
The current flu outbreak is a personal test for Margaret Chan , the director general of the WHO who previously ran Hong Kong 's department of health .
His comments were a rebuff to Margaret Chan , director-general of the World Health Organisation , which has declared that the H1N1 swine flu outbreak is now a pandemic .
What other examples of swine flu outbreaks are there ?
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The risk of a swine flu pandemic ?
March 2009 , the " swine flu " epidemic outbreak in Mexico , and quickly spread worldwide .
The move comes after new cases of the virus that was first reported in Mexico were reported in several more countries .
But a global flu pandemic would likely impede recovery from the recession , especially for emerging economies dependent on trade and tourism .
The Committee considered available data on confirmed outbreaks of A / H1N1 swine influenza in the United States of America , Mexico , and Canada .
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there have been only mild cases of swine flu in the United States , but experts remain on guard .
If swine flu takes off , people are going to be very nervous about getting in a plane to meet a group of people they don 't know .
That bug was similar but not identical to the virus at the center of the current swine flu outbreak , which is considered a new strain of H1N1 .
The Financial Times also reported that Chan , who recently raised the threat of a pandemic to level five , had suggested a move to level six was likely .
The swine flu dolls are even for sale in the gift shop at the Atlanta , headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control , the US government agency charged with monitoring the outbreak .
Airline industry and port authorities around Asia are monitoring arriving passengers , hoping to detect , and isolate , anyone infected with swine flu , which broke out in Mexico in recent weeks .
Following the second meeting of its Emergency Committee in as many days , the World Health Organization said it has decided to raise the international alert level for swine flu to Phase 4 .
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it does not recommend people travel to Mexico , where the outbreak of swine flu is centered and more than 100 deaths have been reported .
Speaking from WHO headquarters in Geneva , Dr. Keiji Fukuda , Assistant Director-General for Health Security and Environment told reporters that this means there is sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus causing outbreaks in a contained geographic area .
We are closely monitoring the emerging cases of swine flu in the United States . And this is obviously a cause for concern and requires a heightened state of alert . But it 's not a cause for alarm .
The World Health experts are sounding the alarm about a deadly new strain of that could spread very quickly .
She stressed that countries were under severe pressure in tackling the outbreak of swine flu , which has now spread with more than 1,100 cases of infection confirmed in more than 20 countries including 26 deaths .
A four-year-old boy in Veracruz state who was sick and tested positive for the virus is believed to be the earliest-known victim of the outbreak .
Pigs can be served as a very important intermediate host for the interspecies transmission of avian influenza virus ; therefore , the surveillance of swine influenza will provide important information for the prediction and pandemic preparedness of animal and human influenza .