴”。

    The slowdown is generating a perfect storm of negative economic data .

  10. 龚方雄:完美风暴下的结构性牛市

    Gong Fangxiong : the beef market under a perfect storm

  11. 所有的这一切有可能联手形成一场完美风暴,摧毁欧洲的团结。

    All of this could combine into a perfect storm shattering European unity .

  12. 啤酒、饮料行业再现完美风暴

    The Perfect Storm Back to Beer & Drink Industry

  13. 你们还有《完美风暴》的票吗?

    Do you still have tickets for Perfect Storm ?

  14. 有点像是完美风暴。

    It 's kind of like the perfect storm .

  15. 苹果的讳莫如深为短线交易者带来了一场完美风暴。

    The lack of transparency from Apple creates a perfect storm for short-term traders .

  16. 影片《完美风暴》取材于这个真实故事。

    The film ' The Perfect Storm ' is based on a true story .

  17. 正如无数的分析师所言,视频游戏产业正面临一场完美风暴。

    As countless analysts have said , the industry is facing a perfect storm .

  18. 换句话说,那里就是完美风暴。

    The perfect storm , in other words .

  19. 对多数求职者来说,面试是一次焦虑的“完美风暴”。

    A job interview is the perfect storm of anxiety for most job seekers .

  20. 再加上全球经济疲软,这又是一次完美风暴。

    Add in the weakening global economy and this is yet another perfect storm .

  21. 一场完美风暴,他回答说。

    A perfect storm , he replied .

  22. 真是替角完美风暴!

    It 's the understudy perfect storm !

  23. 完美风暴中的安联

    Allianz Group in the Perfect Storm

  24. “经济形势对我的生意来说像是个完美风暴,”莱特曼表示。

    The economy has been the perfect storm for my business , ' Ms. Lightman says . '

  25. 从《篮球日记》到《完美风暴》,华伯格皆颇获好评。

    From The Basketball Diaries to The Perfect Storm , Wahlberg has come through with flying colors .

  26. 现在,我们面临的完美风暴是我们人口增长的结果,

    Now , this perfect storm that we are facing is the result of our rising population ,

  27. 《完美风暴》和《铁达尼号》中的特技效果都是由图形工作站制作出来的。

    The special effects in The perfect Storm and in Titanic were all done with SGI technology .

  28. 此外,可预见的收入、庞大的市值,还有新的竞争,经过发酵最终必将爆发一场完美风暴。

    Additionally , predictable revenue , huge market caps , and new competition culminate into a perfect storm .

  29. 今年夏天,一场完美风暴正在新兴市场中酝酿,到9月份时可能会更加猛烈。

    A perfect storm is brewing this summer for emerging markets , and it could hit hard in September .

  30. 正如专家所述,这场危机是由于汇合因素带来的所谓“完美风暴”造成的。

    As the experts tell us , the crisis arises from a so-called " perfect storm " of converging factors .