
  • Air Force One;Air Force 1;A.M
  1. 曾经数年乘坐空军一号(AirForceOne)出访世界各地的戈尔,会剥夺普通人选择低成本航空公司的自由吗?

    Would Gore , who spent years travelling the world in Air Force One , deny ordinary people the freedom that low-cost airlines have offered ?

  2. 1963年,在当时的美国总统约翰F·肯尼迪在德州的达拉斯遇刺后,林登·约翰逊在空军一号上宣誓成为美联众的第三十六任总统。

    1963-Lyndon B.Johnson was sworn-in as the36th President of the United States aboard Air Force One after the assassination of President John F.Kennedy in Dallas , Texas .

  3. 1993年比尔•克林顿(BillClinton)也曝出了理发丑闻,当时他命令空军一号停在洛杉矶(据信还影响了其他一些飞机的起落),以便找一位知名美发师理个发。

    Bill Clinton had his own haircut scandal in1993 , when he kept Air Force One on the ground in Los Angeles ( supposedly holding up some other flights ) so he could get a clip from a celebrated stylist .

  4. 位于佛罗里达州奥兰多的旅游业营销服务公司Ypartnership的董事长叶萨维克(PeterYesawich)说,现在流行的是纯商务旅行。美国总统奥巴马与夫人及两个女儿一起,在工作人员的陪同下走向空军一号。

    ' The mood now is all business , 'says Peter Yesawich , chairman of Ypartnership , Orlando , Fla. , a travel-industry marketing services firm .

  5. 空军一号在沙特阿拉伯利雅得哈立德国王国际机场降落后,她从机舱中走出,穿着黑色连身衣,戴着“神奇女侠”金色圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)腰带,飘动的下摆、长袖和衣领凹口让每个人心里想:阿拉伯长袍!

    After landing at the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , she materialized on the steps of Air Force One in that black jumpsuit , whose Wonder Woman gold Saint Laurent belt , flowing hemline , long sleeves and notch neck made everyone think : abaya !

  6. 他乘坐空军一号从萨拉索塔-布雷登顿国际机场的巴克斯代尔空军基地,路易斯安那州,然后Offutt空军基地内布拉斯加州,然后返回华盛顿。

    Heflew on Air Force One from Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport toBarksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana and then to Offutt Air Force Basein Nebraska before returning to Washington .

  7. 难道这就意味着他应该去劫持空军一号?

    Does that mean he should take air force one hostage ?

  8. 这个人怎么会被允许接近空军一号的呢?

    How was this man allowed near air force one ?

  9. 炎热和空气明确约旦空军一号系列!

    Hot clear air force one and air jordan series !

  10. 空军一号稍早于今日下午降落在日本。

    Air Force One landed in Japan earlier this afternoon .

  11. 批发耐克空气约旦/空军一号,新风格!

    Wholesale nike air jordan / air force one , new styles !

  12. 现在插播一条来自“空军一号”的重要新闻。

    This late-breaking news just in from air force one .

  13. 空军一号!有人在飞机上侵入军事网路

    Air Force One , someone onboard has breached the military network .

  14. 空军一号,向左六度。

    " Air force one ," come left , six .

  15. 呃,那是旧的空军一号。

    Well , that 's an old Air Force One .

  16. 欢迎来到空军一号嗨莫莉

    Welcome to Air Force One . Hi , Molly .

  17. 总统专用舱在“空军一号”的机头部位。

    The president 's suite occupies the nose of Air Force One .

  18. 中情局接到一个紧急的炸弹恐吓,说是在空军一号上。

    The CIA receives a serious bomb threat to Air Force One .

  19. 空军一号,收到吗?

    " Air force one ," do you read ?

  20. 空军一号被劫持了。

    Air force one is being held hostage .

  21. 我去告诉空军一号。

    I 'll call air force one .

  22. 你应该发动空军一号。

    You should board air force one .

  23. 总统专机“空军一号”在夜色中降落在巴格兰空军基地。

    Air Force One 1 touched down a Bagram Air Force Base under cover of darkness .

  24. 安海斯:总统先生,我要安排你立刻上空军一号。

    Anheuser : Mr. President . I need to get you on Air Force One immediately .

  25. 这架未来的空军一号已经被人们称为空中泰姬陵。

    This future Air Force One is already being called a " flying Taj Mahal " .

  26. 就职宣誓仪式就在达拉斯爱田机场的“空军一号”总统专机上进行。

    The swearing-in took place on the presidential plane , Air Force One , at Dallas'Love Field .

  27. 并且怎么可能用我们自己的导弹把空军一号击落。

    How it was able to take down air force one with one of our own missiles .

  28. 先遣人员把我和其他随行人员匆匆忙忙弄上了空军一号总统座机。

    Advance men had bundled me and other members of the Party aboard the Presidential aircraft , Air Force One .

  29. 在《美国空军一号》节目中,国家地理频道将一探这位新总统的移动式办公室的所有大小事。

    In the program ," On Board Air Force One ," NGC learns all about the new president 's mobile office .

  30. 简体中文:1963年11月22日美国总统肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺身亡后,约翰逊在空军一号上宣誓接任总统。

    Svenska : lyndon B.Johnson sv ? R presidenteden ombord p ? Air force one efter mordet p ? John F.Kennedy den22november1963 .