
  • 网络Solar engineering;Solar energy engineering
  1. 模糊控制在光伏太阳能工程中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Control to PV Solar Energy Engineering

  2. 银川地区太阳辐射及其在太阳能工程中的运用

    Solar radiation and its application in Yinchuan Area

  3. 随着太阳能工程的日益增多,环保主义者和项目开发者也在考虑怎样才能减少鸟类死亡事件的发生。

    As solar projects increase , environmentalists and developers are considering what to do to reduce bird death .

  4. 杜克能源计划要扩大其太阳能工程,打算建造另一个大约20个足球场那么大的发电厂。

    Duke Energy has plans to expand its solar power projects , with another farm in the works slated to be the size of 20 football fields .

  5. 太阳能工程:光伏发电系统工程、太阳能取暖系统工程及再生能源产品和应用、太阳能工程设计方案等;

    Solar energy projects : PV power generation system projects , solar heating system projects and renewable energy products and application , designing drafts for solar projects .

  6. 在《自然气候变化》杂志的一项新研究中,来自哈佛大学、麻省理工学院和普林斯顿大学的研究人员使用了一种最先进的、详细的计算机模型,来观察如果利用太阳能工程将全球气温上升减半会发生什么。

    In one new study in Nature Climate Change , researchers from Harvard , MIT , and Princeton used a state-of-the-art , detailed computer model to look at what might happen if solar geoengineering was used to cut global temperature increases in half .

  7. 第六部分为云南省能工太阳能工程有限公司的技术转移案例分析,通过对企业访谈,了解具体企业在技术转移过程中途径的选择和遇到的具体问题,并对其技术转移的成效做出总结。

    The sixth part is the Yunnan province of Solar Engineering Limited technology transfer case analysis , through the enterprise interviews , understand the specific enterprise in the process of technology transfer pathway selection , and the specific problems encountered . And the technology transfer results summary .

  8. 本文利用兰州市实测水平面太阳辐射值,计算出了南立面、东、西、北立面可利用的太阳辐射投射量,可供太阳能工程设计者参考。

    In this paper , according to the solar radiation measured on the horizontal surface in Lanzhou city , we have calculated the solar radiation on south facing , east facing , west facing and north facing vertical walls , it can be used for solar engineering designs .

  9. 基于PLC与三维力控组态技术的太阳能热水工程监控系统

    Auto-control and On-line Monitoring System of Solar Water Project Based on PLC and PC-auto

  10. PLC与触摸屏结合在太阳能热水工程控制系统中的应用

    The combination of PLC and touching screen applied in large-scale solar water heating project controlling system

  11. 本系统对距监测中心约1km左右的某太阳能沼气工程参数进行现场测试,结果表明该系统运行较稳定,能实现太阳能沼气工程参数的无线监测。

    The system performs a scene test for the parameters of a solar biogas project which is about lkm away from the monitoring center . The test result attests that the system is rather stable , which achieve wireless monitor for parameters of the solar biogas project monitoring .

  12. 太阳能电池工程简化模型的参数求取和验证

    Parameter Solution and Verification of Solar Cells ' Engineering Simplified Model

  13. 太阳能热水工程在甲鱼养殖生产中的应用

    The application of solar heating engineering in soft-shelled turtle cultivation

  14. 全氧燃烧熔制太阳能玻璃工程技术经济分析

    Engineering Economic Analysis of Melting Solar Glass With Pure-Oxygen Combustion

  15. 太阳能沼气工程无线监测系统设计研究

    Design and Research of Wireless Monitoring System for Solar Energy and Biogas Plant

  16. 大中型太阳能浴室工程辅助加热设备设计

    Auxiliary Heat Equipment Design of Engineering on Big or Middle Bathroom of Solar Energy

  17. 欧洲最现代化的太阳能住宅工程:德国弗莱堡的太阳能城

    The most modernized solar-energy house in Europe : solar-energy town , Freiburg , Germany

  18. 农业太阳能利用工程

    Solar energy utilization in agriculture

  19. 本文对欧洲最现代化的太阳能住宅工程&德国弗莱堡的太阳能城的建筑特点、建筑采暖、建筑用色、建筑设备、建筑节能及未来规划、获奖情况等,作了介绍。

    This paper introduced a European most modern residential building program which uses the solar energy in Freiberg , Germany .

  20. 这次飞行如下六年由50名工程师和瑞士冒险家伯特兰皮卡德率领所谓的太阳能动力工程技术工作。

    The flight follows six years'work by50 engineers and technicians led by Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard on the so-called Solar Impulse project .

  21. 有效地监测太阳能沼气工程系统参数,对于如何获得最优产气量提供了重要参考价值。

    Monitoring the parameters of solar biogas project effectively , it provides an important reference value for how to obtain a stable , optimal gas production .

  22. 太阳能沼气工程利用太阳能和沼气作为清洁、低碳、可再生能源,解决了农村用电、做饭、加热等问题,大力发展太阳能沼气工程对于建设社会主义新农村,建设低碳生活有重要意义。

    Solar biogas project solves the rural electricity , cooking , heating and so on by using biogas , solar energy which is a clean , low-carbon , renewable energy . It is a significance for building the new socialist countryside and low-carbon life that developing the solar biogas project .

  23. 自那以后,再也没有如此大规模的垂直太阳能电池板工程了。

    A vertical solar project on such a large scale has never been repeated since .

  24. 太阳能热水系统工程的计算机辅助设计与AutoCAD二次开发系统就是针对这一情况展开的。

    The calculator aided design of the solar energy hot water system engineering and AutoCAD secondary exploitation system aim to this thing .

  25. 本论文就是在了解太阳能热利用工程技术的基础上,利用VB编程技术结合AutoCAD绘图软件开发太阳能热利用工程系统,包括计算模块和绘图模块。

    This thesis is under the understand the making use of engineering technique , making use of the VB technique combination with the AutoCAD software develop the usage of the solar energy heat engineering system , including to compute mold piece and paint mold piece .

  26. 太阳能热利用工程中空气源热泵的匹配原则

    The Matching Principle of Air-source Heat Pump in Solar Energy Utilization Engineering

  27. 蓄热式电锅炉及太阳能系统供热工程设计

    Heat storage electric boiler and solar energy system design

  28. 太阳能利用屋顶工程与生态能源建筑发展

    Solar Utilization Roof Project and Ecological En-gineering Architecture Development

  29. 太阳能发电等工程的规模逐渐扩大,并且开发了一系列的光伏产品。

    The scale of the Solar power project is gradually expanding , and have been developed a series of photovoltaic products .

  30. 西安清华科技园源动IT工业大厦太阳能供热空调工程设计

    Design For Solar Heating and Cooling of 《 Yuandong IT Industry Plaza of Tsinghua Science and Technology District 》 in Xian City