
  • Dog flu
  1. 狗流感的重灾区现时集中在佛州、费城、丹佛及纽约北部市郊,万犬染病。

    Dog flu now focus on the hardest hit areas in Florida , Philadelphia , Denver and the northern suburbs of New York , million infected dogs .

  2. 恰如病毒学家所言,对流感病毒唯一可预见的就是,它们流行起来出人意料,狗流感却阻挠了这些病毒成为下一个流行病源。

    In line with the virologists ' adage that the only predictable thing about flu viruses is that they are unpredictable , the dog flu has baffled those following it .

  3. 感染了“狗流感”

    Caught a cold from a puppy

  4. 美国农业部上周宣布,它已批准了首批狗流感疫苗。

    Last week , the United States Department of Agriculture announced that it had approved the first vaccine for it .

  5. 狗主人担心犬流感会流行扩散。

    Pet owners worry about dog flu 's spread .