
wǔ bàn
  • dancing partner
舞伴 [wǔ bàn]
  • (1) [dancing partner]

  • (2) 舞蹈中的搭挡和伙伴。常指双人舞或交际舞中的双方。需要二者动作协调、配合默契

  • (3) 舞会上陪同跳舞的人

舞伴[wǔ bàn]
  1. 我们就像你们的舞伴,和着生命的旋律翩翩起舞。

    Consider us as your dancing partner as we swing and spin to the rhythm of life together .

  2. 但最大的成就或许是,16年后,韦德能在他的退役之旅中—称为“最后一支舞”—和他最著名的舞伴再次共舞一曲。

    But perhaps the greatest accomplishment is that , after those 16 years , Wade 's retirement tour - deemed " one last dance " - can include another happy spin around the floor with his most famous dancing partner .

  3. 找个舞伴来练习这些新舞步。

    Find a partner and practise these new dance steps .

  4. 成双成对的舞伴在跳贴面舞。

    Couples were dancing cheek to cheek .

  5. 他的工作是在曼哈顿的夜总会陪没有舞伴的女士跳舞。

    He worked as a dancing partner for unescorted ladies at Manhattan cabarets

  6. 她不断地换舞伴。

    She flits from one dance partner to another

  7. 一对舞伴正在舞池里表演。

    A pair of dancers are performing on the dance floor .

  8. 他和他的舞伴领头跳一种快步舞。

    He led off with his companion in a sort of quick-step .

  9. 舞会中漂亮的姑娘都被抢先邀为舞伴。

    The prettiest girls at the dance were grabbed off for partners first .

  10. 我的学校将举行一场舞蹈表演,但男孩子们认为我动作慢,他们都不想当我的舞伴。

    There 'll be a dancing performance in my school , but the boys think I 'm slow , and none of them wants to be my partner .

  11. PHILLIPS:参议员先生,难道你没有一个好的舞伴吗?

    PHILLIPS : Oh . Did you not have a good prom date , Senator ?

  12. 看看那张Mitchell和毕业舞会舞伴妹子握手的照片就知道了。

    That 's why I have a picture of Mitchell and his prom date shaking hands .

  13. 而你的Daniel并不适合,像Serena这样女孩的合适舞伴。Serena只是暂时被他分了心。

    and your Daniel is not a proper companion , for a girl like Serena . He 's a , um , temporary distraction .

  14. escort:护送Serena,亲爱的,这是CarterBaizen,你今晚的舞伴。

    Celia : Serena , darling , this is Carter Baizen , your escort for tomorrow night .

  15. 到了周一,该是适当庆祝一下的时候了。Katy和舞伴一行到了曼彻斯特艾伯特广场的小饭馆聚餐。

    Come Monday , however , it was time to celebrate properly , gathering her dancers and crew together for a meal at The Albert Square Chop House in Manchester .

  16. 后来在高中时,古德伯格的舞会舞伴吉尔·切森(JillChessen)在政治课上总是很安静,课后古德伯格责怪她:“你要勇于表达自己的意见”,切森在一次采访中回忆道。

    Later , when Dave Goldberg was in high school and his prom date , Jill Chessen , stayed silent in a politics class , he chastised her afterward . He said , " You need to speak up , " Ms. Chessen recalled in an interview .

  17. 布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家网站专门为单身旅行者提供旅游指南和当地一流夜总会的VIP优惠服务项目。即使你无缘与夜总会里香艳的名模们坠入爱河,你还是很多机会找到你梦中的那位情人,如你身边翩翩起舞的舞伴。

    ToursGoneWild.com , a guide for singles on the move , offers packages with VIP perks to the best A-list clubs , but even if you don 't luck out with one of the stunning models that frequent them , there 's still plenty of opportunity to meet a fellow single .

  18. 皮埃尔要我跳华尔兹,我需要个舞伴。

    Pierre wants me to waltz and I need a partner .

  19. 前后交替移动向前移动然后又远离舞伴。

    To move toward and then away from a dance partner .

  20. 到时你会很难找到舞伴。

    You 'd have a hard time finding a dance partner .

  21. 而且有很多女士没有舞伴。

    And there was more than one lady without a partner .

  22. 真遗憾,她一直没有舞伴。

    I am so sorry she has not had a partner !

  23. 跳舞是找到表现你与舞伴最好的一面的动作。

    Dancing is about what 's best for both of you .

  24. 伙伴,舞伴你愿意当我的舞伴吗?

    partner ( n. ) Will you be my dance partner ?

  25. 你得再去找一个舞伴了,达芙

    You 'll just have to find another partner , Daph .

  26. 应该做任何事情让他的舞伴感到快乐。

    Should do anything to make his partner feel happy .

  27. 天哪,不要提他那些舞伴了吧。

    For god 's sake , say no more of his partners .

  28. 史密斯太太给每个人都找了舞伴来跳下一支曲子。

    Mrs Smith partnered everyone off for the next dance .

  29. 你是不是选错返校节的舞伴了

    Did you come with the wrong person to homecoming ?

  30. 介意我和你的舞伴跳一支么?

    Do you mind if I dance with your date ?