
  • 网络Dance;dans;Sundance
  1. 他们想找什么呢,霍金斯?丹斯先生问道。

    What were they looking for Hawkins ? asked Mr Dance .

  2. 进来,丹斯先生,他说。

    ' Come in , Mr Dance ,' he said .

  3. 丹斯还指出,道富(Statestreet)与中国的一所大学合作,是一个成功利用合作模式进军新市场的例子。这是一种前进的重要方式。

    Ms Dence also pointed to State Street 's partnership with a university in China as an example of successful use of alliances to enter new markets , seen as an important way forward .

  4. 巴厘岛建筑设计师波波•丹斯(PopoDanes)说,在这里置业的人喜欢不同于其祖国的一种感受和体验。丹斯常为客户建造二套房(有时甚至是第三套或第四套房)。

    ' They like to have a different feeling and experience than what they have in their country , ' says Popo Danes , a Balinese architectural designer who often builds second ( and sometimes third and fourth ) homes for his clients .

  5. 乡绅嚷了起来,难道你刚才没有听丹斯说吗?

    Cried the squire . ' Have you heard the story ?

  6. 昨天是超市,今天早上又是个叫丹斯的来的电话。

    Yesterday the supermarket , this morning this guy Danforth calls me .

  7. 丹斯这个名字将会成为一个形容词,先生。

    The name Danforth will become an adjective , sir .

  8. “他们想找什么呢,霍金斯?”丹斯先生问道。

    ' What were they looking for Hawkins ? 'asked Mr Dance .

  9. 我决定帮你解决这个丹斯的问题。

    I 've decided to handle this Danforth matter foryou .

  10. 在晚饭前我们一定能撵碎丹斯。

    And we will crush Danforth before supper time .

  11. 丹斯先生报告了刚才发生的事,那两个人听得津津有味。

    Mr Dance gave his report and both men listened with deep interest .

  12. 那我们去那里吧,弟兄们。丹斯先生说。

    ' So there we go , boys , ' said Mr Dance .

  13. 过了一会儿,丹斯先生走了,我坐下来吃了些东西。

    After that , Mr Dance went away and I was given some food .

  14. 听我说你能来丹斯戴尔和莱明顿街的交叉路口来见我吗

    Listen , could you meet me at the corner of dinsdale and lemington ?

  15. 得请丹斯先生喝点淡啤酒。

    Mr Dance must have some ale . '

  16. 对,说得对,丹斯先生说。

    Quite right , said Mr Dance .

  17. 不过,丹斯上尉回来后说,至少我们解决了皮尤。

    Well , said Captain Dance when he returned , at least we finished off Pew .

  18. 他们中一个人是丹斯上尉,附近一个镇的法官。

    One of the men was Captain Dance , the law officer from the nearby town .

  19. 自从我跟丹斯谈了后?

    Since I dealt with danforth ?

  20. 丹斯先生,乡绅说道,你是个非常高尚的人。

    ' Mr Dance , ' said the squire , ' you are a very noble fellow .

  21. 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。

    Exhausted by their pursuit , Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana .

  22. 李甫西大夫不在家,据说他和乡绅在一起。于是我和丹斯先生去乡绅家。

    Dr Livesey was not at his house but with the squire at his home , so Captain Dance and I went on there .

  23. 我跳起来招呼骑马的人,他们中一个人是丹斯上尉,附近一个镇的法官。

    I jumped up and shouted to the riders . One of the men was Captain Dance , the law officer from the nearby town .

  24. 丹斯表示,整个行业还没有准备采取合作策略,没有看到它对全球运作能力的重要意义。

    The industry in general was not ready for the partnering approach , said Ms dence , and did not rank it as significant for global operating capability .

  25. 当求婚者冲进了神庙的大门,要接近他们所爱恋着的罗丹斯时,狄安娜一怒之下将罗丹斯变成了一枝玫瑰花,将她的求婚者变成了花刺。

    And when the suitors broke down her temple gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe , she became angry turning Rhodanthe into a rose and her suitors into thorns .

  26. 丹斯先生叫我跳下马去敲门,道格让我踩着马镫下了马,我刚敲门,女仆就把门打开了。

    Mr Dance told me to jump down and knock , and Dogger gave me a stirrup to descend by . The door was opened almost at once by the maid .