
  • 网络Asymmetric division
  1. 新进的研究揭示了这种不对称分裂及其分子原理。

    New work illustrates such asymmetric division and its molecular basis .

  2. 在细胞周期整个过程中,干细胞在微环境中确定中心体取向,决定了细胞的不对称分裂。

    Throughout the cell cycle , centrosomes in germline stem cells ( GSCs ) are oriented within their niche and this ensures asymmetric division .

  3. 为了保留DNA的完整性,一些干细胞的不对称分裂过程要多经历一个步骤。

    During asymmetrical divisions , some stem cells take an extra step to preserve the integrity of their DNA .

  4. 命运决定子Numb在神经干/祖细胞不对称分裂及分化中的调控作用

    Regulatory Mechanism of Numb in Asymmetric Cell Division and Differentiation of Neural Stem / Progenitor Cells

  5. 这些结果意味着感染期间发生的APC和T细胞之间的延迟性相互作用先于可能必须的细胞不对称分裂。

    These findings indicate that the prolonged interaction between an APC and a T cell that occurs during infection prior to cell division might be required to establish asymmetry .

  6. 分别从不对称分裂、体外克隆形成能力、成球能力及对化疗药物的耐受性等方面比较SP和NSP细胞的生物学特性差异。

    The biological differences between SP and NSP cells were identified by analysis of abilities in asymmetric cell division , plating , spheroid colony formation and drug resistance in vitro . 2 .

  7. 精原干细胞具有不对称分裂的特性,即可向下分化与自我更新,在如何维持精原干细胞自我更新功能的研究中,plzf的作用引人注目。

    It means the cells can differentiate downward and self-renew . Plzf is noticeable in the studies of maintain spermatogonia stem cells self-renew .

  8. 在果蝇卵巢,生殖系干细胞(GSCs)发生不对称分裂产生子代GSC和成包囊细胞,后者发育成生殖系包囊。

    In Drosophila ovaries , germline stem cells ( GSCs ) divide asymmetrically to produce daughter GSCs and cystoblasts , the latter of which develop into germline cysts .

  9. 细胞不对称分裂是多细胞生物发育的基础。

    Asymmetric cell division is the foundation of multicellular organism development .

  10. 细胞不对称分裂是干细胞的明确特征。

    Asymmetric cell division is the defining characteristic of a stem cell .

  11. 细胞不对称分裂机制&芽殖酵母接合型不对称转换

    Mechanisms of asymmetric cell division : Asymmetric mating type switch in budding yeast

  12. 神经系统发育期细胞不对称分裂机制

    Mechanisms of asymmetric cell divisions during nervous system development

  13. 花粉发育特异基因;以及不对称分裂和细胞命运等几个生物学问题的研究进展作了简要综述,最后还提出了一些研究展望。

    Some problems and future research directions are pointed out in this review .

  14. 小鼠卵母细胞减数分裂是典型的不对称分裂。

    Mouse oocyte meiotic division is typically asymmetric .

  15. 干细胞也可进行不对称分裂,产生两个完全不同的子细胞。

    Or they may do so asymmetrically , and give rise to two very different daughters .

  16. 细胞不对称分裂一般要经历4个步骤:在细胞中建立一个极性轴;

    Asymmetric cell division proceeds through four steps : first , an axis of polarity is established .

  17. 其内源性调控包括干细胞内的一些结构蛋白和多肽因子调控的不对称分裂以及端粒体的长度。外源性调控主要为转化生长因子调节干细胞的增殖和分化;

    Endogenous inputs of the regulation of AS cell proliferation and differentiation include some structural proteins and the length of telomere .

  18. 在多数情况下,孢子体不对称分裂,产生典型双核花粉。

    In the more common route , the first sporophytic division was asymmetric and produced what appeared to be typical bicellular pollen .

  19. 果蝇周围神经系统感觉刚毛由一个前体细胞按固定的程序不对称分裂而形成。

    The sensory bristle of Drosophila peripheral nervous system develops from a single precursor cell that undergoes a stereotyped pattern of asymmetric cell divisions .

  20. 干细胞是一类未分化的细胞群,具有自我更新和多向分化的能力,并保留不对称分裂的生物学表型。

    Stem cells are identified as a class of immature undifferentiated cell populations with self-renewal and differentiation capacity , and reserve the asymmetric replication phenotype .

  21. 细胞不对称分裂的重要特征是细胞命运决定子在细胞分裂期间的不对称分离。

    The charac - teristics of asymmetric cell division are asymmetric segregation of cell fate determinants into one of the two daugh - ter cells .

  22. 键弱化效应是分子轨道不对称分裂的结果,即反键效应大于成键效应。

    That is , the weakening effect is the result of MO asymmetric Splitting , That is , the antibonding effect is greater than bonding effect .

  23. 结论①CD34+CD38-细胞群体具有异质性,由具有不同增殖行为的亚群组成,在体外培养早期存在不对称分裂;

    Conclusions ① CD 34 + CD 38 - cells are heterogeneous and composed of various subpopulations with different initial proliferative behavior , including asymmetric division .

  24. 结果①在联合生长因子的条件下,人类脐血CD34+CD38-细胞早期分裂呈现固定比例的静止、慢分裂、快分裂以及不对称分裂状态;

    Results ① In the presence of the combined cytokines , the CD 34 + CD 38 - human cord blood cells displayed fixed fraction of quiescent , slow and fast division , and asymmetric division .

  25. 近些年,细胞不对称分裂的重要性逐渐为人们所认识,通过对一系列生物模型(比如:果蝇,线虫等)的研究揭示了不对称分裂的共同特点&细胞不对称分裂是以细胞极性的形成为前提。

    In recent years , the studies of several model systems ( for example , drosophila , threadworm ) have revealed a general feacture of asymmetric cell division : the polarity cue is a prerequisite for asymmetric cell division .

  26. 其后,作者通过对CD8+T细胞不对称细胞分裂后的第一代两个子代细胞研究,证明了与T细胞命运相关的分子遗传性。

    The authors next examined the inheritance of T-cell-fate-associated molecules by the first two daughter cells following asymmetrical cell division of CD8 + T cells .

  27. 不对称细胞分裂是指1个细胞分裂为2个具有不同发育潜能的细胞,是产生细胞多样性的基本途径。

    Asymmetric cell division , in which a cell divides into two cells of different developmental potentials , is a fundamental means of generating cell diversity .

  28. 这些研究结果表明对感染应答时T细胞不对称性分裂导致生成的子代细胞明显差别。

    The data indicate that asymmetrical cell division in T cells in response to infection results in the generation of daughter cells with distinct cell fates .

  29. 不对称的细胞分裂导致第一代两个子代细胞不同地形成效应和记忆细胞系。

    The first two daughter cells following asymmetrical cell division are differentially fated towards effector and memory lineages .

  30. 不对称的细胞分裂过程中,通过特异分子的不平衡遗传导致细胞分裂成两个不同的子代细胞。

    Asymmetrical cell division is a process by which a cell gives rise to two different daughter cells through the unequal inheritance of specific molecules .