
  1. 第五个桓雄季白最小的儿子是太昊伏羲。

    The fifth hwanung , Da EUI bahls youngest son was taeho bokhi .

  2. 华夏古老文明的源头&太昊伏羲东夷部落管理思想钩沉

    The Source of the Ancient Chinese Civilization & On the management thought of the ancient tribes in the east

  3. 三皇之一的伏羲氏,是太昊的称号之一,又是古代五大族团的祖先之一。

    Fuxi , one of the three emperors , also a title of endless heaven , was among the ancestors of " the Five Tribes " in ancient China .

  4. 黄帝四周,又各有一个统治者,东方是太昊,辅佐者是木神,手拿一个圆规,掌管春天(青色);

    There are then four subordinate rulers . In the east it is Tai Hao who is assisted by the God of Wood with a compass in hand that takes charge of the season of spring , with green as the symbolic colour .