
  • 网络pork dumpling
  1. 你要吃什么饺子,猪肉饺子还是牛肉饺子?

    Which dumplings do you want , pork or beef ?

  2. 接下来是美味多汁的薄皮猪肉饺子,盛放在用醋和辣椒油调制的酱汁里。

    Thin-skinned dumplings of juicy , sweet pork followed , resting in a pool of vinegar and chile oil .

  3. 今年死猪舰队格外庞大的原因之一在于,死猪的来源地浙江省最近采取了措施阻止农户向不法商贩出售病死猪。这些不法商贩收购病死猪,是为了将死猪肉做成饺子馅。

    One reason for the unusually large fleet of porcine corpses this year was because Zhejiang province , where the pigs died , has recently tried to stop farmers selling diseased pigs to illegal traders who make them into dumplings .

  4. 你可以品尝到炸鸡翅、酸辣鞑靼牛肉末、猪肉白菜馅饺子和罗勒与罗望子调味的泰式蛤蜊汤。

    There are fried chicken wings as well as hot-and-sour steak tartare , cabbage-and-pork dumplings as well as clams cooked in a Thai basil and tamarind broth .