
kōnɡ jiànɡ shī
  • airborne division
  1. 第一空降师完全被德军的凶猛火力压住了。

    First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces

  2. 泰勒将军也同时宣布101空降师。

    General Taylor has also announced that the101st airborne division .

  3. 来自宾夕法尼亚州拉克万纳的迈克尔·休斯20年前参军,在第82空降师服役。

    Michael Hughes of Lackawanna , Pennsylvania , enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago

  4. 第13空降师马上要向太平洋战区出发。

    13th airborne are heading out for the Pacific right away .

  5. 我想第17空降师的弟兄最后战果还不错。

    I guess the boys in the17th airborne did okay after all .

  6. 你们这些士官已经让101空降师蒙羞。

    All of you NCOs have disgraced the101st airborne .

  7. 然后和101空降师共进圣诞晚餐。

    Followed by Christmas dinner with the101st airborne .

  8. 以空降师的参与程度来说。

    In terms of airborne divisions involved .

  9. 101空降师因为突出部之役而声名大噪。

    The101st airborne had been made famous by what it did in the battle of the bulge .

  10. 美军101空降师第3旅准备进入伊拉克。图中为他们的卡车和装甲车。

    An assault convoy of trucks and armored vehicles of the101st Airborne Division's3rd Brigade Combat Team prepare to cross into Iraq .

  11. 不久前,我与在阿富汗扭转了战局的101空降师交谈,还与消灭本.拉登的团队交谈。

    A while back , I spoke to the101st Airborne that has fought to turn the tide in Afghanistan , and to the team that took out Osama bin Laden .

  12. 美国国防部的官员周日说,第82空降师很快将再有两个连抵达海地,并带来大量海、陆、空设备及人员。

    Pentagon officials said Sunday that two more companies from the82nd Airborne are scheduled to land soon in Haiti along with significantly more air , sea and land equipment and personnel .

  13. 空降兵师(团)登岛作战兵力分配模型

    Distribution Model of Forces of Airborne Division Landed Combat

  14. 在比利时的巴斯托尼市,美军将领安东尼.麦奥利夫指挥的空降一○一师遭德军围攻,德军兵力远比他们雄厚。

    At the Belgian town of Bastogne , the101st Airborne Division under the command of US General Anthony McAuliffe was besieged by a far larger force of Germans .