
  • 网络Con Air
  1. 感谢你选择了空中监狱。

    Thank you for choosing con air .

  2. 你一定要去买《空中监狱》的电影原声带。

    You 've got to buy the movie sound track of " Con Air " .

  3. [空中监狱]基于运动学原理的地对空单站被动跟踪研究及试验

    Research and Experimentation of Ground-to - Air Single Observer Passive Location Based on Kinematics

  4. 背负着这个罪,我不得不一次又一次地把自己投进空中监狱。

    With this sin , I have to throw myself into air jail once and again .

  5. 爱丽丝·金比52岁的凯奇小20岁。她是于2004年在洛杉矶一家餐厅当服务员时与这位《空中监狱》的主角结缘的。

    Kim , who is 20 years younger than 52-year-old Cage , met the Con Air star in 2004 while working as a waitress in a Los Angeles restaurant .