
  • 网络sunray pressure
  1. 当主星m1辐射较强,小天体m的有效面质比较大时,这种辐射作用不可忽视,例如太阳光压对人造地球卫星运动的影响。

    When the radiation of one primary body m 1 is very strong and the ERAM is also very large , the radiation pressure can 't be ignored , such as the effect of the solar light pressure on artificial satellites ' orbiting .

  2. 双翼箱式航天器太阳光压干扰力矩模型

    Model of Sunlight Pressure Disturbance Torque on Cubical Spacecraft with a Pair of Solar Sails

  3. 由于该算法是在模拟器中使用的,因此算法不必和现实的定位算法那样考虑很多实际的物理因素,如地球的摄动力、地球的引力、太阳光压等因素。

    In the algorithm many physical factors do not need to be considered such as the gravitation of the earth and the sun pressure .

  4. 外卫星屏蔽大气阻力、太阳光压等非保守力,为内卫星提供接近纯引力的运行环境。

    Those nonconservative forces such as atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure are shielded by outer satellite . Inner satellite flies in pure gravity orbit .

  5. 对作用在卫星上的各种空间环境力矩进行了分析,包括重力梯度力矩、太阳光压力矩、气动力矩、剩磁力矩等。

    The disturbance torques imparted by space environment are analyzed , which include gravity gradient torque , solar pressure torque , aerodynamic torque and magnetic torque .

  6. 在设计航天器姿控系统时,需要充分考虑各种光照条件下航天器所受到的太阳光压干扰力矩。

    When designing the attitude control system of spacecraft , it is necessary to take account of the sunlight pressure disturbance torques under various sunlight incident conditions .

  7. 为验证模型有效性,将其应用于某三轴稳定对地定向卫星姿态动力学仿真中,得到了相应的太阳光压干扰力矩曲线。

    As illustration , these models are applied to an attitude control dynamics simulation of a three-axis stability satellite and the corresponding toques were plotted in curves .

  8. 针对地球同步轨道卫星,在地心赤道惯性坐标系下,考虑了地球形状、目月引力、大气阻力和太阳光压等摄动因素,建立了较为精确的卫星轨道动力学方程;

    For the geosynchronous satellite , the precise orbit dynamics function is established in the geocentric equatorial inertial coordination , considering the influence due to the Earth shape , the Sun 's and the Moon 's gravitation and the sunlight pressure .

  9. 关于太阳系中光压对各种天体运动的影响问题

    About the light pressure effects on the movement of various bodies in the solar system