
  1. 高层厂房高效预应力混凝土结构的设计及施工

    Design and construction of high-efficiency prestressed concrete structure of high-rise factory building

  2. 高层工业厂房建筑防火设计的分析与探讨

    Discussion on the Fire Protection Design of High rise Industrial Building

  3. 高层化工厂房设计

    High workshop design for chemical plant

  4. 本文针对高层工业厂房防火设计中的重点问题,对安全疏散设计和防火分隔设计进行了分析探讨。滑浇工艺在高层工业厂房施工中的应用

    To counter the key problems in the fire protection design of high rise industrial building , the paper analyses and discusses the design of the safe evacuation and fire compartment . The Application of Pouring After Slipping Technique to the Construction of Multi-Storey Industrial Buildings

  5. 桩基因其具有许多独特的功能,而日益广泛应用于高层建筑、重型厂房、桥梁、近海工程等诸多领域,成为工程建设中很重要的一种基础类型。

    Pile is a very important structure which has many advantages and it has been used in high building , factory , bridge , offshore , etc.

  6. 作为电力传输设备,封闭母线槽近年来被广泛用于室内变电站、高层建筑和工厂厂房,以代替传统的电缆进行配电。

    In recent years as the power transmission equipment enclosed busbar has been widely used in transformer substation , high-rise buildings and factory buildings , to replace traditional cable distribution .

  7. 钢&混凝土组合结构近年来在我国应用发展较快,这种结构因其能充分发挥钢材和混凝土材料各自的优点已经在高层建筑、多层厂房、民用住宅等领域应用。

    In recent years , the steel-concrete composite structure has developed fast in our country , this structure has been used in high commercial , many storied factories for its advantages with steel and concrete .

  8. 随着我国经济的迅速腾飞,出现了众多高层建筑和大型厂房,作为一种新型配电导线,母线槽需求量急剧增加。

    With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the emergence of numerous high-rise buildings and large scale factories , the demand of busway which is a new type transmission conductor has been increasing rapidly .

  9. 结合工程实践,针对高层钢结构工业厂房的特点,从厂房刚度、柱间支撑、楼板水平支撑及节点设计等几方面进行讨论。

    Based on engineering practice and in accordance with the characteristics of the high-rise steel industrial buildings a discussion has been made on several related aspects such as building rigidity , intercolumnar brace , floor horizontal brace and joint design .