
  • 网络operational manoeuvre
  1. 基于Petri网的战役机动铁路输送仿真

    Strategic Mobility Railway Transport Simulation Based on Petri Nets System

  2. 战役机动仿真是战争仿真的重要组成部分。

    Battle mobility simulation is an important composing part of war simulation .

  3. 在战役机动仿真中,道路网的通行能力计算十分重要,它是构建军队机动仿真模型的关键。

    The calculating of passing capacity of road net is a key to the battle mobility simulation .

  4. 本文旨在为军队战役机动仿真道路网通行能力的计算,提供一种科学、准确的算法模型。该算法也可用于军队战役机动指挥辅助决策计算。

    The calculating model of passing capacity of road net is scientific , exact , and can be used to command assistant decision-making calculating of military battle mobility .

  5. 从战略上部署的联合部队必须能够实施战役战术机动。

    Strategically deployable joint forces must be able to conduct operational and tactical maneuver .

  6. 它不仅能为战略、战术、战役阵地机动发射提高理想的定向设备,而且能为大地测量、石油钻井等民用勘测工作提供精确的方位基准。

    It not only provides directional equipment for the strategic , tactical , or operational launchers , but also precise position of the baseline for geodetic surveying , oil drilling .

  7. 2010年开始,组织使命行动系列战役层次跨区机动演习演练。

    Since 2010 , a series of campaign-level exercises and drills code-named Mission Action for trans-MAC maneuvers have been carried out .