
  1. 高师专科院校《可持续发展》课程教育研究与实践

    Study and Practice on the Sustainable Development Subject Education in Teachers College

  2. 中职生生涯发展课程教育实验研究

    An Experiment on the Career Development Education for the Secondary Vocational School Students

  3. 系统规划建设了由教育与心理基础类课程、教育研究与拓展类课程、教育实践与技能类课程和学科教育类课程等四个模块组成的教师教育课程建设体系。

    And then a curriculum system of teacher education including four modules such as the foundation of Education and Psychology courses , Educational Research and the Development courses , Educational Practice and Skill courses , and Subject Education courses , was systematically constructed at H University .

  4. 课程研究是教育研究的核心领域。

    Curriculum research is the core field of educational research .

  5. 课程史是教育研究领域的重要部分。

    The history of curriculum is the important part of educational research field .

  6. 教师正由传统的传道、授业、解惑者的角色变为导学者、课程开发者、教育研究者、新知识新技术的学习者、学生的评价者。

    From the traditional roles of propagating cardinal principles , imparting professional knowledge and resolving doubts , teachers are transforming into instructors , developers , research workers , learners and judges of new knowledge and new techniques .

  7. 网络课程教育综合效益评价研究

    Research on the Evaluation of E-learning Course Education about Integrative Benefit

  8. HIS课程教育及其实践教学研究

    Study on the teaching and its practice of HIS course

  9. 跆拳道体育课程的心理学教育效果研究

    Study on Psychology Education of Taekwondo Physical Education Curriculum

  10. 目前后现代主义课程理论仍是教育工作者研究的一个热点领域。

    Nowadays postmodernism curriculum theory keeps on developing , which is still a hot field being researched by many educators .

  11. 主要内容是通过戏剧艺术的学习,交流双方在文学与艺术课程的教育教法、研究双方国家的文化发展状况。

    Main content is to learn the art of theater , both in literature and art exchange program of education teaching , research and cultural development of both countries .

  12. 教育活动课程主要包括教育理论研究、教育艺术研究、教育技能训练、教育实践、隐性课程等课程类型。

    The educational activity curriculum includes such types as educational theory study , educational arts study , educational skills training , educational practice , educational hidden curriculum and so on .

  13. 现代教学与课程论、教育技术研究揭示了学习理论的基础性作用,深刻把握特定学习理论的内涵和外延无疑有助于教育技术实践。

    The modern curriculum and the instruction theory and the educational technology research has promulgated the foundational function of learning theory . The connotation and denotation of specific learning theory is helpful without doubt to the educational technology practice .

  14. 新一轮英语课程改革呼唤课程视角的英语教育研究,从课程角度对我国英语课程加以分析有助于我们更深刻地理解我国英语课程改革。

    New reform of English curriculum calls for the research of English education from curriculum viewpoint , and the analysis of English curriculum in China from this viewpoint is helpful to the further understanding of the reform of English curriculum in China .

  15. 目前我国在小学也开设了社会课程,不过对于社会课程与公民教育的研究还处于初级阶段,存在大量的理论和实践问题。

    Now China also established Social Studies , but there are many problems as to Social Studies and citizenship education in theory and in practice .