
  • 网络Course Evaluation;curriculum evaluation;evaluation;Course assessment
  1. Rough集理论在网络课程评价体系中的应用

    Application of Rough Sets in the Online Course Evaluation System

  2. 基于BP神经网络和CELTS-22的网络课程评价研究

    Research of network course evaluation based on BP neural network and CELTS-22

  3. 基于这种思想,笔者将运用模糊综合评判方法、结合ASP技术和关系数据库技术,设计并实现了一个B/S体系结构的网络课程评价平台。

    On the basis of this thought , Then author will design and develop an evaluation platform of B / S structure for web-based course by appling method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation 、 technology of ASP and technology of relative database .

  4. PDPP网络课程评价模式的建构及其应用案例

    Evaluating Online Courses : The PDPP Model and Its Application

  5. 高中生物实验课程评价探讨

    The Exploration in Experimental Curriculum Evaluation of Biology in High School

  6. 关于中国课程评价存在的问题及策略初探

    The Existed Problems and the Correspond Strategies on Chinese Curriculum Evaluation

  7. 论高中英语课程评价改革

    On the Reformation of English Curriculum Evaluation for Senior High School

  8. 课程评价改革的当代知识论基础

    The Contemporary Theory Bases of Knowledge for the Curriculum Evaluation Reform

  9. 初中化学课程评价方案的研究

    Research on the Evaluation Program for Chemistry in Junior Middle Schools

  10. 重视发挥体育课程评价的激励功能。

    Pay attention to the encouragement function of sport course appraisal .

  11. 社会网络分析在网络课程评价中的应用研究

    Social Network Analyses in the Network of Curriculum Evaluation of Research

  12. 网络课程评价管理系统的分析与设计

    An Online Course Evaluation Management System : Analysis and Design

  13. 量化课程评价是目标取向的,它追求工具理性。

    Quantitative evaluation embodied objective orientation and pursued instrumental rationality .

  14. 课程评价的现状、问题与展望

    The Current State . Problem and Prospect of Curriculum Evaluation

  15. 芬兰普通高中的课程评价和课程管理

    Curriculum evaluation and administration of upper secondary schools in Finland

  16. 课程评价改革是课程改革系统中的关键环节。

    Curriculum evaluation reform is the key part of curriculum reform system .

  17. 高职院校校本课程评价研究

    Evaluation Studies on School-Based Courses in Higher Vocational Schools

  18. 主客观结合确定网络课程评价指标权重

    Determining the attribute weight of Web-based course evaluation indexes system subjectively and objectively

  19. 网络课程评价及其评价指标体系的建构

    Evaluation of Online-Course and Evaluating Indicator System 's Construction

  20. 其中测验期和描述期是量化课程评价占主导地位的时期。

    In testing and descriptive period , quantitative evaluation is the main approach .

  21. 动态性评价:语文课程评价的新视角

    Dynamic Evaluation : New Perspective of Chinese Curriculum Evaluation

  22. 关于广州中学青年教师对高师教育课程评价的调查分析报告

    A Survey of the Assessment of Educational Curriculum from Novice Teachers in Guangzhou

  23. 论高校英语课程评价的发展趋向

    On the Developing Trend of the College English Assessment

  24. 网络课程评价的基本原则

    Talk about Basic Principles of Evaluation of Network Course

  25. 试论课程评价多元化趋势

    Review on the Pluralistic Trends of the Curriculum Evaluation

  26. 论课程评价的属性测度模型及其实现

    Attribute Hierarchy-based Model of Course Assessment and its Realization

  27. 建立中医药课程评价指数体系的研究

    A Study on Establishing the Evaluation Index System of the Chinese Medical Subjects

  28. 课程评价模式的价值取向分析

    Analysis on the Value Orientation of Curriculum Evaluation Models

  29. 浅议新课程评价改革

    An Elementary Introduction of the Reformation of the Appraisal in the New Course

  30. 新课改背景下的职教英语课程评价研究

    Study on Vocational English Course Evaluation Under the Situation of New Course Reform