
  • 网络Writing Assessment;awa
  1. 关于英语写作评价视角的思考

    Reflections on the Criterion of EFL Writing Assessment

  2. 论文中构建的语文教育评价体系主要是从课堂教学评价、和分项评价(阅读评价、写作评价、口语交际评价、综合性学习评价)和单元评价、学期评价这五部分来评价。

    This paper covers five sections : the classroom teaching assessment , subentry assessment ( including reading assessment , writing assessment , communication assessment and synthesis learning assessment ), unit assessment , terminal assessment .

  3. 所以,作者开展了一项关于两种写作评价方式的研究。

    Hence , the author carried out an experimental study about the two kinds of reviews .

  4. 在各个学科的测评中,写作评价是最困难的,也是一个世界性难题。

    In various disciplines , the writing evaluation is not only the most difficult but also a global problem .

  5. 用发展性评价思想指导初中学段写作评价成为最佳的取向。

    The thought instruction junior middle school writes with " the development appraisal " appraises into the best choice .

  6. 对写作评价进行科学研究和深入探讨将有助于形成科学、开放、人性化的作文教学系统,着眼于学生自身发展的写作评价将帮助学生取得真正的进步。

    The scientific and further study of writing evaluation will be helpful to form a scientific , open and humane of writing teaching system .

  7. 新一轮语文课程改革实施以来,作为指挥棒角色的写作评价却未能与之同步,显得较为沉闷。

    Since the implementation of new round of Chinese Curriculum Reform , writing evaluation as the role of baton has failed to grow in step and seems to be dull .

  8. 我国初中学务段传统的写作评价存在评价主体一元、对象零散、方法呆板等严重局限,到了必须改革的地步。

    Our country junior middle school tradition writing appraisal existence appraisal main body only , the object scattered , the method is stereotypical and so on the serious limitation , to the situation which had to reform .

  9. 总结概括整篇论文,反思本次研究的得与失,并对未来予以展望。在以后的课程改革中将继续对写作评价标准进行研究,以期促进写作评价的进一步发展。

    The whole paper is concluded in this part . The gain and loss of the research are rethought and the future is looked into , In the future curriculum reform , writing evaluation criteria will be further researched , and hopes to encourage the development of writing evaluation .

  10. 向心理论的局部连贯模式与二语写作质量评价

    Application of the Centering Local Coherence Model in Second Language Writing Evaluation

  11. 科技写作教学评价问题刍议

    Discussion on the Problems about Assessment of Scientific Writing Teaching

  12. 主要涉及了交互式写作的评价和英语教学的建议。

    It mainly illustrates the two aspects that is the evolution of the interactive writing and suggestions for English teaching .

  13. 同时,作者也分析了实验过程中发现的问题,并对英语写作教学评价提出了建议。

    Meanwhile , the author analyzed the limitations of the experiment , and proposed some suggestions on the future teaching of writing .

  14. 本研究得出以下结论:在教师的恰当引导下,形成性评价工具在线写作自动评价系统能在英语写作教学中发挥极大的作用。

    The conclusions of this study are stated as follows . Under the guidance of teachers , formative assessment tool AES play a significant role in English writing teaching .

  15. 中学生语文学科学业评价主要包括:中学生语文基础知识积累与运用能力评价、中学生阅读能力评价、中学生写作能力评价、中学生口语交际能力评价和中学生语文综合实践活动能力评价等。

    Middle school students ' Chinese proficiency achievement assessment consists of the following aspects of assessments : middle school students ' Chinese basic knowledge accumulation and implementation ability , middle school students ' reading ability , writing ability , oral communication and comprehensive practice ability , etc.

  16. 传统高中阶段对英语写作的评价主要是以教师为主的终结性评价,习惯用考试成绩来衡量学生的学习情况,学生无法得知习作的进步过程和原因。

    However , the traditional way of writing evaluation in high school stage is summative assessment , which mainly based on teacher . We used to measure learning of students by test scores , and the students do not know the process and causes of their progress on writing .

