
  • 网络curriculum planning;curriculum plan;curriculum design
  1. 美国课程规划的社会张力

    Social Tensions of American Curriculum Planning

  2. 对于未来任务活动设计及课程规划建议也在本文后一并提出。

    More details for the future task design and curriculum planning are suggested in the paper as well .

  3. 本文工作以初中化学为应用领域,使用MSVC开发环境,实现了初中化学知识库,实现了课程规划中的主要算法,实现了常规推理机。

    The junior chemistry knowledge base , the main algorithm in course schedule and the inference engine have been implemented by using MSVC development kit .

  4. 论法律英语课程规划的理据

    Motivations of and Approaches to the Curriculum Development of English for Law

  5. 欲了解更多详情,请参阅课程规划。

    For more details , see the example session plan provided below .

  6. 大学通识教育的基本理念和课程规划

    The Basic Ideas and A Curricular Design on General Education in the University

  7. 另一项特色是著重专业的课程规划。

    Another distinctive feature of the Department is its emphasis on specialized coursework .

  8. 外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学科点课程规划研究

    The Curriculum Layout for the Master 's Degree Program of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

  9. 高校信息素养课程规划研究

    Study on Information Literacy Curricula Design

  10. 新世纪高校体育课程规划研究

    Research on Physical Education Curriculum Programming in Chinese Colleges and Universities in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  11. 从学校课程规划文本看上海中小学课程改革现状

    Viewing Present Situation of Primary and Middle Schools ' Curriculum Reform in Shanghai from Curriculum Planning Text of Schools

  12. 课程规划反映出学生所选专业领域的未来发展,是高等教育必须解决的一个现实课题。

    Curriculum planning reflects the students selected fields of expertise for the future development of higher education must address the practical issue .

  13. 领域知识库和教学调度是智能教学系统的核心内容,本文对知识库和课程规划进行了研究。

    Domain knowledge and teaching schedule are main parts of ITS , this thesis describes the research on knowledge base and course schedule .

  14. 三位同时提到的工作内容有专项运动教学指导、课程规划以及运动社群经营等三项;

    Thirdly three types of job contents were mentioned including instruction and guidance of specific exercise , curriculum planning and community exercise group management .

  15. 提出了高职课程规划的概念,分析了高职课程规划的内容、要素、任务;

    Has proposed the concept of the curriculum programming for the first time , analyzed the content , the essential , the assignment of the curriculum programming ;

  16. 前几个星期对他们来说可是挑战,但我认为华顿有不错的课程规划,所以孩子会很快学到一些基本的美语词汇。

    The first few weeks can be challenging for them , but I think Walton has a nice routine set up so the children will quickly learn some basic English vocabulary .

  17. 在课程规划部分,本文提出了适应性教学规划的实现方法,通过自动选择讲解知识单元、自动安排讲解顺序、根据学生反应自动调整讲解顺序,使教学行为更具有适应性和针对性。

    In the course schedule , this thesis proposes an implementation of adaptive teaching schedule , through automatically selecting knowledge unit , sorting teaching sequence and adjusting knowledge unit queue according to the student 's behavior , the instructional procedure is more adaptive , and the performance is improved .

  18. Inspiration在网络课程站点规划中的应用

    Application of Inspiration in the Network Course Site Programming

  19. 电磁场与电磁波课程体系规划研究

    Planning to the Course System of Electromagnetic Field and Wave

  20. 观赏树木学网络课程的规划设计

    Plan and design of the network course " ornamental tree sciences "

  21. 负责学校课程的规划、管理和实施;

    Responsible for the planning , management and implementation of school curriculum ;

  22. 管理部负责课程体系规划及培训的主导、织实施和考核。

    The Adminstration Department is responsible for course system programming and training executive and assess .

  23. 培训课程的规划与设计尤其应考虑东购商学院成立的背景,统筹兼顾。

    Training courses especially the planning and design should consider the establishment of the Business School background .

  24. 他所教授的课程包括规划理论,环境分析方法,规划纠纷调解等。

    He regularly teaches courses in planning theory , methods of environmental analysis , and planning dispute resolution .

  25. 从知识点掌握到应用系统构建的微机接口课程设计规划及实现

    The Course Projects Planning and Implementation of Micro-computer and Interfacing Technology Based on Course key Points Mastering and Micro-computer Application System Construction

  26. 为了真正实施个别化的特殊教育,得到良好的教学效果,重在开展校内的教育行动研究,加强校本课程的规划与开发,努力实施系统的校本管理。

    In order to realize individualized special education and achieve better teaching effects , educational action research should be carried out in schools , planning and developing of school - based curriculum should be strengthened , and systematic school - based management should be solidly carried out .

  27. 本文给出该系统的课程建设目标规划模型及其反射P空间算法。

    In this paper are presented the goal programming model for course construction and the reflection P-space algorithm of the system .

  28. 继续教育课程设计综合规划的设想

    Idea of Course Design in Comprehensive Way in Continuing Education

  29. 课程建设目标规划模型及其算法

    Goal programming model for course construction and it 's algorithm

  30. 大学计算机基础课程国家级规划教材建设的研究

    Research on the National-Level Planning Teaching Material Construction of Computer Basic Course