
  • 网络learning effectiveness
  1. 不断更新教材和教具,以助学生掌握新知,并提高其学习效能。

    To review and update teaching materials and aids continually so as to ensure students obtain new information and increase learning effectiveness .

  2. 女生内在认知负荷水平显著高于男生,拥有的心理资本少于男生,学习效能、表现出的自主学习能力以及组织运用能力显著低于男生。

    The intrinsic cognitive load level of girls ' is higher than boys ' . They have less psychological capital than boys . Their learning effectiveness , autonomous learning ability and organization skills are both less than boys .

  3. 篮球游戏教学法对中学生学习效能的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Efficiency of Basketball Games on Middle school Students

  4. 中学生学习效能感的特点研究

    A Characteristics Study on Middle School Students ' Academic Self-Efficacy Belief

  5. 探索学生学习效能的提高&兼数学教学活动

    Improvement Students Learning Efficacy & Focus on Mathematics Teaching

  6. 课堂心理环境对英语学习效能的影响研究

    A study of the impact of classroom psychological environment on English learning effect

  7. 网络环境下小学英语学习效能研究

    Under Network Environment Elementary School English Study Potency Research

  8. 虚拟团队学习效能:一个研究框架

    Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning : A Research Framework

  9. 远程学习效能感的结构和影响因素研究

    Self-efficacy of Distance Learning : Structure and Related Factors

  10. 就总体而言,成绩越好,学习效能感越高,但不同成绩水平的中学生在学习效能感上呈现出不同的发展趋势;

    However , the ASEB of students at different achievement levels showed different developmental trends .

  11. 为协助学生提升电脑资讯素养的相关知能,并能有效利用网路资源达自我学习效能。

    Helping students to promote their Information literacy by using of the on line technology .

  12. 测查结果显示,就远程学习效能感的两个维度而言,学习者的特殊效能感显著高于一般效能感。

    Learners ' computer skill was found to have significant effect on self-efficacy of distance learning .

  13. 论学生的学习效能感

    Students ' Sense of Study Effect

  14. 论学生的学习效能感探讨大学生学习厌倦感、自我效能感与抑郁的关系。

    Students ' Sense of Study Effect To examine relationships of self-efficacy , sense of academic weariness and depression .

  15. 运用教学实验方法,对中学生进行篮球游戏教学与学习效能的研究。

    Using teaching experimental method , learning efficiency of middle school students who take part in basketball games is studied .

  16. 在自然情境中,通过控制实验变量,总结出培养英语学习效能感的方法。

    To find out the method to develop students ' English learning self-efficacy by controlling experimental variable in natural setting .

  17. 把提高学生的学习效能与提高教师的教学效能相结合,达到教育的优化。

    To combine the improvement of students ' learning efficiency with that of teachers ' teaching efficiency will optimize the education .

  18. 体育专业研究生的英语课堂焦虑与英语学习效能感存在显著负相关。

    There is also an obvious relationship between English classroom anxiety and Self-efficacy on English learning of postgraduates in sports colleges . 5 .

  19. 在学习效能感在国内研究逐渐成熟的时期,创业学习领域的效能感研究几乎还是空白。

    However , in maturing period of study on academic efficiency in China , study on academic efficacy in entrepreneurial learning is almost unexplored .

  20. 首先是修订量表的过程,在理论和实践的基础上,对所采用的学习效能感量表,学习策略量表和考试焦虑量表进行修订。

    The first part is to revise the scales & the learning self-efficacy scale , the learning strategy scale and the test anxiety scale .

  21. 当焦虑水平太高或太低时,它会降低学习效能,但焦虑水平达到中度时,它会促进学习效能。

    When anxiety is too high or too low in intensity , it may reduce learning efficiency while anxiety at medium intensity can promote learning efficiency .

  22. 学习效能感越强,自我价值和家庭地位的适应程度越高;一般效能感越强,人际交往适应程度越高。

    Learning efficacy is stronger , adaption level of self-worth and family status is higher ; general efficacy is stronger , adaption level of social association is higher .

  23. 大学生的学习效能感与内部动机、学习定向呈极显著的正相关与外部动机呈显著正相关,与回避定向呈极显著的负相关;

    The learning efficacy is extremely positively related to intrinsic motivation and learning orientation , and positively related to extrinsic motivation , but extremely negatively related to escaping orientation .

  24. 本研究采用自编的远程学习效能感问卷对207名远程学习者进行测查。因素分析结果表明,远程学习效能感可以分为一般效能感和特殊效能感两个维度。

    Confirmatory factor analysis of responses from 207 distance learners to the Distance Learning Self-efficacy Scale yielded two substantial factors & general self-efficacy of distance learning and special self-efficacy of distance learning .

  25. 但是作为一名教龄将达十年的英语教师,笔者发现相当一部分的学生学习效能低下,缺乏学习的自主性,属于被动学习。

    But as an English teacher for almost ten years , the author has discovered that most of the students are not efficient learners and they are very often forced to learn .

  26. 文章界定了学生学习效能感的含义:一是学生对自已学习能力和学习成绩的预期和主观判断;

    This paper attempts to define students ' sense of study effect in the following two aspects : ① students ' predication and subjective assessment of their own study ability and possible scores ;

  27. 首先要提高生物学概念教学的成效;精讲多练,重视学生学习效能的训练。

    To improve teaching efficiency , the first is to improve the effectiveness of biological concept teaching ; explain carefully and ensure plenty of practices , pay attention to the training of students ' learning ability . 3 .

  28. 本研究旨在探讨中学绩差生和优良生的成就归因和学习效能感的特点,被试为北京市某中学平均成绩在60分以下(绩差生)和80分以上(优良生)的学生。

    This research is to examine characteristics of achievement attribution and learning - efficacy in low-achieved ( average academic achievement score is under 60 ) and high-achieved ( average academic achievement score is above 80 ) middle school students . Subjects were Beijing middle school students .

  29. 各维度构成因素分别为:学生心理资本、学生情感体验、学生学习效能;课程作业因素、教师有效教学、师生互动程度;学生自主学习能力、学生组织运用能力。

    All dimensions constitutive factors are respectively : students ' psychological capital , students ' emotion experience , students ' learning effectiveness ; course assignments factors , teachers ' teach efficiently , and interaction between students and teachers ; students ' autonomous learning ability , students ' organization skills .

  30. 体育专业大学生学习自我效能感的测量研究PBL教学法对高职护生学业自我效能感的影响

    Metrical Research on Leaning Self-efficacy of P.E. - majored Undergraduates ; The Effect of Problem-based Learning on Academic Self-efficacy of Nursing Students in Higher Vocational School