
ɡāo jí fǎ
  • higher law
  1. 对立法权构成实际限制的司法审查制度与高级法有着什么样的内在关联;

    Judicial review which framed a limitation on legislature has an internal relationship with higher law ;

  2. 依循考文的思路,阐释了4个相互关联的问题:高级法如何使得权力获得正当性、合法性;

    As a supplement , the article explains four related propositions : Higher law made power just and legitimate ;

  3. 违约损失率(LGD)是计算监管资本的重要参数,也是按新巴塞尔资本协议实施内部评级法(IRB)高级法的银行必须自行估计的参数。

    Loss Given Default ( LGD ) is an important parameter to calculate regulation capital , and also a parameter that need to be self-estimated by the bank who implements Advanced Approach of The Internal Rating-Based Approach according to the New Basel Capital Agreement .

  4. 民间法与高级法的距离&从宪政的视角

    The Distance between Higher Law and Chinese Folk Law : From the Perspective of Constitutionalism

  5. 论图书馆法的高级法背景

    On the Background of Higher Library Law

  6. 高级法怎样在宪政实践中获得效力,使得宪法成为更高级的法;

    As an impetus , higher law acquired validity in constitutional practice and made the constitution acquire a sense of higher law ;

  7. 再论宪法为什么是重要的&基于从高级法到宪法至上的智识背景和历史经验的解读

    On the Importance of Constitution Law & Based on the Interpretation of Knowledge Background and Historic Experience of High-grade Law and Constitution Supremacy

  8. 宪法作为配置国家权力、保障公民权利的高级法也受到全球化的深刻影响。

    The constitution as the disposition state power , safeguards the rights of citizens ' high-level method also to receive globalized the profound influence .

  9. 它的直接效力表现为赋予国家以一定的义务,包括消极的义务和积极的义务,以及对立法进行调控与制约的高级法效力;

    2 , the direct efficacy represents certain obligations endowed to the state , including negative and positive ones as well as senior-law efficacy ;

  10. 我们认为,宪法不是法律,它既是高级法,又是社会契约,而两者之间的紧张关系将宪法推演为程序法则。

    We think that constitution is not law , it is high law as well as social contract , and the tension between them push constitution to procedure principle .

  11. 内部评级法作为新资本协议中的核心内容,无论是初级法还是高级法,都要求商业银行自行估计违约概率。

    The internal rating method is the core content of the New Basel Capital Accord . Either primary or advanced method , commercial banks should estimate the probability of default by themselves .

  12. 摘要普通法法律至上原则在司法实践中表现为以下几个主要的方面:司法审查,“高级法”观念,法官的权威和适当的法律方法。

    The principle of the highest authority of law of the common law displays in the judicial practice for following several main aspects : the judicial preview , the concept of higher law , the authority of the judges and the high-level legal method .

  13. 利用芬顿反应产生的羟自由基·OH处理或氧化水中有机污染物,已成为一种有前途的高级氧化法之一。

    The organic pollutant is disposed or oxidized by hydroxyl radical · OH in Fenton , it is one of AoPs .

  14. 高级氧化法脱除PVA浆料的清洁生产新工艺研究

    Investigation of new cleaner production process of PVA removal with advanced oxidation processes

  15. 介绍了近年来多环芳烃污染物去除方法的研究现状,包括自然降解法、生物修复法、UV光解法、吸附法、高级氧化法及超声分解法等。

    In this paper , the research situation about the removal techniques of PAHs including the natural degradation , bioremediation , UV photolysis , adsorption , advanced oxidation processes ( AOPs ) and sonolysis are introduced detailedly .

  16. OH高级氧化法污水处理电源是一种中等功率的整流设备,其主要功能是在混聚合硼钻石电极间提供电场,从而在电极周围产生强氧化自由基OH。

    OH advanced oxidation sewage treatment power supply is a medium-power rectifier equipment , whose main function is to provide the electric field in the mixed aggregation of boron diamond electrodes , and thus produce strong oxidizing free radicals of OH around the electrode .

  17. 作者采用混凝-Fenton高级氧化法处理辽东某原油处理厂采油废水,研究了混凝剂PAC用量、Fenton反应的pH值、H2O2用量、H2O2/Fe2+比值和反应温度对处理效果的影响。

    The affecting factors in treatment of oil production wastewater by coagulation-Fenton Oxidation process were studied , including the dosage of PAC and Fenton reagent , pH , [ H2O2 ] , H2O2 / Fe2 + and reaction temperature of Fenton process .

  18. 本文针对以上问题,分别采用Fenton高级氧化法、强化混凝法以及Fenton氧化-混凝法对腈纶废水生化出水进行处理,并分别考察了不同的试验条件对污染物降解效果的影响情况。

    In order to solve the above problems , the three advanced processes were used in this article to treat the biochemical effluent of acrylic fiber wastewater , they are Fenton advanced oxidation process , Enhanced Coagulation process and Fenton Oxidation-Coagulation process .

  19. 介绍了国内外有机废水的处理方法,特别是近年来出现的一些新型技术,如高级氧化法、Fenton试剂和生化法联合处理法、超声波技术、电化学催化降解、液膜技术、微波处理技术。

    The methods of treated the organic wastewater inland and outland , especially some new treating such as high-class oxidation , combinational treatment with Fenton reagent and biochemical means , ultrasound technology , catalysis and degradation with electrochemical means , liquid membrane , microwave treatment technology are introduced .

  20. 高级氧化法中的Ti02光催化氧化技术是近些年来快速发展起来的新兴水处理技术,因其具有化学稳定性好、无毒、选择性小、低廉等优势而成为研究热点。

    The photocatalysis oxidation of TiO2 , a kind of advanced oxidation process , is a new technique of wastewater treatment developing rapidly in recent years due to its chemical stability , non-toxic , low selectivity and cost-effectiveness .

  21. 高级海洋法/海洋事务干事

    Senior Law of the Sea / Ocean Affairs Officer

  22. 高级氧化法对城市污水深度处理过程中的影响因素

    The influencing factors for municipal sewage treatment by AOPs

  23. 操作风险高级计量法及其验证:国际经验与启示

    Advanced Measurement Approaches for Operational Risk and Validation : International Experience and Implication

  24. 不同高级氧化法对水中低浓度药物甲硝唑降解过程的比较

    Comparison of metronidazole degradation by different advanced oxidation processes in low concentration aqueous solutions

  25. 两种高级氧化法处理丙烯腈生产废水的对比研究

    Comparison of two advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of wastewater from acrylonitrile production

  26. 化学沉淀与高级氧化法处理乙烯裂解废碱液的研究

    Study on the Treatment of Waste Alkali in Ethylene Cracking by Chemical Precipitation-Advanced Oxidation Process

  27. 高级氧化法降解炼油高浓度有机废水的方案比较

    Comparisons between Solutions of Higher Oxidation Method for Degradation of High-Concentration Organic Waste Water from A Refinery

  28. 对难生物降解的有机废水处理,电催化法是一种很有发展前景的高级氧化法。

    As one of advanced oxidation processes , electrocatalysis treatment was developing quickly in refractory organic wastewater treatment .

  29. 水中安乃近高级氧化法去除及其产物的毒性评价

    Degradation of dipyrone in water by advanced oxidation processes and evaluation of the toxicity for the degradation products

  30. 目前用于含油废水深度处理的主要有以下几种方法:吸附、膜技术、高级氧化法等。

    For the present , the method of advanced treatment for oily wastewater includes adsorption , membrane technology , biological treatment and so on .