
  • 网络stage career;Limelight
  1. 你也许知道《舞台生涯》这部电影。

    You may know this film as limelight .

  2. 尽管卓别林一生只拿到过一次奥斯卡(1952年,卓别林凭《舞台生涯》获得最佳歌曲奖),但他还曾2次获得奥斯卡荣誉奖项。

    Although he only won one Oscar for the Best Score of Limelight ( 1952 ) , he received two honorary Oscars over 40 years apart .

  3. 她在取得舞台生涯的成功后,最终进入电影界发展。

    She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career .

  4. 从30年代她就开始了舞台生涯。

    She commenced her life as an actress in the1930s .

  5. 她渴望在她的舞台生涯中获得成功。

    She is ambitious of success in her stage career .

  6. 获此奖标志着舞台生涯成就的顶峰。

    This award has set the seal on a successful stage career .

  7. 在他的舞台生涯中,他塑造了许多生动且令人难以忘怀的艺术形象。

    During his stage career , he created many lively and unforgettable artistic images .

  8. 我出身于梨园世家,注定要进入舞台生涯。

    Coming from theatrical family , I was destined for a career on the stage .

  9. 在退休前,你特别希望做一件什么事来圆满结束你的舞台生涯呢?

    What 's the one thing you want to cap your stage career with before retirement ?

  10. 他放弃了舞台生涯。

    She abandoned her stage career .

  11. 乡村明星布鲁克斯邓恩结束了20年的舞台生涯,宣布退出。

    Country Stars Brooks & Dunn are actually calling it quits after some nearly 20 years as a duo .

  12. 在赴伦敦举行《舞台生涯》首映典礼的路上,美国司法部长宣布禁止卓别林再度入境美国。

    On his way to London for its premiere [ 3 ] . The US Attorney General had forbidden Chaplin re-entry to the United States .

  13. 2008年她在北京奥运会闭幕式上担任过主要角色。2009年12月31日在北京首都体育馆举办个人演唱会,回顾自己的舞台生涯;

    She had a prominent role during the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and held the concert " 20 Years of Na , " a retrospective of her career , at the Capital Gymnasium , in late 2009 .

  14. 她打算重新开始她的舞台演员生涯。

    She 's attempting to relaunch her career as a stage actor .