
  • 网络RIBS;Pork rib;BBQ pork ribs;Spare Ribs
  1. 在野餐中搭配鸡肉,猪肋排,香肠,批萨,意大利面和汉堡包。

    With barbecued chicken , baby back ribs , sausages , pizza pastas and burgers .

  2. 猪骨茶的制造材料是猪肋排、白胡椒、大蒜、蘑菇、芫荽叶、干甘草根、红辣椒、老抽和生抽。

    The ingredients of the pork rib tea are pork spare ribs , white peppercorns , garlic , mushrooms , coriander leaves , dried liquorice root , red chili , dark soya and light soya .

  3. 猪肋排既有肉也有骨头,尤其是经过与中药材和调味品长时间的慢火煲炖后,可为人体提供营养和钙质。

    Pork rib contains both meat and bones , thus offering both nutrition and calcium for human body , especially after it is simmered for a long time with Chinese herbs and spices .

  4. 这里的烹饪技巧和食材搭配独出心裁,比如“分子小笼包”以及涂有巧克力和猪肋排汤的牛舌,味道令人惊喜。

    Expect surprisingly tasty treats created with inventive cooking techniques like the " molecular xiao long bao " and the unlikely marriage of ingredients - think of ox tongue coated with chocolate and bak kut teh ( pork rib soup ) .