
  • 网络space pen;fisher;Fisher Space Pen
  1. 你成功说服我,太空笔选材正确,但是,太空笔的花销确实不菲。

    So you have convinced me space pens have got the right staff , but they still much of cost bundle to develop .

  2. 所以太空笔由金属制造,油墨的燃烧点也高于普通油墨。

    This space pen is made of metal , and the ink has a much higher ignition point than regular ink .

  3. 值得庆幸的是,如今所有宇航员在用太空笔,不少普通人也在使用。

    On the bright side , today all astronauts use these pens , and plenty of ordinary people do too .

  4. 事实上,在百万美元投入这项研究后,首批订单是400支太空笔,每支售价2.95美元。

    In fact , after sinking a million dollars into all that research , the first order was for400 pens that he sold for $ 2.95 each .

  5. 太空笔的发明是一个传奇:美国宇航局耗资百万美元,研发宇航员可以在太空使用的“封闭式气压”圆珠笔;而面临着同样难题的苏联,则选择了一支铅笔。

    Legend has it that NASA spent a million dollars developing a pressurized ballpoint pen that astronauts could use in space , while the Russians merely opted to use a pencil .

  6. 经过大量的研发工作,花费了大约一百万美元的成本,太空笔终于研制出来了。那支笔果然可以在太空书写,在回到地球后,作为一样新奇的小玩意儿也确实吸引了一些目光。

    After considerable research and development , the Astronaut Pen was developed at a cost of approximately $ 1 million U.S. The pen worked and also enjoyed some modest success as a novelty item back here on earth .