
wǔ niánɡ
  • dancing girl;dance-hostess;taxi dancer
  1. 你能把ziva想像成肚皮舞娘吗?

    Can you see ziva as a belly dancer ?

  2. 相反,他让脱衣舞娘蒂塔·冯·提斯(DitaVonTeese)和今年Eurovision的获奖者、异装演员肯奇塔·沃斯特(ConchitaWurst)这些八卦小报的宠儿们做奇怪的客串亮相。

    Instead we got gimmicky guest appearances by paparazzi magnets like the stripper Dita Von Teese and the drag performer Conchita Wurst , this year 's Eurovision winner .

  3. 震耳欲聋的音乐,裸露的脱衣舞娘,完全不会分心。

    Loud music , topless women , no distractions at all .

  4. 除非你长大后想当脱衣舞娘。

    Unless you want to grow up to be a stripper .

  5. 登记的所有钱都进了舞娘的腰包喽。

    All money from register went down stripper 's panties .

  6. 恩,我想的就是肚皮舞娘的肚子上有肉在闪

    That 's why I don 't care for belly dance at all

  7. 小妮,去花园叫那些舞娘来。

    Xiao Ni , go to the garden and get the dancers .

  8. 好吧,我是个脱衣舞娘。

    Okay , fine , I 'm a stripper .

  9. 我觉得自己看起来像一个北极钢管舞娘

    Because I kind of feel like I look like a North Pole dancer .

  10. 这里还居住着其他玩家猜猜谁会扮演脱衣舞娘。

    They are also populated by other players - guess who plays the strippers .

  11. 我猜是脱衣舞娘,她身上有一把置物柜钥匙。

    I 'm going to guess stripper . she 's got a locker room key .

  12. 她是这里的招牌舞娘。

    She 's a featured stripper here .

  13. 脱衣舞娘对这种事一看一个准。

    A stripper knows these things .

  14. 返回杜拜之前,聆赏阿拉伯音乐和欣赏阿拉伯肚皮舞娘的表演吧。

    Before returning to Dubai , enjoy Arabic music and Arabian belly dancers ( belly dance ) .

  15. 心缘子龙卡组遭对手晴天克制,舞娘直接被远弓秒掉无奈落败。

    Xinyuan by rival sub-Dragon Group sunny restraint , dancers bow seconds off directly away helpless defeat .

  16. 一入欢场无尽期啊。在你为有怪痣的脱衣舞娘唱曲之前,我能跟你借一步谈谈吗?

    Can I talk to you , before you start performing an acoustic ballad about strippers with moles ?

  17. 但是,研究也发现舞娘面临著缺乏安全和俱乐部的经济剥削。

    However , the study found dancers faced a lack of security and were open to financial exploitation from clubs .

  18. 经济学奖:杰弗瑞·米勒,约书亚·台伯和布兰特·乔丹发现脱衣舞娘在排卵期赚的钱更多。

    Economics : Geoffrey Miller , Joshua Tyber and Brent Jordan for discovering that exotic dancers earn more when at peak fertility .

  19. 接着另一种仪式也会紧接地在竞技场中举行。国王座位底下会有另一扇门打开,牧师率领一群唱诗班缓缓走出,接着用金角吹出欢乐曲调,随着祝婚诗舞动的舞娘并列在两旁;

    Another door opened under the king , and a clergyman , singers , dancers and musicians joined the man and the lady .

  20. 尽管她经常游走于脱衣舞娘和歌手两个身份之间的钢线上,无可否认她有一把非常有力的声线。

    However , despite constantly tiptoeing the fine line between a stripper and a singer , it 's undeniable that she has some powerful vocals .

  21. 我告诉你我们会告诉这儿所有的舞娘你在干什么勾当想看看她们会是什么反应吗

    I 'll tell you what . Let 's tell all the dancers in this place exactly what you 're up to.See how they react , eh ?

  22. 英国利兹大学的专家们对300名脱衣舞娘进行调查,做出此项报道,显示所有受访的脱衣舞娘都完成高中课程,还有一些已经获得高等文凭。

    The study conducted by experts from the University of Leeds , which includes interviews with 300 dancers , showed that all the women interviewed had finished school and gained some qualifications .

  23. 在这些世界中,玩家通常支付月费,换取一个权利,去探索细节极为丰富的三维世界。这些世界里居住着龙或者外星人,在有些情况下,或者还居住着小阿飞和脱衣舞娘。

    In such worlds , players usually pay a monthly fee for the right to explore richly detailed three-dimensional landscapes inhabited by dragons or aliens or , in some cases , punks and strippers .

  24. 我上班第二个星期上司要我帮投资组合经理订一趟赌城豪华贵宾行程,找脱衣舞娘和洽谈他们下班后的按摩地点…有时还要帮他们预定伴游女郎之类的。

    Within my week number two , I was asked to book a VIP trip to Vegas for the portfolio manager and to get strippers and to talk about body rub places they could go after hours ... and sometimes that included having to book their escorts and that sort of thing .