
wǔ tái jù
  • stage play
  1. 杰克曼将会在这部由雨果著名舞台剧改编的电影中扮演JeanValjean,而克劳则会扮演警察Javert。

    Jackman has the role of Jean Valjean and Crowe will play Inspector Javert in the new adaptation of the classic Victor Hugo novel and stage play .

  2. 于1911年出版的小说《小飞侠彼特潘》是由作者巴利的舞台剧演化而来的。

    Peter Pan evolved as a novel , published in 1911 , from Barrie 's stage play .

  3. 有了这些新艺术家,你看到的舞台剧会比你以前看的更富有活力。同样,那也可能是科技进步的一部分。

    With the new artists , you see a more dynamic stage show than you used to see . And again , that 's probably part of the progress of technology .

  4. 好几位社会名流都鼎力支持这部舞台剧,首演非常成功。

    A number of celebrities1 threw their weight behind the production and the opening show was a big success .

  5. 这是一份为叫cat的舞台剧做的海报。

    Marketing poster for " CATS " Musical drama .

  6. 瑞恩•墨菲(RyanMurphy)根据托尼奖得主、百老汇舞台剧《常在我心间》(TheNormalHeart)改编的同名电影将登陆HBO电视台。

    Ryan Murphy 's adaptation of " The Normal Heart " is heading to HBO .

  7. 梦工厂动画(DreamworksAnimation)与2家中国国有媒体集团合作运营一个合资企业,开发电影、电视及舞台剧作品。

    DreamWorks Animation operates a joint venture with two state-owned Chinese media groups to develop film , TV and live stage productions .

  8. 据报道,Cumberbatch已经确认在舞台剧开演前会留出6周的排练和筹备时间。

    Cumberbatch has reported committed to an additional six weeks of rehearsal and preparation time .

  9. 舞台剧的灵感来自于“生活中的故事”,由药物滥用领域里的研究人员和当地的剧作家HowardCraft共同创作。

    Tunnels was inspired by'life stories'developed by counsellors and researchers working in the substance abuse field and by Howard Craft , the local playwright who authored the play .

  10. 这不是杰克逊的音乐首次出现在舞台剧制作中,《ThrillerLive》曾于2009年1月在伦敦西区开演。

    This won 't be the first time that Jackson 's music has been featured in a stage production -- Thriller Live opened in London 's West End in January 2009 .

  11. 她几乎所有拍戏的工作都围绕孩子们的时间表来安排,甚至包括最近的电影:由舞台剧《平常心》(TheNormalHeart)改编的一部片子,讲述的是艾滋病出现初期与之斗争的一些事情,今年五月在HBO电视台播出。

    Almost all of her acting work is shot around their schedule , even her most recent : an adaptation of The Normal Heart , a play about the early fight against AIDS , airing on HBO this month . '

  12. 杜兰商学院的乐高项目就是一个例子,英格兰的华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)最近上演的莎士比亚(Shakespeare)剧作《皆大欢喜》(AsYouLikeIt)也是如此,该舞台剧旨在让学生们接触到复杂的决策和创造性思维。

    The Lego project at Dolan School of Business is one example , as is the recent staging by England 's Warwick Business School of Shakespeare 's As You Like It , designed to expose students to complex decision-taking and creative thinking .

  13. 虽然这家公司也为《妈妈咪呀》(Mammamia)等舞台剧制作黄绿色和梅红色的花哨手套,但它的很多产品是简洁、精妙的美丽物件。

    And while the company does make flashy lime-green-and-fuschia items for stage shows like Mamma Mia , many of its products are simply , subtly beautiful .

  14. 虽然这家公司也为《妈妈咪呀》(MammaMia)等舞台剧制作黄绿色和梅红色的花哨手套,但它的很多产品是简洁、精妙的美丽物件。

    And while the company does make flashy lime-green-and-fuschia items for stage shows like " Mamma Mia , " many of its products are simply , subtly beautiful .

  15. 在离开ITV年代剧《唐顿庄园》后,丹史蒂文斯一直专注于戏剧事业,最近他与女星杰西卡查斯坦一直主演了百老汇舞台剧《女继承人》。

    Since leaving the ITV period drama , Dan has been concentrating on his theatre career , and is recently starred alongside Jessica Chastain in The Heiress on Broadway .

