
  • 网络Sunshine Yellow
  1. 太阳黄经和节气时间的近似推算与Newcomb太阳表

    The approximate calculation of the sun 's longitude and the time of the twenty-four solar terms together with newcomb 's tables of the sun

  2. 本文从分析等高仪同一夜晚两相邻星组的组间差入手,证实了不论在纬度方面还是在经度方面,组间差的变化率都是存在的,且与平太阳黄经有关。

    From the analysis of the difference between two neighbouring groups obtained with an astrolabe in the same night , the existance ( with regard to both latitude and longitude ) of the rate of change of the difference between two neighbouring star groups is discovered .

  3. 像埃塞俄比亚的烈日一样灼热的太阳,晒黄了牧场斜坡顶上的青草,不过在流水潺潺的地方依然还是嫩绿的草地。

    Ethiopic scorchings browned the upper slopes of the pastures , but there was still bright green herbage here where the watercourses purled .