
  1. 教学节奏影响课堂教学效益和学生发展。

    Teaching rhythm influences teaching efficiency and the development of students .

  2. 数学交流能力直接影响着课堂教学效益。

    The ability of mathematics communication directly influences the class teaching effect .

  3. 努力提高课堂教学效益切实推进素质教育

    Improve Classroom Teaching and Carry Forward Quality Education

  4. 提高教学质量,关键是要提高课堂教学效益。

    The key to the improvement of teaching quality is to increase the benefits of classroom teaching .

  5. 然而在长期以来的中等职业教育实践中,这一原则却没有真正得到实施。从而导致学生学习兴趣不浓,学习积极性差,课堂教学效益低下。

    However , in the long-standing practice of secondary vocational education , this principle has not really been implemented , which results in less interest and passive attitudes in learning and low efficiency in teaching .

  6. 在传统条件下,师生互动都是基于语言或者是简单的活动,学生参与的积极性很难调动或者调动的程度不够,因而大大地影响了课堂教学效益。

    In traditional terms , the teacher-student interaction are based on language or a simple activity , students participate more actively difficult to mobilize or transfer was inadequate , and thus greatly affect the effectiveness of classroom teaching .

  7. 最后总结出资源的开发利用要与个性化、专业化教师成长同步、深入研究动态生成的资源、有效管理和整合资源,提高课堂教学效益等建议。

    Last , the writer summary advices , including " development and utilization of resources should cogradient individuation and professionalization of teachers "," studying dynamically generated resources "," integration and control resources , improving effectively teaching benefit " .

  8. 为了更好地开展反思性教学,提高课堂教学效益,结合教学案例提出了反思性教学设计中应重点关注的几个问题,它们是创设情境、尝试探索、调整反思、变式练习和反思评价。

    In order to smoothly launch the reflective teaching , thus promoting the efficacy of classroom teaching , this essay puts forward several should-pay-close-attention-to questions of reflective teaching , which include creating circumstances , attempting to explore , adjusting reflection and reflective appraising .

  9. 这一研究对于提高语文课堂教学的效率和效益,促进语文教师的专业成长具有积极的参考价值。

    This study has a positive reference value , which may well improve the efficiency and effectiveness of class teaching , as well as promote teachers ' professional development .

  10. 因此,如何优化中学语文课堂教学环境,不断提高语文课堂教学质量与效益就很值得研究探讨。

    Therefore , how to create and optimize the classroom environment in middle school Chinese teaching and learning is well worth research and studies .

  11. 因此,全面探索和寻求优化成人课堂教学环境的策略,既是提高成人课堂教学效益的有效途径,也是促进成人学习与发展的内在需求。

    Therefore , comprehensive exploration and search for the optimization strategy of adult classroom teaching-and-learning environment is not only an effective way to improve teaching effectiveness , but also the inherent requirements of adult student learning and development .

  12. 新课程提倡积极构建以学生为主体的课堂教学结构,转变教学方式,提高课堂教学效益,课堂教学研究是课改研究为主流的发展方向。

    The new curriculum advocated that constructs positively take the student as the main body classroom instruction structure , the transformation teaching way , raises the classroom instruction benefit , the classroom instruction research is the class changes the research for the mainstream development direction .

  13. 培养务实的研究、学习型教师,提高教师课改形势下进行课堂教学的能力与素质,提高课堂教学质量和效益,构建课堂教学双主体实效性策略的研究。

    Develop practical research , learning-oriented teachers , curriculum reform to improve the situation of teachers under the capacity and quality of classroom teaching and improve teaching quality and effectiveness of classroom instruction pairs of the main building effective strategy research .

  14. 有效的数学课堂教学应关注学生的全面发展,落实三维目标,提高课堂教学效益。

    Effective classroom teaching for mathematic should be focus on trainning the students to be all-rounded , carrying out three-D goals , enhancing benefits of classroom teaching .

  15. 素质教育要求教师首先要完成角色的转变,要从课堂教学的垄断者转变为课堂学习的组织者,灵活运用多种教学方法,充分调动学生课堂学习的积极性,以达到提高课堂教学效益的目的。

    Quality-oriented education calls on teachers to change their roles in the education , that is , from " monopolists " to the organizers-Teachers should achieve their aim of improving the beneficial results in their classroom teaching by using flexible teaching methods to arouse the students ' zeal in study .