  16. 幸运的是,史蒂文斯得到在百老汇舞台剧《女继承人》(TheHeiress)中担任主角的机会,更幸运的是,编剧、导演斯科特·弗兰克(ScottFrank)有天晚上来看他的表演。

    Fortunately , Mr. Stevens was offered a lead in " The Heiress " on Broadway , and even more fortunately , the writer and director Scott Frank came one night to see him perform .

  17. BenedictCumberbatch出演的舞台剧《哈姆雷特》要2015年夏季才会登上舞台,不过这部莎士比亚舞台剧却早早的已经破了伦敦剧院舞台剧的售票记录了。

    Benedict Cumberbatch will not play Hamlet on the British stage until the summer of 2015 , but the Shakespeare production has already set ticket-sale records for London theater productions .

  18. 作者J.K.罗琳表示,她正在与他人共同制作一部舞台剧,这部新戏剧将讲述魔术师哈利·波特早年未公开的孤儿生活。

    Author J. K. Rowling says she is co-producing a new play about the wizard 's untold earlier years as an orphan and an outcast .

  19. 他参与过许多舞台剧的演出,2009年因《GodofCarnage》得到了托尼奖最佳男演员提名。

    He has performed in a number of stage productions , both on and off Broadway , and has been nominated for the Tony Award as Best Actor for the Broadway play God of Carnage ( 2009 ), along with his other three castmates .

  20. 这部备受期待的舞台剧分为上下两部,长达五个多小时,是J·K·罗琳畅销的七卷本《哈利·波特》小说的续集,你会忍不住想描述它的细节,只为了弄清它是怎么这样成功。

    This eagerly anticipated , two-part , five-hour-plus sequel to J. K. Rowling 's best-selling , seven-volume series of " Harry Potter " novels is the kind of play that you want to describe in detail , if only to help you figure out how it achieves what is does .

  21. Cumberbatch说,Dr.Strange是个很棒的角色,不过他更想把自己的精力集中在莎士比亚的作品上他将会出演电视版的《理查三世》,同时还有舞台剧《哈姆雷特》。

    Cumberbatch does say that Dr. Strange is a great character , but he would likely rather stick with Shakespeare & the actor is starring in Richard III for television and Hamlet on-stage .

  22. 这家律师事务所有一个合唱团,并且组织芭蕾课和舞蹈课,而且,作为去年职工联谊活动的节目之一,他们还演出了舞台剧《潘赞斯的海盗》(thepiratesofpenzance)。

    The law firm has a choir , organises ballet and dance lessons and , as part of its alumni programme last year , staged a performance ofthe Pirates of Penzance .

  23. 他在舞台剧和电影界都获得既叫好又叫座的成功,这一成就堪比奥逊·威尔斯(OrsonWelles)和伊利亚·卡赞(EliaKazan),罕有其他导演能及。

    He accomplished what Orson Welles and Elia Kazan , but few if any other directors have : He achieved popular and artistic success in both theater and film .

  24. 这本新书是《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》舞台剧的剧本,该舞台剧由J.K.罗琳、剧作家杰克·索恩和导演约翰·蒂芙尼共同打磨,并由索恩执笔,在伦敦西区剧院上演。

    The book comes from the script for a West End play based on an original story by J.K. Rowling , Jack Thorne and John Tiffany and written by Thorne .

  25. 这位在HBO奇幻电视剧中饰演雪诺的明星目前正在伦敦约克公爵剧院参演舞台剧《浮士德博士》,在这台剧中,哈灵顿大部分时间都只穿着内裤,到最后还会露得更多。

    The star - who plays Jon Snow in the HBO fantasy series - is currently appearing in Doctor Faustus at the Duke of York Theatre in London , in which he spends most of his time in his pants and eventually shows rather more .

  26. 请给我们三张舞台剧的票。

    We 'd like three tickets for the play , please .

  27. 他一定接到那个舞台剧了。

    I guess he musta gotten the part in that play .

  28. 没有人曾见过这样的一出舞台剧。

    Nobody had ever seen anything like it on the stage .

  29. 你没有出演《彪拉老师》的舞台剧吗?(为什么我没有看到你呢?)

    Didn 't I see you in the play the master builder ?

  30. 他将看舞台剧比喻成欣赏抽象画。

    He compares watching a stage drama to appreciating an abstract painting .