
  • 网络Study and Practice;Learning and Practice
  1. 准时生产方式的学习与实践

    The Study and Practice of Just-In-Time Production

  2. 加强临床医学知识的学习与实践,培养实验室诊断的综合能力;

    Reinforcing the study and practice of clinical medical knowledge so as to strengthen the overall abilities to make laboratory diagnoses ;

  3. 不断的学习与实践是获得语用能力的唯一途径。

    Continuous learning and practice is the only way to obtain the ability .

  4. 我们必须高度重视将理论学习与实践联系起来。

    We must pay great attention to tiding up theoretical studies with practices .

  5. 有助于完善大学生的角色学习与实践。

    It is helpful in consummates college student 's role study and the practice .

  6. 阅读教学是教师指导学生学习与实践阅读的教与学的行为。

    Reading teaching is the action that teacher guides the students to learn and practice .

  7. 教师应通过理论学习与实践锻炼的基本途径去提高自身的选择能力。

    Therefore a teacher should enhance his ability of selection by theoretical studies and practical experiences .

  8. 中国林业建设的理性思考&学习与实践科学发展观笔记

    Rational Thinking of China Forestry Construction & Note on studying and practicing scientific outlook on development

  9. 藏书发展稳定状态理论的学习与实践&简析馆藏图书的剔除工作

    Learning and Practice of the Theory of Stabilized Collection Development : Analysis of Stock Weeding in Libraries

  10. 培养学生的自主学习与实践能力是高校提高人才培养质量的重要内容。

    Training students'autonomic learning and practical ability is the important content that universities improve the training quality .

  11. 经过将近一年的学习与实践,熟悉线路板工艺流程以及对各类工程问题的处理。

    Be familiar with the technical process of breadboard and handling with different types of issues of projects .

  12. 中国陆地表层系统分区&对黄秉维先生陆地表层系统理论的学习与实践

    Division of the Terrestrial System in China : A case study from Huang ′ s theory on terrestrial system science

  13. 并且提出了从学习与实践中培养新型设计师的设想、建议。

    In the last part , the author presents the ideas and suggestion of cultivating new designers from learning and practice .

  14. 于是,能有效促进学生学习与实践密切结合的工学交替教育模式就日益受到关注,但相关的理论研究却严重滞后于实践探索。

    Therefore , the educational model of learning and working alternation , which can promote students to correlate studying and practice effectively , has been discussed intensely .

  15. 高校党建工作实践三个代表,必须加强思想建设、组织建设、作风建设,同时处理好学习与实践的关系、党建与中心工作的关系、继承与创新的关系。

    Meanwhile , three relations must be well dealt with , namely , study and practice , Party building and the central work , and inheritance and innovation .

  16. 作为实践,该组态软件基本上包含了一个工业组态软件应具有的基本功能,达到了预期的学习与实践的要求。

    As practice , this configuration software basically contain the essential functions what a industry configuration software must has , reaches the expectant demands of study and practice .

  17. 在中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养上,我国教师教育存在思想认识上的不足、职前培养与职后培训上的分离、理论学习与实践上的脱离等问题。

    This problem comes from the lack of deep comprehension on teacher education , the separation of pre-service education from in-service education and the separation of theory from practice .

  18. 为此,笔者多年来一直坚持几分钟练习法,促使学生更加积极地全身心地投入到体育课的学习与实践中去。

    So " several minutes exercise method " has been insisted on for many years in order to spur the students to throw themselves into the study and practice of P. E.

  19. 音乐系建立音乐会制度可以提高教学质量,丰富校园文化生活,促进学习与实践的有机结合;制度化的音乐会必将会给音乐教育教学带来新的活。

    The establishment of the concert system in music department can improve the teaching effect , enrich the campus cultural life , and promote the organic combination of learning with practice .

  20. 计算机应用专业毕业设计是培养学生理论学习与实践相结合、提升理论水平和动手能力的最后一个环节。

    The graduation project of computer application speciality is raising the unity of the student theoretical study and the practice and is the last link of promotion theoretical level and practice ability .

  21. 缩短学习与实践的周期,加快学习与实践的频率,将实践贯穿于学习过程始终成为今后音乐教育实习的趋势。

    It will become a trend to shorten the period of teaching and practice , speed up the frequency of teaching and practice and ensure practice throughout the whole process of learning .

  22. 英语教学应体现高职教育的特点,加强英语基础课的学习与实践,注重语言应用能力和技巧的培养。

    The English teaching should reflect the characteristics of higher vocational education to strengthen the learning and practice of English basic courses and attach importance to the training of language applied abilities and techniques .

  23. 本文作者经过长期的理论学习与实践操作,结合较为广泛的社会调查结果,对电子商务领域的相关热点、难点法律问题作了较为系统地总结。

    Author of this text pass long-term theory study operate with practice , it combines to be comparatively extensive social investigation result , been made and comparatively summarizes to e-commerce relevant focus , legal issue of difficult point of field systematically .

  24. 通过小学教师课堂教学管理能力发展水平的特征分析,本研究认为:提高小学教师课堂管理能力的途径是理论学习与实践相结合的方法。

    Through the development characteristic of the classroom management ability for the primary school teachers , this study argues that : improve the ability of primary school teachers ' classroom management approach is the " theory " and " practice " combination method .

  25. 笔者将改革与发展民办职业教育置于学习与实践科学发展观的背景下进行研究,力图增强我国民办职业教育的科学性、时代性与发展的可持续性。

    The author tried to research the revolution and development of vocational education of non-government funding with the background of study and practice of the scientific strategy of development and to enhance scientificity , contemporary spirits and sustainability of vocational education of non-government funding in China .

  26. 积极推进职业教育教学与生产实践、技术推广、社会服务的紧密结合,推进职业理论知识学习与实践工作的紧密结合,是职业教育提高人才培养模式的核心和灵魂。

    We should be active in promoting the combination of educational theory , production practice , technique popularization , and social service . To promote the combination of theory studying and practice is the kernel and the soul of improving the training method of vocational education .

  27. 培养大学生的审美素质,既要通过学校教育、环境熏陶等外化方法,又要依靠大学生自身的学习与实践,内外因相互结合,才能切实有效地促进大学生审美素质的提高。

    This text put forward that we should depend on school education and environments edification one side , the other side that university students should participate in aesthetic study and practice . These two methods mutually combine to improve university students ' aesthetic quality in deed .

  28. 书写习惯的形成是在人体神经系统功能的作用下,通过后天的学习与实践,逐渐产生语言和书写活动,再通过长期反复的练习使书写活动形成动力定型及特有的书写习惯。

    Writing habits formed in the human body function of the nervous system , through acquired learning and practice , has the effect of language and writing activities , and then through long-term repeated practice to write to form dynamic stereotype activities of the formation of specific writing habits .

  29. C语言学习方法与实践的探讨

    Discussion about The C Language Studying Method

  30. OECD国家终身学习政策与实践分析

    An Analysis of Lifelong Learning Policies and Practices in OECD Countries