
gāo guì
  • noble;high;dignity;honourable;grandeur;valuable;elitist;the highly privileged
高贵 [gāo guì]
  • (1) [noble;high]∶高尚可贵,以庄严或壮丽为特征的

  • 学习他舍己为人的高贵品质

  • (2) [the highly privileged;elitist]∶社会地位优越,风度或出身显贵

  • 皇帝带着他的一群最高贵的骑士们亲自来了。--《皇帝的新装》

高贵[gāo guì]
  1. 人们都认为他出身高贵。

    He is considered to be of noble origin .

  2. 人们因他的高贵品质而敬爱他。

    People adore him for his noble character .

  3. 奇怪的是,忧伤使她显得更加高贵。

    In a strange way she seemed ennobled by her grief .

  4. 她认为昂贵的服装是身份高贵的标志。

    She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility .

  5. 安娜穿着亚麻长袍,衬出其棕色的皮肤,显得十分高贵。

    Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan .

  6. 灵犭是在诺曼时期的英格兰是高贵的象征。

    In Norman England , the greyhound was a symbol of nobility .

  7. 他们举手投足间透着傲气和高贵。

    They carried themselves with great pride and dignity .

  8. 他看上去很高贵,富有魅力。

    He seemed a very dignified and charming man

  9. 他们的音乐里流露出一种我们都能体会到的天生的高贵。

    Their music speaks to us with an innate grandeur we can all understand .

  10. 她宛如善良和高贵的化身。

    She seemed to personify goodness and nobility

  11. 他看上去非常高贵。

    He looked very distinguished .

  12. 他身边满是象征高贵身份的东西——狗,马以及精美的画。

    He surrounds himself with all the trappings of gentility — dogs , horses , and fine paintings

  13. 他们都是我高贵的朋友。

    They are all my dignified friends .

  14. 降生和死亡是歌颂勇敢的两个最高贵的表达式。

    Birth and death are the two noblest expressions of bravery .

  15. 卑贱者未必愚蠢,高贵者未必聪明。

    The lowly are not necessarily stupid ; the high-born not necessarily intelligent .

  16. 他出身高贵。

    He is of noble birth .

  17. 在剧中,-个坏心肠的老叔父为一高贵的年轻王子作衬托。

    In the play , a wicked old uncle acts as a foil to the noble young prince .

  18. 我们也许只能一致认定;这位高贵的勋爵作为一位大臣不一定算得全善全美。

    We may have to agree that the noble Lord is not precisely a nonpareil as a departmental minister .

  19. 啊,那些充满高贵憧憬和高尚奋斗的傻乎乎的时光!

    Ah , those foolish days of noble longings and of noble strivings !

  20. 司机为这个高贵的女士打开了豪华轿车的车门。

    A chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady .

  21. 他比他的邻居出身高贵。

    He was nobler than his neighbours .

  22. 副总统当选人乔·拜登经常说,要赞颂工作的价值及其带来的高贵

    Vice President-elect Joe Biden also spoke , lauding the value of work and the dignity it brings .

  23. 它高贵优雅,不容易萎蔫,不用经常浇水,也不会长出花盆之外。

    Vibrant colors last year around without wilting , watering , or outgrowing their pots early , quantities are limited .

  24. 狐狸与猴子同行,一路上都在争吵谁的家世更高贵。

    A fox and a monkey were on the road together , and fell into a dispute as to which of the two was the better born .

  25. 但是,等等,还有更多值得看:你也会从这部影片中获得激动人心的情节转折,一个善良与邪恶、高贵与耻辱、恐惧与勇气、爱与死亡交织在一起的世界呈现。乱世佳人

    But wait , there ’ s more : you ’ ll also get exciting plot twists and a world in which good and evil , nobility and dishonor , fear and courage , love and death , are intertwined . Gone with the Wind

  26. 同情整个人类的、高贵、心肠柔软的人wm撒克里。

    A noble tenderhearted creature who sympathizes with all the human race-w.m.thackeray .

  27. eBay如何低下高贵的头?

    Would eBay Lower its Head ?

  28. 现年76岁、刚刚获得连任的总理莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)高贵睿智,是个充满魅力的人物。

    Manmohan Singh , the 76-year-old prime minister who has just won re-election , is a charmingly intellectual and courtly figure .

  29. 目的探讨临床烤瓷/抛光工序对4种常用烤瓷合金(3种非贵金属Ni-Cr、Ni-Cr-Ti、Co-Cr合金和1种高贵Au合金)表面元素组成及微观结构的影响机理。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the effect of firing / repolishing on surface composition and microstructure of four metal-ceramic alloys .

  30. 根据希腊神话,牺牲高贵的伊菲革涅亚(iphigenia),是为了让希腊战舰获得前往特洛伊的顺风。

    According to Greek mythology , the noble Iphigenia was sacrificed so that the warships could have a fair wind to Troy .