
  • 网络Solar-Powered Plane;Solar Impulse;SENIOD-FC
  1. 两人正在尝试首次完全依靠太阳能飞机进行环球飞行。

    They are attempting the first ever round-the-world flight by a completely solar-powered plane .

  2. 你能想象的出一架不用任何燃料的飞机吗?看,这就是,一架太阳能飞机。

    Can you imagine a plane that doesn 't need any fuel ? Here it is . It 's a solar-powered plane .

  3. 他们研制了一架太阳能飞机。

    They developed a solar airplane .

  4. 本文主要通过分析计算太阳能飞机所能得到的可用功率P(tot)/Sw来讨论太阳能飞机动力系统对飞机结构尺寸的影响。

    In this paper , a discuss is performed to determine how power system such as solar cell and fuel cell effect the sizing of a solar powered aircraft through calculating the available power ( Ftot / Sw ) for the aircraft .

  5. 本文对太阳能飞机动力系统部件和任务要求对飞机结构尺寸的影响进行了研究,以及用TRNSYS程序包对带水箱的热水系统进行了数值模拟。

    In this article , a research on how various power system components and mission requirements effects the size of a solar powered long endurance aircraft , and the TRNSYS program is used to simulate the performance of solar water heating systems with a hot water storage tank .

  6. 太阳能飞机能源管理的初步分析与实验

    Preliminary Study and Experiments on Energy Management of Solar Powered Aircraft

  7. 用该种方法分析了安装在太阳能飞机上的太阳能电池阵。

    Solar array on solar powered aircraft is analyzed with this method .

  8. 昼夜飞行太阳能飞机的若干问题

    Several Problems of Solar Powered Aircraft Capable of Continuous Flight

  9. 航空器新一代动力能源装置&太阳能飞机用太阳电池

    A New Generation Power Equipment for Aircraft & Solar Cell for Solar Powered Aircraft

  10. 随着太阳电池制造技术的提高和航空航天技术的发展,太阳能飞机上的太阳电池也在向重量轻、价格低、效率高的方向发展,太阳电池阵的组装工艺也日渐趋于成熟。

    Several technologies of light weight , low cost and high efficiency solar cell array have been developed .

  11. 太阳能飞机的动力系统包括:太阳电池、可再生燃料电池、电动机和螺旋桨等。

    The aircraft power system consists of photovoltaic cells , a regenerative fuel cell , a engine and propeller .

  12. 致力于制造商品化太阳能飞机的他如果生逢维多利亚时代,定会在这一私人发明家的鼎盛时期崭露头角。

    Devoted to making commercial solar-powered aircraft , he would have thrived in the Victorian heyday of the private inventor .

  13. 计划今年7月前再执行一次夜间试飞,之后,下一架太阳能飞机就基于这些研究成果来制造。

    A night flight has planned before July and then a second plane will be built based on those results .

  14. 精确估算昼夜飞行太阳能飞机的可用功率是太阳能飞机设计中的重要问题之一。

    Available power plays an important role in the design of a solar powered aircraft which is capable of continuous flight .

  15. 与传统的航空器不同,太阳能飞机的动力是完全由太阳能转换而来的。

    The power of UAV is provided by solar array transforming the solar energy , which is different from traditional aircraft .

  16. 直到2011年探险家贝特朗·皮卡尔才能实现他的梦想,即开着一架太阳能飞机环游世界。

    And not until 2011 that adventurer Baton Picard will realise his dream , to fly a plane around the world powered simply by the sun .

  17. 在这里,四年前开始的项目首次将太阳能飞机的真实原型机展现在大家面前。

    Here though , for the first time since the project began 4 years ago , the actual prototypes for solar powered flight are on display .

  18. “团队已经打破了太阳能飞机有史以来夜间飞行时间最长的记录,但是锋线太危险了,无法穿越……”

    The team has achieved the longest flight ever of a solar plane going through the night , but the front is too dangerous to cross ... "

  19. 一架正在尝试不用一滴燃油环绕地球的太阳能飞机于周一晚间在日本临时降落,以便等待糟糕天气的结束。

    A solar-powered plane attempting to circle the globe without a drop of fuel made an unscheduled landing late Monday in Japan to wait out bad weather .

  20. 北京——本周二凌晨,一架具有突破意义的太阳能飞机从缅甸成功飞抵中国中部。这是一个历史性的环球飞行中的一段行程,飞行目的是推广可再生能源的利用。

    BEIJING - A groundbreaking solar-powered plane successfully flew from Myanmar to central China early Tuesday as part of an historic round-the-world journey promoting renewable energy use .

  21. 瑞士制造的一架太阳能飞机星期一清晨从阿布扎比起飞。制造者们希望这架飞机能够首次完成无燃料环球飞行。

    A solar-powered Swiss airplane took off from Abu Dhabi early Monday on the first leg of what its creators hope will be the first around-the-world journey without any fuel .

  22. 不幸的是,这种不可预测现象还导致湍流,这意味着太阳能飞机必须爬升很高才能高能效地平稳飞行。

    Unfortunately , however , this unpredictable phenomenon also causes turbulence , and means that a solar plane has to climb high in the air to get the energy-efficient smooth ride that it needs .

  23. 比如锂聚物电池就是一位中国商人田育(tianyu,音译)捐赠的,雷蒙德跟前者合作开发一架非太阳能电动飞机。

    The lithium-polymer batteries , for example , were donated by Tian Yu , a Chinese businessman with whom Mr Raymond is collaborating on a non-solar electric plane .

  24. 太阳能动力飞机过去曾有过。

    Solar-powered aircraft have flown before .

  25. 太阳能推动飞机在4000英尺的高度下飞行24小时以上。

    Solar Impulse flew at an altitude of 4000 feet for more than 24 hours continuously .

  26. 2009年,QNX软件还被用于一个由瑞士发起的名为“太阳脉冲”(SolarImpulse)的项目,旨在打造太阳能驱动的飞机。

    In 2009 , QNX software was part of a Switzerland-based effort known as solar impulse that created a solar-powered airplane .

  27. 为实现太阳能帆板、飞机机翼等薄板类曲面的动态检测,构建了一种基于光纤光栅(FBG)的传感阵列系统。

    For realizing the surface measurement of the shell and thin sheet as well as solar array and airplane wing , the sensor array was configured based on fiber bragg grating ( FBG ) sensors .

  28. 据路透社8日报道,瑞士制造的一架巨大的太阳能滑翔式飞机完成了首次夜间航行任务。

    A Swiss-made giant glider-like aircraft has completed the first night flight propelled only by solar energy , Reuters reported Thursday .

  29. 这是两架硕大无朋、靠太阳能驱动的高空飞机,这家公司计划让它们一次性升空后在空中巡航数周、数月直至数年,中途完全无须降落。

    These are two massive solar-powered , high-altitude vehicles the company plans to send aloft for weeks , months , and eventually years at a time without ever having to land .

  30. 太阳能电池板有望在白天获取足够的太阳能以提供晚上飞机飞行的能源。

    Solar panels , hopefully capturing enough of the sun 's energy by day to power the plane through the night .