
  • 网络pig’s offal
  1. 但在许多领域猪肉短缺的影响非常明显,从加工肉类的香肠制造商,到不断上涨的猪下水价格,以及香港打算从南美进口肉类的举动,都说明了这一点。

    But the impact of the shortage of pork is apparent in many areas , from sausage makers switching meats , to rising offal prices , and attempts by Hong Kong to import meat from South America .

  2. 这意味着冷天和宰猪季节一到,白人就有新鲜猪肉,黑人也有猪下水好吃了,同时还意味着大家冬季都有吃的啦。

    It meant fresh pork for the white folks and chitterlings for the Negroes when cold weather and hog-killing time should arrive , and it meant food for the winter for all .