
  • 网络Incompressible flow;incompressible fluid
  1. 不可压缩流中板状结构的振动分析

    Vibration analysis of plate-type structure in incompressible flow

  2. 本文数值实验中的一些结果对粘性不可压缩流固壁数值边界条件的处理可能具有一定的普遍意义。

    The results obtained from this numerical experiment may be of some universal significance for the treatment of rigid wall boundary conditions of viscous incompressible flow .

  3. 提出一个格子Boltzmann模型应用于不可压缩流的涡流系统。

    A lattice Boltzmann model was proposed for the eddy-stream system in the incompressible flows .

  4. 本文使用时间推进法求解离心泵内部不可压缩流的紊流时均Reynolds方程。

    In this paper the incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for the centrifugal pump were solved by using of time marching method .

  5. 通过数值求解二维不可压缩流Navier-Stokes方程组,本文研究了波状摆动变形体的非定常粘性绕流问题。

    Numerical analysis is carried out to investigate the viscous flow around a flexible body by solving two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations .

  6. 用ADI的方法对不可压缩流体积深二维浅水环流方程离散和求解,建立水动力数学模型。

    Adopted the ADI ( Alternating Direction Implicit ) Method to disperse and solve the incompressible fluid depth-integration two-dimensional shallow water circulation equations , then a hydrodynamic mathematical model was established .

  7. 本文深入研究了在不可压缩流中有立方非线性刚度的二元机翼颤振系统关于非零平衡点发生Hopf分岔的情形。

    Hopf bifurcations of a two-degree-of-freedom airfoil with cubic nonlinear aeroelastic stiffness in incompressible flow on nonzero equilibrium points are investigated . The dynamical behaviors of bifurcation points are determined by using the method of successor function .

  8. 基于Theodorsen理论和Wagner函数,提出了不可压缩流作用下三自由度二维翼段任意运动非定常气动力表达式。

    Based on Theodorsen 's theory and Wagner 's function , the expressions of unsteady aerodynamic forces for arbitrary motions of a two-dimensional airfoil with three degrees of freedom are presented . It is assumed that the airfoil is subjected to an incompressible flow .

  9. 不可压缩流的晶格玻耳兹曼模型的讨论

    The discussing about lattice Boltzmann model for the incompressible flow

  10. 不可压缩流中非对称板状结构模态局部化分析的摄动法

    Perturbation Method of Analyzing Mode Localization of Asymmetrical Plate-type Structure in Incompressible Flows

  11. 这些公式满足不可压缩流的特点,并且均是可逆函数。

    These tool functions are incompressible and invertible .

  12. 粘性不可压缩流的吸引子

    Attractor for the Viscous Incompressible Flows

  13. 本文研究一个两跨板状简单模型在不可压缩流中振动时的固有动特性。应用假设模态法建立系统的运动微分方程。

    The dynamical characteristics of a simple two-span parallel flat plate-type model vibrating in incompressible water are studied here .

  14. 研究了在不可压缩流中具有立方非线性俯仰刚度的二元机翼的颤振问题。

    This paper studies the flutter of a two-dimensional airfoil in the incompressible flow with cubic non-linearity in the plunging direction .

  15. 用边界积分方程法解具有自由边界的粘滞不可压缩流问题双向受载不可压缩弹性半无限体表面的稳定性

    A Boundary & Integral Equation Method for Incompressible Viscous Flows With Free Surface SURFACE INSTABILITY OF AN INCOMPRESSIBLE ELASTIC HALF SPACE SUBJECTED TO BIAXIAL LOADING

  16. 针对飞机飞行时机翼振动问题,研究了在不可压缩流中有立方非线性刚度二元机翼颤振系统的局部分岔,取空气速度和线性俯仰刚度系数作为分岔参数。

    Local bifurcation of two-degree-of-freedom airfoil with cubic nonlinear aeroelastic stiffness in incompressible flow was investigated . The airspeed and the linear stiffness were taken as the bifurcation parameters .

  17. 通过直接数值模拟的方法,探讨在超音速边界层的转捩问题中,是否存在和不可压缩流情况相似的产生亚谐波的机制。

    Direct numerical simulation was done for a supersonic boundary layer , to see if the mechanism for the generation of sub-harmonic waves , similar to those for the incompressible flows , existed in the process of laminar-turbulent transition .

  18. 提出了一种处理压力自洽边界条件的方法,结合文[7]中给出的自调差分格式,可以对一些较复杂的粘性不可压缩流进行数值求解。

    A method for handling the self consistent boundary conditions of pressure is proposed . Utilizing these boundary conditions and the self-adjusting difference scheme proposed in paper [ 6 ] , numerical solution of complicated flow of viscous incompressible fluid can be obtained .

  19. 粘滞不可压缩稳定流的边界积分方程法及Stokes方程的基本解

    A boundary integral equation method for incompressible viscous stationary flows and the fundamental solutions to stokes ' equations

  20. 求解不可压缩粘性流的GLS单元之比较无粘性不可压缩流体动力学

    A Comparative Study of Different GLS Elements for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flows

  21. 不可压缩粘性流SU/PG有限元之N-R迭代格式

    N-R Iteration of SU / PG FEM for Incompressible Viscous Flow

  22. 采用计算流体软件CFX-5中Large-eddysimulation(LES)模型计算了二维不可压缩均匀流中孤立圆柱及串列双圆柱的水动力特性。

    The hydrodynamic characteristics of two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement in a two-dimensional incompressible uniform cross flow were calculated using the large-eddy simulation ( LES ) method .

  23. 不可压缩位流中翼型升力及力矩特性的一点讨论

    A Discussion on Lift and Moment Characteristics of Aerofoils in Incompressible Potential Flows

  24. 不可压缩粘性流中板状梁的振动附加质量及阻尼

    Added Mass and Damping of Plate Type Beam Vibrating in Incompressible Viscous Fluid

  25. 二元细长喷管中不可压缩势流的计算机辅助渐近展开方法

    Computer-aided asymptotic expansions of the solution for Incompressible Potential Flow in slender two-dimensional nozzle

  26. 计算不可压缩流体流径孔板流量计永久压强降的半理论公式

    Calculation of Incompressible Fluids through Orifice Meter in Half Theory Expression of Permanent Head Losses

  27. 改进的近似因子分解方法也用来计算机翼不可压缩绕流压力分布,其结果与其它方法是一致的。

    Airfoil pressure distribution has been computed by the same method and is in good agreement with independent results .

  28. 本文研究不可压缩蠕流穿过有限长圆管的轴对称流动的半数值(配置法)半分析解法。

    The analytical-numerical solution of the incompressible axisymmetric creeping flow through a finite circular pipe is investigated in this paper .

  29. 利用快速离散涡方法计算桥梁主梁断面的气动导数,来流为二维粘性不可压缩均匀流。

    The aerodynamic derivatives are simulated using the fast discrete vortex method in two dimensional viscous incompressible flow passing the bridge decks .

  30. 重力场与微重力场下不可压缩气液两相流研究无粘性不可压缩流体动力学

    Study on Incompressible Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flows under Normal Gravity and Microgravity