
  1. 当前爆发的猪流感疫情也是对世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍(MargaretChan)个人的考验。之前陈冯富珍曾担任香港卫生署署长。

    The current flu outbreak is a personal test for Margaret Chan , the director general of the WHO who previously ran Hong Kong 's department of health .

  2. 他的这番话是对世界卫生组织(WHO)总干事陈冯富珍(MargaretChan)的回绝。WHO发表声明称,甲型H1N1猪流感疫情目前已发展成世界性流行病。

    His comments were a rebuff to Margaret Chan , director-general of the World Health Organisation , which has declared that the H1N1 swine flu outbreak is now a pandemic .

  3. 是否还有其他的猪流感疫情发生?

    What other examples of swine flu outbreaks are there ?

  4. 每日关注新闻,及时查看最新猪流感疫情。

    Watch news of swine flu via media everyday .

  5. 有猪流感疫情风险?

    The risk of a swine flu pandemic ?

  6. 2009年3月,在墨西哥暴发的人感染猪流感疫情,并迅速在全球范围内蔓延。

    March 2009 , the " swine flu " epidemic outbreak in Mexico , and quickly spread worldwide .

  7. 此举由于继墨西哥首先报告猪流感疫情之后,其他几个国家也发出报告。

    The move comes after new cases of the virus that was first reported in Mexico were reported in several more countries .

  8. 但全球爆发猪流感疫情很可能会阻碍经济复苏,尤其是那些依赖于贸易和旅游的新兴经济体就更是如此。

    But a global flu pandemic would likely impede recovery from the recession , especially for emerging economies dependent on trade and tourism .

  9. 该委员会对美国、墨西哥和加拿大确认发生的A/H1N1猪流感疫情现有数据进行了审议。

    The Committee considered available data on confirmed outbreaks of A / H1N1 swine influenza in the United States of America , Mexico , and Canada .

  10. 美国疾病控制和预防中心代理主任贝塞尔说,墨西哥爆发的猪流感疫情促使美国医生开始积极监控可能出现的感染病例。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there have been only mild cases of swine flu in the United States , but experts remain on guard .

  11. 如果猪流感疫情蔓延,人们对于乘坐飞机与一群不相识的人会面会感到非常紧张。

    If swine flu takes off , people are going to be very nervous about getting in a plane to meet a group of people they don 't know .

  12. 此病菌同目前在猪流感疫情大流行地区中心的病毒相似却不完全相同。

    That bug was similar but not identical to the virus at the center of the current swine flu outbreak , which is considered a new strain of H1N1 .

  13. 金融时报报道,陈冯富珍将猪流感疫情警戒级别提升至五级后,暗示了提升至六级的性。

    The Financial Times also reported that Chan , who recently raised the threat of a pandemic to level five , had suggested a move to level six was likely .

  14. 亚特兰大是美国疾病控制中心的总部所在地。这一政府机构专门负责监控猪流感疫情的爆发。

    The swine flu dolls are even for sale in the gift shop at the Atlanta , headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control , the US government agency charged with monitoring the outbreak .

  15. 自从最近几个星期猪流感疫情从墨西哥开始向世界其他国家扩散以来,亚洲各地的机场和港口就开始密切检测来往的旅客,以期发现和隔离任何受到猪流感病毒感染的人。

    Airline industry and port authorities around Asia are monitoring arriving passengers , hoping to detect , and isolate , anyone infected with swine flu , which broke out in Mexico in recent weeks .

  16. 在举行了多日以来第二次紧急会议之后,世界卫生组织决定,将国际猪流感疫情预警提升至第四级。

    Following the second meeting of its Emergency Committee in as many days , the World Health Organization said it has decided to raise the international alert level for swine flu to Phase 4 .

  17. 美国疾病控制和预防中心说,他们建议人们不要前往墨西哥旅行。墨西哥是猪流感疫情爆发的中心,已报告的死亡病例超过100人。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it does not recommend people travel to Mexico , where the outbreak of swine flu is centered and more than 100 deaths have been reported .

  18. 世界卫生组织负责卫生安全和环境事务的助理总干事福田敬二在世界卫生组织日内瓦总部告诉记者,这意味着病毒在任何人之间持续传播会导致猪流感疫情在大的地理范围内爆发。

    Speaking from WHO headquarters in Geneva , Dr. Keiji Fukuda , Assistant Director-General for Health Security and Environment told reporters that this means there is sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus causing outbreaks in a contained geographic area .

  19. 我们将继续在全国范围内密切监控疫情,猪流感疫情已成为美国面临的一个严重问题,但我们不必惊慌。

    We are closely monitoring the emerging cases of swine flu in the United States . And this is obviously a cause for concern and requires a heightened state of alert . But it 's not a cause for alarm .

  20. 世界卫生组织紧急拉响一种新型传染病毒“猪流感”疫情警报。

    The World Health experts are sounding the alarm about a deadly new strain of that could spread very quickly .

  21. 她强调指出,相关国家在抗击猪流感爆发方面承受着严重压力。迄今猪流感疫情已扩散到20余个国家,确诊病例超出1100例,包括26例死亡病例。

    She stressed that countries were under severe pressure in tackling the outbreak of swine flu , which has now spread with more than 1,100 cases of infection confirmed in more than 20 countries including 26 deaths .

  22. 墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州被检测出猪流感病毒呈阳性的一名4岁男童被认为是已知猪流感疫情爆发后最先染病的受害者。

    A four-year-old boy in Veracruz state who was sick and tested positive for the virus is believed to be the earliest-known victim of the outbreak .

  23. 猪是禽流感病毒“禽_猪_人”传播链中重要的中间宿主,了解猪流感的疫情动态将为动物流感及人流感的疾病预测及防制提供重要依据。

    Pigs can be served as a very important intermediate host for the interspecies transmission of avian influenza virus ; therefore , the surveillance of swine influenza will provide important information for the prediction and pandemic preparedness of animal and human influenza .