  17. 主要是从生活体验,阅读体验,积累体验,写作模式和评价方式五个方面指导体验式作文教学的实践。

    It mainly direct experience composition teaching practice from life experience , reading experience , accumulation experience , writing models and evaluation methods etc five aspects .

  18. 最后,刘易士?孟福之批判与历史写作被重新评价为进步年代美国市民社会公共性建构的论述形式。

    Finally , Lewis mumford 's critical and historical text is revaluated as the discursive form for the public constitution of American civil society in the progressive era .

  19. 在本次研究中,作者通过学生问卷调查,了解了两个班级的学生对各自写作课堂的评价,并通过听课直接观察了两位教师的教学差异。

    Student questionnaire has been used to investigate the quality of writing class in the eyes of students . And class observation has been carried out as a direct method to examine the difference between the two teachers .

  20. 在高中英语学习阶段,学生的写作能力是评价其英语水平的一个重要方面。学生在英语写作中能否运用衔接手段是衡量其英语写作水平的关键所在。

    In the process of English learning in senior high schools , students ' writing ability has been an important perspective to evaluate their English proficiency level , while the use of appropriate cohesive devices is key to high writing proficiency .

  21. 此外,本研究希望对新闻语篇的写作、及评价性阅读也有一定的教学指导意义,并且帮助人们熟悉中国英语报刊硬新闻语言特色,减少在阅读英文报刊时遇到的障碍。

    Additionally , the author hopes that this paper could offer some guide for teachers in teaching news texts writing and evaluation reading , and readers may become more familiar with language features of English hard news of China and feel easier to read English newspapers and magazines .

  22. 一个新的多媒体写作软件模型和评价标准

    A New System Model of the Multimedia Authoring Software and its Evaluation Standard

  23. 过程写作中的同伴评价

    Peer - conferencing in Process - writing

  24. 这些策略涉及智慧作文的写作、修改和评价,具有一定的具体性和操作性,能为高中教师们提供一些借鉴。

    The strategy involved wisdom composition writing , evaluation and modification , has certain concreteness and operability , offer some references for teachers .

  25. 这种以现代都市为背景形成的文学审美经验,对整个中国文学的写作、传播及评价都产生了深刻的影响。

    This kind of literary aesthetic experience formed on the background of modern city has produced profound effects on the writing , spreading and evaluation of whole Chinese literature .

  26. 通过这三个方面的阐述,让读者认识身体写作,进而为评价它的是与非奠定基础。

    Through the exposition of these three areas so that the reader can understand the " Body Writing ", and then to establish the foundation about how to evaluate its affirmation or negation . 3 .

  27. 第二章高中语文写作教学过程性评价现状调查,以问卷调查形式对高中写作评价现状做大致介绍,列举出现行写作教学评价的一些问题。

    Chapter II teaching high school writing assessment Language Survey , a questionnaire in the form of evaluation of the high school to do a broad overview of writing , citing the line Writing Evaluation appears some of the problems .

  28. 第三章基于小组合作的写作教学过程性评价实践,是在实践方面的过程性介绍,主要内容从实践开始前的准备工作,实践过程中具体的操作流程等。

    Chapter III based team to the writing process evaluation of teaching practice , mainly in the introduction to the process of practice , from practice before the start of preparatory work , the process of practice specific operating processes .

  29. 该问卷涉及到教师讲授写作的策略以及对学生写作的评价,师生对篇章连贯的意识以及重视程度,写作教学的过程,学生的写作策略和习惯以及写作教学的效果等等。

    The questionnaires concern teachers ' strategies of writing teaching , ways of assessing students writing , the awareness of text coherence , the process of writing teaching and learning , learners ' writing strategies and habits , and the effects of our English writing teaching and learning .

  30. 教师在写作教学中应改变传统的写作评价方式,采用如合作学习法,同学互评法等方法,使学生能在一个轻松愉快的氛围里进行写作,从而降低他们的认知焦虑。

    In order to reduce students ' cognitive writing anxiety , teachers should change the traditional way of evaluating students ' writings in writing teaching , adopting some methods such as cooperative learning and peer response to make students undertake writing tasks in a relaxed and pleasant environment .